| English | German | |
| hence {adv} [for this reason] | 3389 deshalb | |
| thus {adv} [in this way, like this] | 979 so | |
| thus {adv} [literary or formal] [as a result or consequence of this, therefore] | 522 daher [aus diesem Grund, deshalb] | |
| hereof {adv} [concerning this] | 135 diesbezüglich | |
| hence {adv} [as a consequence; for this reason] | 111 mithin [geh.] [folglich; deshalb] | |
| here {adv} [on doing so, in this connection] | 74 hierbei | |
| customary {adj} [in this line of business] | 47 branchenüblich | |
| so {conj} [and for this reason; therefore] | 28 mithin {adv} [geh.] [somit, folglich] | |
| exhaustive {adj} [e.g. this list is not exhaustive] | 22 abschließend [erschöpfend] | |
| just {adv} [this moment] | 12 justament [veraltet] | |
| henceforth {adv} [from this time on] | 7 fürder [veraltet für: von jetzt an, künftig] | |
| [of this year] | diesen Jahres [FALSCH für: dieses Jahres] | |
| endris {adj} [also: ender] [archaic] [this endris night / day] | jüngst vergangen | |
| here {adv} [in this world] [rare] | hienieden [veraltend] [noch regional, poet. od. hum.] [auch: hinieden] | |
| thus {adv} [in this way] | auf diese Weise | |
| until {adv} [e.g. Repeat this procedure until ... ] | so oft ..., bis [Diesen Vorgang so oft wiederholen, bis ... ] | |
Nouns |
| astron. esot. Cancer <♋> [constellation; sign of the zodiac; person born under this sign] | 1074 Krebs {m} <♋> [Sternbild; Sternzeichen; im Zeichen Krebs geborene Person] | |
| epicenter [Am.] [focal point; often considered nonstandard in this sense] | 47 Mittelpunkt {m} | |
| esot. Gemini [a person born under this sign] | 45 Zwilling {m} [im Zeichen Zwillinge geborene Person] | |
| epicentre [Br.] [focal point; often considered nonstandard in this sense] | 6 Mittelpunkt {m} | |
| renumeration [WRONG for: remuneration; this misconstruction occurs much more than the correctly used "renumeration" (= numbering again)] | [Entlohnung, Vergütung etc.] | |
| bandog [archaic in this sense] | Kettenhund {m} | |
| Continental [in this sense chiefly Br.] | Kontinentaleuropäer {m} | |
| gastr. moose [obs.] [rare] [stewed vegetables; a dish of this] | geschmortes Gemüse {n} [auch: gedünstetes Gemüse] | |
| ethn. Sandgroper [coll.] [capital letter in this meaning] | Westaustralier {m} | |
| biol. sex [gender; this usage sometimes seen as incorrect, esp. some academic disciplines] | Geschlecht {n} [Gender] | |
| acad. hist. statistics [obs.] [science dealing with data about the condition of a state] [in this sense, treated as sg.] | Staatenkunde {f} [in diesem Sinne veraltet] | |
2 Words: Others |
| ... this instant. [e.g. Get out of here this instant!] | ..., aber schleunigst. [z. B. Mach dass du fortkommst, aber schleunigst!] | |
| econ. hoc anno {adv} [this year] | hoc anno [h. a.] [in diesem Jahr] [veraltet] | |
| of this {adv} [about this matter] | hiervon [von dieser Sache] | |
| right now {adv} [at this moment] <RN> | gerade (jetzt) | |
| this way {adv} [in this way] | so rum [ugs.] [auf diese Weise] | |
| with this {adv} [saying this] | mit diesen Worten | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be one's [e.g. This is my seat.] | jdm. sein [regional] [ugs.] [gehören] [z. B. Der Platz ist mir.] | |
| to care about sb./sth. [be concerned about; German phrase mostly used negating: I don't care about this.] | jdn./etw. kümmern [jdn. gedanklich beschäftigen; meist verneinend: Das kümmert mich nicht.] | |
| to hold water [fig.] [often used negatively, e.g. "This argument does not hold water."] | Stich halten [fig.] [stichhaltig sein] [meist negativ gebraucht, z. B.: "hält nicht Stich"] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| ind. medium technology <MT> [this term is rarely used as a noun; it is a common adjective] | Mitteltechnologie {f} | |
| next weekend [this weekend; upcoming] | nächstes Wochenende {n} | |
| geogr. Salt River [any of various of this name] | Salzfluß {m} | |
3 Words: Others |
| as much as [almost this amount] | an die [fast, beinahe] | |
| at this juncture {adv} [at this moment] | in diesem Augenblick | |
| at this juncture {adv} [at this point in time] | zu diesem Zeitpunkt | |
| in this vein {adv} [in this manner / direction] | in diesem Stil | |
| law in witness hereof {adv} [in witness of this] | zum Zeugnis hiervon [zu Urkund dessen] | |
| sth. doesn't go here. [e.g. not on this shelf] | etw. gehört nicht hierher. [nicht auf diesen Platz] | |
| Sth. requires / takes sth. [e.g. This preposition requires / takes the dative.] | Nach etw.Dat. steht etw.Nom. [z. B. Nach dieser Präposition steht der Dativ.] | |
| That's not done. [in this country] | Das tut man nicht. [hierzulande] | |
| The objective is ... [This approach is aimed to ...] | Dieser Ansatz zielt darauf ab ... | |
| The objective is ... [This approach is aimed to ...] | Ziel dieses Ansatzes ist (es) ... | |
| This is it. [This is the big moment] [coll.] | Jetzt kommt's drauf an. [ugs.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| gastr. to not agree with sb./sth. [This food doesn't agree with me / my stomach.] | jdm./etw. nicht bekommen [Das Essen bekommt mir / meinem Magen nicht.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| climbing geogr. four-thousand footers <4ks> [New Hampshire mountains at or above this height] | 4000-Footers {pl} [Gruppe von Bergen in New Hampshire, USA, von ≥ 4.000 ft (1.219 m)] | |
| games Head or tail? [this side or that side; often used in plural in tossing a coin to decide a choice, etc.] | Kopf oder Zahl? | |
| ind. medium-high technology <MHT> [this term is rarely used as a noun; it is a common adjective] | Mittelhochtechnologie {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that] | sone [seltener] [so 'ne] [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. sone Jacke] | |
| a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that] | so 'ne [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. so 'ne Jacke] | |
| a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that] | son [seltener] [so 'n] [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. son Mantel/Kleid] | |
| a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that] | so 'n [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. so 'n Mantel/Kleid] | |
| This just isn't on. [coll.] [This is not acceptable.] | Das geht einfach nicht. [ugs.] [Das ist nicht akzeptabel.] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| law A person who [does this] is guilty of an offence. | Wer [dies tut], macht sich strafbar. | |
| law A person who ... [does this] will be liable to prosecution. | Wer ... [dies tut], kann strafrechtlich verfolgt werden. | |
| quote And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. [American Beauty] | An diesem Tag ist mir klar geworden, dass hinter allem Leben steckt. Und diese unglaublich gütige Kraft, die mich wissen lassen wollte, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben. | |
| quote From this place, and from this day forth, commences a new era in the history of the world, and you can all say that you were present at its birth. [classical transl.] | Von hier und heute geht eine neue Epoche der Weltgeschichte aus, und ihr könnt sagen, ihr seid dabei gewesen. [J. W. von Goethe, "Kampagne in Frankreich" nach der Schlacht bei Valmy] | |
| It's not the done thing. [in this country] [mainly Br.] | Das tut man nicht. [hierzulande] | |
| quote Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! [Ronald Reagan] | Herr Gorbatschow, öffnen Sie dieses Tor. Herr Gorbatschow, reißen Sie diese Mauer ein! | |
| film quote This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules. [The Big Lebowski] | Dies ist nicht Vietnam, sondern Bowling. Da gibt es Regeln. | |
| Where do you want this to go? [Where do you want me to put this?] | Wo willst du das hinhaben? [ugs.] | |
| with this end in mind {adv} [with this objective] | mit diesem Ziel vor Augen | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| anniversary of the foundation of [only used this way when the object of the foundation will then be mentioned: ... of XYZ] | Gründungsjubiläum {n} [des / der XYZ] | |
| to-ing and fro-ing [all this to-ing and fro-ing between ...] | Hin und Her {n} [das ganze Hin und Her zwischen ...] | |
| med. torn cartilage (in the knee) [coll.] [often "meniscus tear" is meant by this] | Meniskusriss {m} | |
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