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English-German translation for: [WWII]
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Dictionary English German: [WWII]

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
hist. goon [Br.] [coll.] [guard in a German prisoner-of-war camp during the WWII]
Wache {f} [Wachposten / Aufseher in einem deutschen Kriegsgefangenenlager im 2. WK]
archi. RealEst. [pre-WWII residential building]
Altbau {m}
archi. RealEst. [flat /apartment in a pre-WWII tenement]
Altbauwohnung {f}
weapons bazooka [coll.] [WWII, common name of man-portable recoilless antitank rocket launchers] [also referred to as: stovepipe]
[2. WK, Synonym für tragbare reaktive Panzerabwehrbüchse der US-Streitkräfte]
weapons Panzerfaust [anti-tank weapon used in WWII]
Panzerfaust {f}
hist. mil. skipjack [rare] [a type of WWII mine]
Stehaufmännchen {n} [selten] [Art Mine im 2. WK]
mil. naut. [WWI and WWII, esp. in U-boat terminology, a war cruise or combat patrol against the enemy]
Feindfahrt {f} [1. und 2. WK Marinejargon]
hist. rail [a light railway to transport rubble after WWII]Trümmerbahn {f}
mil. [derogatory acronym for "Greatest Field Commander of all Time", a title initially publicized by Nazi propaganda to refer to Adolf Hitler during the early years of WWII]GröFaZ {m} [ugs.] [auch: Gröfaz] [abfälliges Kürzel für "Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten", Nazi-Propaganda-Bezeichnung für Adolf Hitler aus den Anfangsjahren des 2. WK]
hist. [heavy labour bonus: supplementary food ration for manual workers during WWII Germany, in work and concentration camps as well as later in the early GDR]Schwerarbeiterzulage {f} [Zusätzliche Essensration]
weapons [WWII, common name of the man-portable, re-usable, recoilless antitank rocket laucher M 54]Panzerschreck {m} 54 [2. WK, deutsche reaktive wiederverwendbare Panzerabwehrwaffe]
mil. [WWII, German armed forces, nickname for graduates of abbreviated training courses]Notkonfirmierte {pl}
weapons [WWII, German light man-portable antitank rifle]Panzerabwehrbüchse {f} 38/39 [2. WK, leichte Panzerabwehrwaffe]
mil. [WWII, German nickname of the Soviet submachine gun PPSh 41]Balalaika {f} [ugs.] [2. WK, Spitzname der sowjetischen MPi PPSh 41]
mil. Digger [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [esp. WWI and WWII: an Australian, esp. a soldier]Aussie {m} [ugs.] [auch Aussi] [Australier]
aviat. hist. mil. gunbird [WWII, Germany, nickname of the Ju 87 G ground attack aircraft]Kanonenvogel {m} [2. WK, Spitzname des Ju 87 G Schlachtflugzeuges]
cloth. mil. suntans {pl} [coll.] [WWII, U.S. Forces summer uniform][2. WK, umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung der Sommeruniform, US Streitkräfte]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. assault artillery [WWII, German Armed Forces]Sturmartillerie {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht]
hist. mil. assault engineers [WWII, German Armed Forces]Sturmpioniere {pl} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht]
hist. mil. weapons buzz bomb [coll.] [WWII, nickname of the German V1-flying bomb] [also known as doodlebug][2. WK, englischer Spitzname der deutschen V-1-Vergeltungswaffe Fi 103]
hist. CARE packages [WWII]Carepakete {pl} [2. WK]
hist. mil. naut. commerce raider [WWI and WWII Geman Navy]Handelsstörer {m}
hist. mil. Eastern Campaign [WWII, Germany]Ostfeldzug {m} [2. WK, Deutschland]
hist. mil. glider infantry [WWII]Luftlandeinfanterie {f}
hist. Gothic Line [Linea Gotica, WWII]Gotenstellung {f}
comm. illicit trade [esp. during the post WWII period]Schleich {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [veraltet] [Schleichhandel]
hist. mil. Karl-Gerät [German 60 cm mortar in WWII]Mörser Karl {m} [Gerät 040/041]
hist. naut. liberty ship [WWII]Libertyschiff {n}
hist. naut. liberty ship [WWII]Liberty-Frachter {m} [im 2. WK]
hist. mil. naut. merchant raider [WWI and WWII Geman Navy]Handelsstörer {m}
hist. Moaning Minnie [Br.] [military sl. for WWII German rocket launcher]Nebelwerfer {m} [2. WK]
cloth. mil. officer's pink [coll.] [WWII, uniform trousers of gabardine, worn by U.S. Army officers][2. WK, ugs. für Uniformhose aus Gabardine, getragen von Offizieren der US-Armee]
hist. law posthumous marriage [here: WWII, Germany]Totenehe {f} [ugs.] [postume Eheschließung] [Deutsches Eherecht im 2. Weltkrieg]
hist. ration book [handed out to each individual in WWII, actually rationing food, clothes, furniture and petrol]Lebensmittelkarte {f} [immer dann, wenn von Lebensmitteln die Rede ist]
hist. mil. Russian campaign [of Germany against Russia in WWII]Russlandfeldzug {m}
weapons shu mine [Am.] [WWII, nickname of the German antipersonnel mine "Schützenmine 42"][2. WK, amerikanischer Spitzname der deutschen Schützenmine 42]
hist. Wahlen Plan [programme to raise Swiss food production during WWII]Plan {m} Wahlen [Anbauschlacht] [schweiz.]
hist. mil. western campaign [WWII, Germany]Westfeldzug {m} [2. WK, Deutschland]
hist. mil. Zirkus Rosarius [nickname of the second 2nd of the experimental unit of Luftwaffe High Commandalso also known as the Wanderzirkus Rosarius] [WWII]Zirkus {m} Rosarius [Spitzname der 2. Staffel des Versuchsverbandes des Oberbefehlshabers der Luftwaffe, auch Wanderzirkus Rosarius] [2.WK]
3 Words: Nouns
med. mil. battalion of convalescents [WWII]Genesendenbataillon {n} [auch: Genesenden-Bataillon] [2. WK]
med. mil. battalion of convalescents [WWII]Genesungsbataillon {n} [2. WK]
hist. battle for cultivation [programme to raise Swiss food production during WWII]Anbauschlacht {f} [schweiz.] [auch: Plan Wahlen]
hist. mil. Battle of Britain [WWII]Luftschlacht {f} um England
hist. mil. combating of bandits [also: combating banditry] [WWII, Nazi term for combating of partisans]Bandenbekämpfung {f} [2. WK, Nazi-Begriff für Partisanenbekämpfung]
mil. control room mate [WWII-era submarine personnel]Zentralemaat {m}
hist. double summer time [moving clocks ahead by 2 hours during WWII]doppelte Sommerzeit {f} [Vorstellen der Uhren um 2 Stunden während des 2. Weltkriegs]
aviat. hist. mil. enemy aircraft incursion [WWII, German Luftwaffe term]Feindeinflug {m}
Free Indian Legion [WWII, German Armed Forces] [also: Indian Legion, Infantry Regiment 950 or Azad Hind Legion]Legion Freies Indien {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] [auch: Indische Legion, Infanterie-Regiment 950 oder Azad Hind Legion]
hist. mil. Führer Escort Brigade [WWII German armored brigade]Führerbegleitbrigade {f} <FBB>
hist. mil. weapons heavy tank battalion [WWII, German Armed Forces]schwere Panzerabteilung {f} <sPzAbt, s.Pz.Abt.> [auch: schwere Panzer-Abteilung]
hist. mil. weapons heavy tank destroyer [Jagdpanzer VI "Hunting Tiger", WWII Germany]Jagdpanzer VI {m} Jagdtiger
aviat. hist. inverted gull wing [WWII]invertierter Knickflügel {m} [2. WK]
hist. mil. ninety-day wonder [coll. for an officer commissioned after an unusually short training] [WWII, U.S. Armed Forces][2. WK, umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung in den US-Streitkräften für kurzausgebildete Offiziere]
weapons shu-box mine [Am.] [WWII, nickname of the German antipersonnel mine "Schützenmine 42"][2. WK, amerikanischer Spitzname der deutschen Schützenmine 42]
aviat. hist. mil. Tame Boar method [WWII, German Air Force]Verfahren {n} Zahme Sau [2. WK, Nachtjagdverfahren der deutschen Luftwaffe]
hist. mil. The Triple Nickles [WWII, nickname of the US Army 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion]Die drei Fünfer {pl} [2. WK, Spitzname des 555. Fallschirm-Infanterie-Bataillons der US-Armee]
4 Words: Nouns
(four) main victorious powers [WWII](vier) Hauptsiegermächte {pl} [2. WK]
mil. naut. attack personnel transport ship [WWII, US Navy] <APA ship>Angriffstruppentransporter {m}
hist. mil. campaign in the west [WWII, Germany]Westfeldzug {m} [2. WK, Deutschland]
aviat. hist. mil. Normandie-Niemen fighter squadron [of French Air Force in WWII]Jagdfliegergeschwader {n} Normandie-Njemen [2. WK, Frankreich]
hist. mil. the German Panzer Arm [WWII, the German tank arm]die deutsche Panzerwaffe {f} [2. WK, die dt. Panzerstreitkräfte]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. air force / Luftwaffe field division [WWII, German Armed Forces]Luftwaffenfelddivision {f} <LFD> [2. WK, Wehrmacht]
hist. mil. recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves [WWII, Germany]Eichenlaubträger {m} [Träger des Eichenlaubs zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes]
hist. pol. the Miracle on the Rhine [coll.] [Wirtschaftswunder, economic miracle] [reconstruction of Germany after WWII]Wirtschaftswunder {n}
optics U-boat target optical sight [German WWII submarine apparatus]U-Boot-Zieloptik {f} <UZO>
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