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Dictionary English German: [U S]

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Partial Matches
mil. naut. midshipman [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard]Seekadett {m} [Deutsche Marine] <SKad / SK>
mil. naut. seaman [U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard] <SN>Hauptgefreiter {m} [Deutsche Marine] <HptGefr / HG>
mil. naut. seaman [U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard] <SN>Obergefreiter {m} [Deutsche Marine] <OGefr / OG>
geogr. Mormon culture region [Mormon Corridor, U.S.]Mormonen-Korridor {m} [Mormonenkulturregion, U.S.]
mil. naut. commander [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <CDR>Fregattenkapitän {m} [Deutsche Marine] <FKpt / FK>
mil. naut. seaman apprentice [U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard] <SA>Gefreiter {m} [Deutsche Marine] <Gefr / G>
mil. naut. seaman recruit [U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard] <SR>Matrose {m} [Deutsche Marine] <Matr / S>
mil. naut. lieutenant commander [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <LCDR>Korvettenkapitän {m} [Deutsche Marine] <KKpt / KK>
mil. naut. ensign [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard]Leutnant zur See {m} [Deutsche Marine] <Lt zS / LZS>
mil. naut. chief petty officer [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <CPO>Hauptbootsmann {m} [Deutsche Marine] <HptBtsm / HB>
mil. petty officer second class [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <PO2>Maat {m} [Deutsche Marine] <MT>
mil. naut. petty officer third class [U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard] <PO3>Oberstabsgefreiter {m} [Deutsche Marine] <OStGefr / OSG>
mil. naut. petty officer third class [U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard] <PO3>Stabsgefreiter {m} [Deutsche Marine] <StGefr / SG>
mil. naut. petty officer first class [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <PO1>Bootsmann {m} [Deutsche Marine] <Btsm / B>
mil. naut. petty officer first class [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <PO1>Oberbootsmann {m} [Deutsche Marine] <OBtsm / OB>
mil. naut. petty officer second class [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <PO2>Obermaat {m} [Deutsche Marine] <OMaat / OMT>
mil. naut. senior chief petty officer [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <SCPO>Stabsbootsmann {m} [Deutsche Marine] <StBtsm / SB>
mil. naut. rear admiral (lower half) [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <RADM (LH)>Flottillenadmiral {m} [Deutsche Marine] <FltlAdm / FADM>
mil. corpsman [U.S. Navy and U.S. Marines]Sanitäter {m}
geogr. New England States [U.S.]neuenglische Bundesstaaten {pl} [U.S.]
mil. naut. lieutenant (junior grade) [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <LTJG>Oberleutnant zur See {m} [Deutsche Marine] <OLt zS / OLZS>
mil. naut. (command) master chief petty officer [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <MCPOC/ MCPO>Oberstabsbootsmann {m} [Deutsche Marine] <OStBtsm/OSB>
mil. naut. [officer candidate no equivalent in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard]Oberfähnrich zur See {m} [Deutsche Marine] <OFähnr zS / OFRZS>
mil. naut. [officer candidate, no equivalent in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard]Fähnrich {m} zur See [Deutsche Marine] <Fähnr zS / FRZS>
mil. naut. Lieutenant [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <Lt / LT / Lieut / LEUT>Stabskapitänleutnant {m} [Deutsche Marine] <StKptLt / SKL>
mil. naut. rear admiral (upper half) [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <RADM (UH)>Konteradmiral {m} [Deutsche Marine] <KAdm / KADM>
mil. naut. Lieutenant [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <Lt / LT / Lieut / LEUT>Kapitänleutnant {m} [Deutsche Marine] <KptLt / KL / KaLeu [auch Anrede: Herr / Frau KaLeu]>
mil. naut. vice admiral [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <VADM>Vizeadmiral {m} [Deutsche Marine] <VAdm / VADM>
mil. naut. admiral [U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard] <ADM>Admiral {m} [Deutsche Marine] <Adm>
hist. mil. dungarees {pl} [20th-century U.S. Navy working uniform or (part of a) Marines battle dress][ehem. Arbeitsuniform der U.S. Navy, bzw. Uniformteil (auch: die gesamte Felduniform) der Marines]
Usonian [U.S. inhabitant, derived from Frank Lloyd Wright's word "Usonia"]US-Amerikaner {m}
hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the German Wehrmacht's airborne corps]General {m} der Fallschirmtruppe <Gen.d.Fallsch.Tr.>
med. Pott's fracture [also: Pott's syndrome I] [archaic, or coll. in the U.S. for a bimalleolar fracture]Pott-Fraktur {f} [veraltend]
and so on {adv} <etc., ASO> [not: "a.s.o."; "ASO" in texting]und so weiter <usw., u. s. w.> [„u. s. w.“ veraltet, heute selten]
hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent in aviator's branch of the Wehrmacht]General {m} der Flieger <G.d.Fl., GdFl., Gen.d.Fl.>
hist. mil. bushwhackers [U.S. guerrillas]Bushwhacker {pl}
hist. Confederacy [U.S. history]Konföderation {f}
mil. aviation brigade [U.S. army]Heeresfliegerbrigade {f}
law youthful offender [U.S. law]Jugendstraftäter {m}
pol. President's Daily Bulletin [less common for: President's Daily Brief] [U.S.]President's Daily Brief {m} <PDB> [USA]
geogr. meteo. snowbelt [also: Snow Belt / U.S.]Schneegürtel {m}
pol. GOP-led {adj} [U.S.]republikanisch geführt [USA]
hist. Civil War [U.S. history]Amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg {m}
geogr. Great Basin [U.S.]Großes Becken {n} [USA]
gastr. hog jowl [esp. Southern U.S.]Schweinsbacke {f}
hist. pol. Neutrality Acts [U.S., 1935-39]Neutralitätsgesetze {pl}
standard deduction [U.S. income tax]Pauschbetrag {m}
admin. unemployment office [U.S]Arbeitsmarktservice {n} <AMS> [österr.]
geogr. Virgin Islands <.vi> [U.S.]US-Jungferninseln {pl}
hist. War of Secession [U.S. history]Sezessionskrieg {m}
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