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Full phrase not found. Did you mean [WestBerlin]? | » Report missing translation » [WestBerlin] |
Partial Matches |
| hist. pol. [compulsory tax stamp on internal West German mail to support West Berlin] | Notopfermarke {f} [Steuermarke, Zusatzporto auf Post innerhalb der Bundesrepublik zur Unterstützung von West Berlin] | |
| mus. Vorkriegsjugend [literally: pre-war youth] [influential 1980s cult Deutschpunk/hardcore punk band from West Berlin] | Vorkriegsjugend {f} [deutsche Hardcore-Punk-Band der 1980er Jahre aus Berlin-Kreuzberg] | |
| hist. "half cities" [referring to the former cities of East and West Berlin] | Halbstädte {pl} | |
| archi. Unverified [housing development, constructed as part of the 1957 International Building Exhibition in the Hansaviertel area of West Berlin] | Interbau {f} | |
| naut. metres above sea level [Br.] [reference height of Western Germany until 1992] | Meter {pl} über Normalnull <m. ü. N. N., m. ü. NN> [Deutsche Referenzhöhe, gültig bis 1992 (alte Bundesländer und West-Berlin)] | |
| hist. pol. Berlin Agreement [short for: Four Power Agreement on Berlin] | Berlinabkommen {n} [auch: Berlin-Abkommen] [kurz für: Viermächteabkommen über Berlin] | |
| hist. Technische Hochschule of Berlin [TU Berlin] | Technische Hochschule {f} Berlin [in Berlin-Charlottenburg] [jetzt: Technische Universität Berlin] | |
| archi. pol. Reichstag (building) [Berlin, Germany] | Wallot-Bau {m} [ugs.] [Reichstagsgebäude, Berlin] | |
| archi. relig. New Church [Berlin] | Neue Kirche {f} [Berlin] ["Deutscher Dom"] | |
| hist. sector border [Berlin, Germany] | Sektorengrenze {f} [im geteilten Berlin] | |
| archi. TrVocab. Red City Hall [town hall of Berlin] | Rotes Rathaus {n} [von Berlin] | |
| archi. New Guardhouse [Berlin] | Neue Wache {f} [Berlin] | |
| Freedom Memorial [Berlin] | Freiheitsmahnmal {n} [Berlin] | |
| archi. Palace Bridge [Berlin] | Schloßbrücke {f} [Berlin] | |
| hist. pol. Treaty of the Three Black Eagles [also: Treaty of Berlin] [1732] | Allianzvertrag {m} der drei Schwarzen Adler [auch: Vertrag von Berlin] | |
| [historic octagonal public urinal in Berlin, Germany] | Café Achteck {n} [historisches Pissoir in Berlin] | |
| to be based in [e.g. Berlin] | seinen Hauptsitz in [z. B. Berlin] haben | |
| med. Charité Center <CC> [Am.] [Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany] | Charitézentrum {n} [Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin] | |
| med. Charité Centre <CC> [Br.] [Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany] | Charitézentrum {n} [Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin] | |
| pol. Berlin House of Representatives [Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin; state parliament of Berlin, Germany] | Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus {n} | |
| in miniature {adv} [e.g. Switzerland, Berlin in miniature] | in Miniaturgröße [z. B. die Schweiz, Berlin in Miniaturgröße] | |
| pol. Berlin House of Representatives [Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin; state parliament of Berlin, Germany] | Abgeordnetenhaus {n} von Berlin | |
| pol. federal state government [Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg] | Senat {m} [Landesregierung in Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg] | |
| pol. House of Representatives of Berlin [Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin; state parliament of Berlin, Germany] | Abgeordnetenhaus {n} von Berlin | |
| film Berlinale [international film festival in Berlin] | Berlinale {f} [internationale Filmfestspiele in Berlin] | |
| pol. Senate Chancellery [Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg] | Senatskanzlei {f} [Staatskanzlei in Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg] | |
| pol. federal city state [Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg] | Stadtstaat {m} [Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg] | |
| Technical University of Berlin <TU Berlin, TUB> | Technische Universität {f} Berlin <TU Berlin, TUB> | |
| pol. Senator of the Interior [Minister of the Interior in the City-States of Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg] | Innensenator {m} [Innenminister in den Stadtstaaten Berlin, Bremen und Hamburg] | |
| geogr. Hasenheide (park) [Berlin] | Hasenheide {f} [Berlin] | |
| theatre Staatsoper Unter den Linden [Berlin State Opera] | Staatsoper {f} Unter den Linden [Staatsoper Berlin] | |
| to look | kieken [berlin.] | |
| to see | kieken [berlin.] | |
| good {adj} | jut [berlin.] [gut] | |
| foot | Mauke {f} [berlin., hum.] | |
| gastr. gravy | Stippe {f} [berlin.] [Soße] | |
| border strip [Berlin] | Mauerstreifen {m} | |
| geogr. Spree Island [Berlin] | Spreeinsel {f} | |
| splendid {adj} | schnafte [berlin.] [hervorragend] [veraltend] | |
| geogr. Berlin | Spree-Athen {n} [hum.] [Berlin] | |
| gastr. onion | Bolle {f} [ugs.] [Zwiebel] [berlin.] | |
| lunch box | Stullendose {f} [bes. berlin.] | |
| Museum Island | Museumsinsel {f} [in Berlin] | |
| police station | Abschnitt {m} [Polizeiabschnitt, Berlin] | |
| law court of appeal | Kammergericht {n} [Berlin] | |
| fella [coll.] | Atze {f} [selten {m}] [berlin., ugs.] | |
| friend | Atze {f} [selten {m}] [berlin.] [ugs.] [Freund] | |
| manikin | Männeken {n} [nordd.] [bes. berlin.] [ugs.] | |
| urban neighborhood [Am.] | Kiez {m} [nordostd., bes. berlin.] | |
| neighborhoods [Am.] | Kieze {pl} [nordostd., bes. berlin.] | |
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