| English | German | |
| top {adj} [upper, superior, upstairs] | 196 obere | |
| FireResc med. elevated {adj} {past-p} [e.g. head, leg, upper body] | 17 hochgelagert [Extremität] | |
| U {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [characteristic of or appropriate to the upper class] | oberschichtstypisch [charakteristisch für die britische Oberschicht oder ihren Normen entsprechend] | |
| uptown {adj} [esp. Am.] [from the better part of town, fig. for: upper-class] | aus besseren Kreisen [nachgestellt] | |
Nouns |
| sociol. gentry [upper class] | 461 Oberschicht {f} | |
| sociol. gentry [upper class] | 94 Oberklasse {f} | |
| cloth. sports bib [a loose-fitting sleeveless garment worn on the upper body for identification] | 37 Leibchen {n} | |
| hunting zool. ivory [upper canine tooth; deer] | 29 Grandel {f} [Eckzahn im Oberkiefer beim Rotwild] | |
| educ. [vocationally-oriented upper secondary school] | 28 Fachoberschule {f} | |
| archi. arcade [outdoor access to upper floors] | 17 Laubengang {m} | |
| ceiling [upper limit] | 15 Höchstgrenze {f} | |
| debutante [girl or young woman regarded as being upper-class and of a frivolous social set] | 12 [leichtlebige junge Frau der Oberklasse, vermögendes Partygirl] | |
| pol. Bundesrat [upper house of the German or Austrian legislative or the chief executive authority of Switzerland] | 11 Bundesrat {m} | |
| cloth. vamp [upper front part of a boot or shoe] | 7 Blatt {n} [Schuhblatt] | |
| dent. buckteeth [coll.] [pej.] [projecting upper front teeth] | 5 Hasenzähne {pl} [ugs.] [oft pej.] [vorstehende obere Vorderzähne] | |
| hist. [food for the upper classes] | Herrenspeise {f} | |
| relig. [traditional pilgrimage with horses, esp. in Upper Bavaria, Germany] | Georgiritt {m} [Pferdewallfahrt zu Ehren des heiligen Georg] | |
| gastr. [upper fillet portions of spiny dogfish] | Seeaal {m} [grätenfreie Rückenstücke des Dornhais] | |
| geogr. [Upper Franconia and parts of Middle Franconia] | Bierfranken {n} [ugs.] [Oberfranken und mittelfränkische Regionen] | |
| educ. [upper vocational school in Germany] | Berufsoberschule {f} [Deutschland] | |
| archi. coving [upper storey] | überhängendes Obergeschoss {n} | |
| hist. tools handstone [upper stone of a hand quern] | Läufer {m} [Reibekugel] | |
| handstone [upper stone of a hand quern] | Reibekugel {f} [bewegter oberer Mahlstein] | |
| geogr. Haslital [upper Aare watershed in Switzerland] | Haslital {n} | |
| fish T | | |
| geogr. Kaiserstuhl [low mountain range in the Upper Rhine Valley] | Kaiserstuhl {m} | |
| lambrequin [a drapery covering the upper part of a window or doorway] | Lambrequin {m} [österr.] [sonst veraltet] | |
| fish T | | |
| geol. Pennsylvanian [Upper / Late Carboniferous] | Pennsylvanium {n} [Oberkarbon] | |
| geogr. Rotten [name of Rhône headwaters in Upper Valais (Switzerland)] | Rotten {m} [Oberlauf der Rhone im deutschsprachigen Teil des Wallis (Schweiz)] | |
| theatre the gods {pl} [Br.] [upper balconies] | der Olymp {m} [höchste Galerie] | |
| top [upper surface] | obere Seite {f} | |
| hunting tusk [in the upper jaw of a male wild boar] | Haderer {m} [fachspr.] [Eckzahn im Oberkiefer eines Keilers] | |
| hunting tusk [in the upper jaw of a male wild boar] | Hadrer {m} [fachspr.] [Haderer] | |
| hunting zool. tusks {pl} [upper and lower canine teeth that protrude from the mouth of adult male wild boar] | Gewaff {n} [Gruppe der aus dem Kiefer seitlich der Schnauze hervortretenden Eckzähne des Keilers] | |
| upperpart [part lying on the upper side (as of a bird)] | Oberseite {f} | |
| bot. vexillum [upper petal of a papilionaceous flower] | Fahne {f} [oberes, größtes Blütenblatt bei Schmetterlingsblütlern] | |
2 Words: Others |
| non-U {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [non-upper class] | unfein | |
| non-U {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [non-upper class] | nicht vornehm | |
| FireResc med. propped up {adj} {past-p} [e.g. head, leg, upper body] | hochgelagert [Extremität, Kopf] | |
| geol. Upper Carboniferous {adj} [also: upper Carboniferous] | oberkarbonisch | |
| geol. Upper Eocene {adj} [also: upper Eocene] | obereozän | |
| geol. Upper Miocene {adj} [also: upper Miocene] | obermiozän | |
| geol. Upper Permian {adj} [also: upper Permian] | oberpermisch | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| geogr. hydro. Alb (River) [Upper Rhine] | Alb {f} [Fluss] [Oberrhein] | |
| comp. architectural style [of upper software layer] | Architekturmuster {n} | |
| bat wings {pl} [coll.] [flappy undersides of the upper arms] | Winkfett {n} [ugs.] | |
| dent. buck tooth [an upper tooth that projects over the lower lip] | Hasenzahn {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.] | |
| geogr. Burkina Faso <.bf> [formerly Upper Volta] | Burkina Faso {n} [ehemals Obervolta] | |
| cake-eater [sl.] [sb. with upper-class background] | [Person aus der Oberschicht] | |
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