| English | German | |
| naut. port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. engine, helm, side, watch] | 865 Backbord- [z. B. Motor, Ruder, Seite, Wache] | |
| Careful! [Watch out!] | 439 Vorsicht! | |
| by {prep} [according to] [e.g. by my watch, by today's standards] | 53 nach [+Dat.] [z. B. nach meiner Uhr, nach heutigen Maßstäben] | |
Verbs |
| to observe sb./sth. [watch] | 5174 jdn./etw. beobachten | |
| to observe sb./sth. [watch] | 611 jdn./etw. betrachten | |
| to observe sth. [notice, watch] | 510 etw.Akk. feststellen [wahrnehmen, beobachten] | |
| to see [watch] | 487 zusehen | |
| to observe sb./sth. [watch carefully] | 469 jdn./etw. überwachen [genau beobachten] | |
| to wear sth. [e.g. ring, watch, necklace, neck pouch] | 447 etw. tragen [am Körper: z. B. Ring, Armbanduhr, Halskette, Brustbeutel] | |
| to observe sb./sth. [watch carefully] | 427 jdn./etw. observieren [überwachen, beobachten] | |
| to police sb./sth. [monitor / watch closely] | 248 jdn./etw. überwachen | |
| to stalk [illegally follow and watch sb.] | 44 stalken [jdm. nachstellen] | |
| to watch sb./sth. [keep watch] | 35 jdn./etw. bewachen | |
| to shepherd sb. [watch over carefully] | 32 jdn. beaufsichtigen [Kinder etc.] | |
| to wake [archaic] [or dialect] [keep watch over] | 23 wachen [z. B. am Bett eines Kranken] | |
| film RadioTV to scrutinize [watch carefully] | 20 visionieren [schweiz.] [sich einen Film etc. prüfend ansehen] | |
Nouns |
| watches hand [clock, watch] | 148 Zeiger {m} | |
| watches hand [clock, watch] | 99 Uhrzeiger {m} | |
| watches hands [analogue watch] | 46 Zeiger {pl} [analoge Uhr] | |
| ticker [coll.] [watch] | 29 Uhr {f} | |
| watches crystal [watch glass] | 13 Uhrglas {n} | |
| watches finger [watch or clock hand] | 13 Zeiger {m} | |
| watches bezel [watch glass] | 8 Rille {f} [Uhrglas] | |
| watches crystal [watch glass] | 5 Uhrenglas {n} | |
| mil. lookout [place from which to keep watch] | 5 Beobachtungsposten {m} | |
| [Accessory of a traditional Bavarian costume, worn in combination with the watch chains] | Charivari {n} [bayer.] | |
| watches crown [watch] | Krone {f} | |
| watches crystal [glass cover over a watch dial] | Deckglas {m} | |
| mining dogwatch [also: dog watch ] [Aus.] | Nachtschicht {f} | |
| watches hands [on the face of an analog clock or watch] | Uhrzeiger {pl} [Zeiger einer analogen Uhr] | |
| tech. movement [of a watch or clock] | Gehwerk {n} [einer Uhr] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| watches to be fast [clock, watch] | vorgehen | |
| to be right [clock, watch] | richtig gehen [Uhr] | |
| to care for sb./sth. [protect, watch over] | jdn./etw. behüten | |
| watches to gain (time) [clock or watch running fast] | vorgehen [Uhr] | |
| to go wrong [e.g. watch] | falsch gehen | |
| to look out [keep watch] | Ausschau halten | |
| to strap sth. on [watch, belt] | etw. anlegen [Uhr etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| sports dive mode [e.g. dive watch] | Tauchmodus {m} [z. B. Tauchuhr] | |
| masterly inactivity [watch and wait] | Beobachten und Abwarten [auch med.] | |
| naut. middle watch [watch aboard ship, 0 to 4 a.m.] | Hundewache {f} [Wache auf Schiffen, 0 bis 4 Uhr] | |
| watches pallet fork [in a watch] | Anker {m} [Uhrwerk] | |
3 Words: Others |
| It's a pleasure ... [e.g. .. to watch the game] | Es ist eine Freude, ... [z. B. ... dem Spiel zuzuschauen] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to keep (good) time [clock, watch] | richtig gehen [Uhr] | |
| to keep bad time [clock, watch] | falsch gehen [Uhr] | |
| naut. to ring eight bells [signal to end watch] | acht Glasen schlagen [Ende der Wache melden] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| watches (steel) coil chime [watch, clock] | Tonfeder {f} [Uhr] | |
4 Words: Others |
| naut. It is eight bells. [End of a watch: 04.00. 08.00, 12.00, 16.00, 20.00, 24.00] | Es ist acht Glas. | |
| naut. It is four bells. [Mid-point of watch: 02.00, 06.00, 10.00, 14.00, 18.00, 22.00] | Es ist vier Glas. | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to have one's eye on sb./sth. [to watch] | ein (wachsames) Auge auf jdn./etw. haben | |
| to stake out (a house) [coll.] [to maintain constant watch over a house] | (ein Haus) polizeilich überwachen | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| mus. F Watch! Pray! Pray! Watch! | Wachet! betet! betet! wachet! [J. S. Bach, BWV 70, 70a] | |
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