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| transp. to haul sth. [transport goods] | 1520 etw.Akk. transportieren | |
| to haul sth. [transport] | 654 etw.Akk. befördern | |
| tech. to convey sth. [transport] | 144 etw. fördern [befördern, transportieren] | |
| to convey [transport] | 104 überführen [transferieren] | |
| to move sb./sth. [haul, convey, transport] | 97 jdn./etw. transportieren | |
| [to remove ballast from a rail track, in order to impede transport, e.g. of castor containers] | schottern [ugs.] [ein Gleisbett abtragen, um Transporte z. B. von Castor-Behältern zu behindern] | |
| to arrange sth. [drinks, transport] | sich um etw. kümmern | |
| naut. transp. to boat sb./sth. [transport] | jdn./etw. mit einem Boot transportieren | |
| to bus [transport in a bus] | mit einem Bus transportieren | |
| to containerize sth. [pack into containers (for transport)] | etw. in Container verladen | |
| transp. to tanker sth. [transport in a tanker] | etw.Akk. im Tanker transportieren | |
| to trailer sth. [to transport sth. by trailer] | etw.Akk. mit einem/dem Anhänger transportieren [befördern] | |
Nouns |
| transp. haulage {sg} [transport charges] | 672 Transportkosten {pl} | |
| transp. travel carriage [Br.] [transport, conveyance] | 142 Beförderung {f} | |
| transp. pallet [for transport] | 32 Transportpalette {f} | |
| transp. vehicle [means of transport] | 30 Vehikel {n} [Fahrzeug] [oft pej. : altes oder schlechtes Fahrzeug] | |
| rail transp. ridership {sg} [esp. Am.] [number of passengers using a particular form of public transport] | 25 Fahrgastzahlen {pl} [eines bestimmten öffentlichen Verkehrsmittels] | |
| econ. downstream | 22 Downstream {m} [Transport, Verarbeitung, Vertrieb, Industrieanlagen] | |
| transp. conductor [on public transport] | 20 Kontrolleur {m} | |
| transp. vehicles [means of transport] | 20 Vehikel {pl} [Fahrzeuge] | |
| naut. barge [for ocean transport] | 7 Seeleichter {m} | |
| transp. CASTOR® [cask for storage and transport of radioactive material; tradename of the Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service (company for nuclear services)] | 6 CASTOR® {m} [»Fass zur Lagerung und zum Transport radioaktiven Materials«; Markenname der GNS] | |
| hist. rail [a light railway to transport rubble after WWII] | Trümmerbahn {f} | |
| [a type of sled built for transport on the mudflats] | Schlickschlitten {m} [Wattschlitten] | |
| [a type of sled built for transport on the mudflats] | Wattschlitten {m} | |
| transp. [announcement to passengers on Swiss public transport] | ÖV-Durchsage {f} [schweiz.] | |
| naut. [fast transport ship that brought the haul from fishing boats to the harbour] | Jager {m} [schnelles Transportschiff, das den Fang von Fischerbooten zum Hafen brachte] | |
| [Federal Motor Transport Authority] [Germany] | Kraftfahr-Bundesamt {n} [FALSCH für: Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt] | |
| traffic [linked transport system around Vienna] | Verkehrsverbund {m} Ost-Region <VOR> | |
| comm. orn. [transport cage for Harz roller canary] | Harzbauer {m} [Transportkäfig für Harzer Roller] | |
| hist. [transport of prominent Austrians to Dachau concentration camp, 1938] | Prominententransport {m} | |
| aviat. airlifter [an aircraft used to transport cargo or passengers to or from an often otherwise inaccessible area] | Airlifter {m} [Transportflugzeug, bes. als Frachtflugzeug] | |
| routing [transport] | Festlegung {f} der Route [Transport] | |
| routing [transport] | Festlegung {f} des Leitwegs [Transport] | |
| mil. slick [Am.] [nickname for Bell UH-1D transport helicopter] | (Bell UH-1D) Hubschrauber {m} | |
| transp. stillage [transport container] | Gitterbox-Palette {f} | |
| hist. mil. transp. train [military logistics] | Train {m} [militärisches Transport- und Nachschubwesen] | |
| wheels {pl} [coll.] [motorised transport] | fahrbarer Untersatz {m} [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Others |
| easily accessible {adj} [by car or public transport] | verkehrsgünstig | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to bring sth. up [transport upwards] | etw.Akk. heraufbringen | |
| to keep upright [during transport] | aufrecht transportieren | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| Black Maria [coll.] [police van, here: for transport of prisoners] | grüne Minna {f} [ugs.] [veraltet] [Polizeiwagen zum Gefangenentransport] | |
| constr. hist. tools brick hod | Vogel {m} [Behälter für den Transport von Ziegeln] | |
| bike cargo tricycle [e.g. for transport of pets or toddlers] | (Kinder- und) Lastentransportrad {n} | |
| dredging barge | Baggerschute {f} [zum Transport des Baggerguts] | |
| law pol. dry county [Am.] | [Landkreis oder Bezirk, in dem der Verkauf, Ausschank oder Transport von Alkohol stark eingeschränkt oder verboten ist] | |
| econ. Internet QM EDIFACT standard [Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce, and Transport] | EDIFACT-Standard {m} | |
| EU FoodInd. Euro tub [acc. to DIN 9797] [transport container] | Beschickungswagen {m} [nach DIN 9797, Standard-Normwagen] [Nahrungsmittelindustrie] | |
| admin. traffic Highways Agency [an executive agency, part of the Department for Transport in England] | [Behörde in England, die für den Unterhalt der Autobahnen und Fernstraßen zuständig ist] | |
| transp. line haul [transport of goods or people between terminals] | Linienverkehr {m} | |
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