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Dictionary English German: [T]

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unkempt {adj} [hair which hasn't been combed]
Meh. [I don't care] [coll.]
Meinetwegen. [Mir egal.]
[Don't drink and drive.]Wer fährt, trinkt nicht! Wer trinkt, fährt nicht!
proverb [German hum. proverb, meaning "One has to be brave." or "One mustn't be oversensitive to pain.", literally: "An Indian knows no pain."]Ein Indianer kennt keinen Schmerz. [hum.]
proverb [Rebranding doesn't change the product.]... heißt jetzt Twix™, sonst ändert sich nix. [ugs.] [fig.]
[we/they/you] ain't [coll. or hum.] [aren't][wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht
[we/they/you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. we ain't heard that][wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht [Partizip]
proverb [You don't have to worry if you have no reputation to lose.]Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert.
[you] ain't [coll.] [aren't][du] bist nicht
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [aren't][ihr] seid nicht
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?][du] hast nicht [Partzip]
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?][ihr] habt nicht [Partzip]
Dunno. [sl.] [Don't know.]Weiß nicht.
Dunno. [sl.] [I don't know.]Kein Plan. [ugs.]
Dunno. [sl.] [I don't know.]Keine Ahnung. [ugs.]
Meh. [I don't care] [coll.]Mir egal.
Meh. [I don't know] [coll.]Keine Ahnung.
Meh. [I don't know] [coll.]Weiß nicht.
Meh. [I don't know] [coll.]Was weiß ich?
sb. cain't [Am.] [phonetic spelling of Southern US pronunciation of can't]jd. kann nicht
sb./sth. ain't [nonstandard or hum.] [isn't]jd./etw. ist nicht
sb./sth. ain't [nonstandard] [hasn't]jd./etw. hat nicht
hist. lit. Serapiontic {adj}serapiontisch [bes. E. T. A. Hoffmann]
to fault sb./sth. [usually with negative: e.g. I can't fault him]etwas an jdm./etw. auszusetzen haben
to fit sb./sth. [e.g. the description fits him exactly, the lid doesn't fit the pot]auf jdn./etw. passen [z. B. Beschreibung auf jdn., Deckel auf Dose]
to progress [e.g.: The work is progressing well. / ... isn't progressing.]flecken [regional] [selten] [vorangehen, vorwärtsgehen, z. B.: Heute fleckt die Arbeit (nicht).]
homebody [esp. Am.] [coll.] [sb. who doesn't like to travel]
Reisemuffel {m} [ugs.]
tee [for cable conduit]
Abgang {m} [T-Stück f. Kabelrohre]
cloth. tank [short for: tank top]
Tanktop {n} [ärmelloses T-Shirt]
bot. T
Emmer {m}
ling. [»white grey / gray (horse)« - common example of pleonasm (though these horses usually aren't »white« when young)]weißer Schimmel {m} [häufiges Beispiel für den Pleonasmus (obwohl diese Pferde zu Beginn ihres Lebens meist nicht weiß sind)]
bot. hort. [a plant which doesn't need much attention]eine dankbare Pflanze {f} [fig.] [Topfpflanze, anspruchslos in der Pflege]
ling. phonet. [speech defect / articulation disorder of "t"]Tauzismus {m} [fehlerhafte Aussprache / Fehlbildung des Lautes t]
[The one piece of food left that everybody wants but doesn't dare to eat]Anstandsstück {n} [hum.]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
cloth. gansey [West Indian] [sweater or T-shirt]Pullover {m} [bes. Strickpullover]
orn. T
Piopio {m}
cloth. tanks [short for: tank tops]Tanktops {pl} [ärmellose T-Shirts]
tee [tee piece, T-piece]T-Stück {n}
med. Tregs [coll.] [short for: regulatory T-cells]Tregs {pl} [ugs.] [kurz für: regulatorische T-Zellen]
bot. T
2 Words: Others
..., innit? [Br.] [coll.] [isn't it]..., nicht wahr?
..., innit? [Br.] [coll.] [isn't it]..., gell? [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
..., innit? [Br.] [coll.] [isn't it]..., nicht?
..., innit? [Br.] [coll.] [isn't it]..., oder? [ugs.]
[we/they/you] ain't got sth. [nonstandard] [haven't got sth.] [e.g. we ain't got milk][wir/sie/Sie] haben etw.Akk. nicht [besitzen]
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Q 2009-12-06: He made a mistake and when all of his attempts to eradicate [t]his mistake...

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