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English-German translation for: [Washington]
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Dictionary English German: [Washington]

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pol. Alki [also: Al-ki] [USA] [Washington state motto (Chinook Jargon): By and by / Some day][Motto des US-Staates Washington; Chinook-Jargon: Irgendwann]
rail metro [in Paris, Washington etc.]
Metro {f}
geogr. Seattle [U.S. state of Washington]
Seattle {n} [im US-Bundesstaat Washington]
geogr. Boswash [Am.] [coll.][dicht bevölkerte Region zwischen Boston und Washington, D.C.]
geogr. pol. Olympia [capital of the State of Washington, USA]Olympia {n} [Hauptstadt vom US-Bundesstaat Washington]
2 Words
rail by metro {adv} [in Paris, Washington etc.]mit der Metro
rail by metro {adv} [in Paris, Washington etc.]mit der U-Bahn
pol. Justitia omnibus. [USA] [District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) state motto: Justice for all.]Gerechtigkeit für alle. [Motto des US-Staates District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.)]
geogr. Chinook State [nickname] [State of Washington][Spitzname für den Bundestaat Washington, USA]
geogr. Emerald City [nickname for Seattle, WA]smaragdgrüne Stadt {f} [auch: Smaragdstadt] [Spitzname für Seattle, US-Staat Washington]
geogr. Emerald State [nickname] [State of Washington][Spitzname für den Bundesstaat Washington, USA]
geogr. Evergreen State [official nickname] [State of Washington]Immergrüner Staat {m} [Spitzname für den Bundestaat Washington, USA]
hist. Lincoln MemorialLincoln Memorial {n} [berühmtes Denkmal in Washington, D.C.]
geogr. Rain City [nickname for Seattle, WA]Regenstadt {f} [selten] [Spitzname für Seattle, US-Staat Washington]
geogr. Tidal Basin [District of Columbia][teilweise künstlich angelegter Zufluss des Potomac River in Washington D.C]
pol. Washington ConsensusWashingtoner Konsens {m} [selten für: Konsens von Washington]
3 Words
geogr. idiom pol. on Capitol Hill {adv} [Washington, D.C.]im Regierungsviertel [Washington, D.C.]
rail on the metro {adv} [in Paris, Washington etc.]mit der Metro
rail on the metro {adv} [in Paris, Washington etc.]mit der U-Bahn
(United States) CapitolKapitol {n} [Washington]
geogr. District of Columbia <D.C., DC> [Am.][Territorium der US-Hauptstadt Washington, DC (Bundesgebiet)]
geogr. Green Tree State [nickname] [State of Washington][Spitzname für den Bundestaat Washington, USA]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Rip Van Winkle [Washington Irving]Rip van Winkle
lit. F The Legend of Sleepy Hollow [Washington Irving]Die Sage von der schläfrigen Schlucht
lit. F The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. [Washington Irving]Das Skizzenbuch
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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