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| Brummagem {adj} [also: brummagem] [coll.] [relating to Birmingham, UK, or the dialect of English spoken there] | birminghamsch | |
| archi. hist. sociol. Edwardian {adj} [referring to UK history between 1901 and 1910] | Edwardisch [bezogen auf das Vereinigte Königreich zwischen 1901 und 1910] | |
Nouns |
| spazz [sl.] [also: spaz] [highly offensive in UK] | 45 Depp {m} [ugs.] | |
| pol. surgery [UK] [of an MP, city councillor, lawyer etc.] | 30 Sprechstunde {f} [eines Politikers, einer Beratungsstelle etc.] | |
| spazzes [sl.] [highly offensive in UK] [clumsy or awkward people] | 8 Spastis {pl} [derb] [pej.] | |
| admin. jobs Unverified [something like the surgeon general or the head of the CDC in the USA or health minister in the UK, Canada or Australia] | Gesundheitsvorsteher {m} [schweiz.] | |
| automot. [the members of the patrol force of the ADAC, Germany; equivalent to the AA and RAC in the UK or the AAA in the USA.] | die Gelben Engel {pl} | |
| geogr. Brum [coll.] [Birmingham, UK] | Birmingham {n} | |
| jobs med. consultant [UK] | leitender Oberarzt {m} | |
| chem. transp. HazChem [hazardous chemical code system; warning plate system used in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and the UK for vehicles transporting hazardous substances, and on storage facilities] | HazChem-Code {m} [gefährliche Chemikalien] | |
| pol. remainer [person in favour of the UK remaining in the European Union] | Brexit-Gegner {m} | |
| hist. pol. Whigs [England, Scotland, GB, UK] | Whigs {pl} [Bewegung, Partei bis 1859] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| ling. Brummagem dialect [coll.] [dialect spoken in Birmingham, UK] | Birminghamer Dialekt {m} | |
| pol. federate state [Land (in the official English version of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany and in UK parliamentary proceedings)] | Bundesland {n} [Land] | |
| law grand jury [Am.] [indicting jury - obs. in UK] | Großes Geschworenengericht {n} | |
| med. jock itch [tinea cruris (in the U.S.), tinea inguinalis (in the UK)] | Leistenflechte {f} | |
| telecom. local code [UK] | Telefonvorwahl {f} | |
| law pol. Lord Chancellor [UK] | Justizminister {m} | |
| pol. Number Ten <No. 10> [Downing Street] [UK] | Downing Street {f} [Haus Nr. 10, Sitz des britischen Premierministers] | |
| admin. jobs permanent secretary <PUS> | Staatssekretär {m} [UK] [entspricht Ministerialrat] | |
| scheduled monument [in the UK] | Scheduled Monument {n} [geschützte archäologische Stätte im Vereinigten Königreich] | |
| tech. split cotter [neologism] [split pin (UK usage), cotter pin (US usage)] | Splint {m} | |
| travel TrVocab. sun club [UK] [NZ] [naturist club] | Nudistenclub {m} [FKK-Club] | |
| TaxPayers' Alliance [UK] | Steuerzahlerbund {m} [UK] | |
| pol. Universal Credit [pooled social security benefits in the UK] | [zusammengefasste Sozialleistungen in Großbritannien] | |
| vaccary fence [Br.] [for restraining cattle, made of thin slabs of stone placed upright] | [Weideeinzäunung aus regionalen Steinen, üblich im Norden des UK] | |
| hist. western Allies [US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand] | Westalliierte {pl} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| a dessertspoonful (of sth.) <DSP, dsp.> [Cochleare modicum] [in the UK considered to be 11.8 millilitres when used as a measurement] | ein Kinderlöffel {m} (voll) etw. [Rezeptanweisung] | |
| mil. Chief Warrant Officer <CWO> | [höherer Unteroffiziers- oder niedriger Offiziersrang bei den Land- und Seestreitkräften verschiedener anglophonen Ländern wie UK, USA usw.] | |
| cloth. mil. field service cap [officially in the UK and Commonwealth countries] | Schiffchen {n} | |
| pol. Five Eyes alliance [coll.] [agreement among UK, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand] | Fünf-Augen-Allianz {f} [auch: Allianz der fünf Augen] | |
| admin. med. Health Protection Agency <HPA> [UK] | Amt {n} für Gesundheitsschutz | |
| med. high dependency (unit) [UK] | Intensivüberwachungspflege {f} [Krankenhausstation] | |
| law joint criminal enterprise <JCE> [UK law] | gemeinsames kriminelles Unternehmen / Unterfangen {n} | |
| traffic transp. travel national cycle route [in the UK] | Fernradweg {m} [Großbritannien] | |
| occupational pension scheme [UK] | betriebliche Altersvorsorge {f} | |
| fin. pol. Public Accounts Committee [Br.] [UK parliament] | Haushaltsausschuss {m} | |
| short demy paper [paper size in the UK] | Kanzleipapier {n} [Papiergröße in Großbritannien] | |
| relig. St Leonard's day [UK] | Leonhardi {n} [bayer.] | |
| law statutory maternity pay [UK] | gesetzliches Mutterschaftsgeld {n} | |
| curr. ten pound note [esp. UK] | Zehnpfundnote {f} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| art law acceptance in lieu scheme <AiL> [UK] | Begleichung {f} von Erbschaftssteuern durch Kunstwerke [auch bekannt als "Kunst statt Steuern"-Regelung] | |
| Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament <CND> [UK] | Kampagne {f} für nukleare Abrüstung [auch: Kampagne zur nuklearen Abrüstung] | |
| pol. Employment and Support Allowance <ESA> [UK] [also: employment and support allowance] | Beschäftigungs- und Unterstützungsbeihilfe {f} [Vereinigtes Königreich] | |
| pol. Father of the House [UK] | Alterspräsident {m} [Parlament] | |
| law indefinite leave to remain <ILR> [UK] | unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis {f} [Vereinigtes Königreich] | |
| Motor Vehicle Registration Authority [Germany, UK] | Kfz-Zulassungsbehörde {f} | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference] | Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz] | |
| law detention at Her Majesty's pleasure <detention at HMP> [UK law since 2000] | lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe {f} [UK-spez. Besonderheit: «HMP»] | |
| fin. stocks Financial Times Stock Exchange Index <FTSE> | Financial Times Stock Exchange Index {m} [UK Börsenindizes z. B. FTSE-100] | |
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