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English-German translation for: [They who want to build high towers have to give good consideration to the foundation ]
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Dictionary English German: [They who want to build high towers have to give good consideration to the foundation]

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quote [They who want to build high towers have to give good consideration to the foundation.]Wer hohe Türme bauen will, muss lange beim Fundament verweilen. [Anton Bruckner]
proverb Misery loves company. [People feeling sad want the people they are with to also feel sad.]Elend sucht Elend. [selten]
[Thinking should be left to (the) horses because they have bigger heads.]Das Denken sollte man besser den Pferden überlassen, die haben die größeren Köpfe [Redewendung]
film F Out of the Past [Jacques Tourneur] [British title: Build My Gallows High]Goldenes Gift
baby bats [coll.] [young goths who merely want to provoke]Knuddelgrufts {pl} [ugs.]
to each their own [to each what they deserve or want] [idiom]jedem das Seine [Redewendung]
lit. F The Story of Kaspar Who Did Not Have Any Soup / The Story of Augustus Who Would Not Have Any SoupDie Geschichte vom Suppen-Kaspar [Struwwelpeter / Heinrich Hoffmann]
[we/they/you] wanna [nonstandard] [want to][wir/sie/Sie] wollen
That's what I'm saying! [as response to a person who, while explaining why they are in agreement, mentioned facts that the original speaker had already alluded to or said]Eben!
to stand sb. in good stead [idiom] [give good service]jdm. gute Dienste leisten [Redewendung]
they've [they have]sie haben
to have a gas [coll.] [to have a very good time]Spaß haben
to have a good ear [to have good, accurate hearing]ein gutes Gehör haben
mil. high altitude - high opening <HAHO> [also: high altitude high opening, high-altitude/high-opening]HAHO [Bezeichnung für Fallschirmsprungverfahren: große (Absprung-)Höhe - große Öffnung / Öffnungshöhe]
med. nulliparae [women who have never borne a child]Nulliparen {pl}
med. nulliparas [women who have never borne a child]Nulliparen {pl}
hist. [Poles who migrated to the Ruhr area at the end of the 1800s]Ruhrpolen {pl}
Who'd've ...? [coll.] [Who would have ...?]Wer hätte / wäre ...
new money {sg} [people who have recently become wealthy]Neureiche {pl}
law RealEst. [right to build within the setback]Näherbaurecht {n} [schweiz.]
[people who have lost everything in a fire]Abbrandler {pl} [österr.] [veraltend]
econ. ind. QM build to stock <BTS> [build-ahead production approach]Lagerfertigung {f} [auch: Build-to-Stock, Built-to-Stock]
bibliosmia [neol.] [the sensation caused by the pleasant smell of a good book]Bibliosmie {f}
nottie [sl.] [person who is not good-looking]Vogelscheuche {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.] [hässliche Person]
anniversary of the foundation of [only used this way when the object of the foundation will then be mentioned: ... of XYZ]Gründungsjubiläum {n} [des / der XYZ]
quote [I belong rather to the "old iron" (literally: the scrap heap / here also: the good old stuff) than to the "new sheet iron" (here: the new piffle).]Ich gehöre lieber zum alten Eisen als zum neuen Blech. [u. a. dem Schauspieler Max „Maxi“ Böhm zugeschrieben]
tools RadioTV F sonic screwdriver [fictional tool in the TV series Doctor Who]Schallschraubenzieher {m} [fiktives Werkzeug aus der TV-Serie Doctor Who]
myth. [demon who destroys the crop in the fields]Bilmesschnitter {m} [bayer.]
idiom Who'd have thunk it? [sl., also: Whodathunkit] [Who would have thought it?]Wer hätte das gedacht?
lit. F The Nazi and the Barber [earlier titles: The Nazi and the Barber, a Tale of Vengeance / The Nazi Who Lived As a Jew]Der Nazi & der Friseur [Edgar Hilsenrath]
law [defence based on a misinterpretation of facts which, had they been true, would have been exculpatory]Erlaubnistatbestandsirrtum {m}
sports Unverified top-class reserve [high-skilled player who is only a possible sub in a team]Edelreservist {m}
Internet original poster <OP> [refers to the person who posted the original question or comment]Originalposter {m}
law [defence based on a misinterpretation of facts which, had they been true, would have been exculpatory]Erlaubnistatumstandsirrtum {m} <ETI>
to strike home [to hit the target or have the intended effect]sitzen [ugs.] [richtig treffen oder die gewünschte Wirkung erreichen]
med. Eurotransplant <ET> [short for: Eurotransplant International Foundation]Eurotransplant {f} [kurz für: Eurotransplant International Foundation]
to appear [give the impression]scheinen [den Anschein geben]
competent {adj} [of a good standard but not very good]ganz passabel
[a person who "looks the other way" in the face of a crime or misfortune]Weggucker {m}
acad. property theory [theory based on a constellation of characteristics of the object under consideration]Eigenschaftstheorie {f}
[to give someone the status of civil servant]jdn. verbeamten
gastarbeiter [an immigrant worker, especially one who came to the former West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s]Gastarbeiter {m}
acad. [professor responsible for formulating the topic of an academic thesis, who is not necessarily the student's personal advisor]Themensteller {m} [einer akademischen Qualifikationsarbeit]
acad. [female professor responsible for formulating the topic of an academic thesis, who is not necessarily the student's personal advisor]Themenstellerin {f} [einer akademischen Qualifikationsarbeit]
med. amimia [loss of the power to give facial expression to emotion]mimische Starre {f}
to afford [have the money for]erschwingen
art lit. F On the Spiritual in Art [translated by Hilla Rebay, The S.R. Guggenheim-Foundation, New York, 1946]Über das Geistige in der Kunst [Wassily Kandinsky]
to french sb. [sl.] [to give oral stimulation of the penis]jdm. einen blasen [vulg.]
aloft {adv} [(high) in the air](hoch) in der Luft
to embolden [have the audacity]sichAkk. erkühnen [geh.]
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