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| lit. F Kanga [Winnie the Pooh] | Känga | |
| lit. F Roo [Winnie the Pooh] | Ruh | |
| F Piglet [Winnie the Pooh] | Ferkel {n} | |
| lit. F Eeyore [Winnie the Pooh] | I-Aah {m} | |
| lit. F Hundred Acre Wood [Winnie-the-Pooh] | Hundert-Morgen-Wald {m} [Pu der Bär] | |
Partial Matches |
| lit. Eeyorish {adj} [A.A. Milne: Winnie-the-Pooh] | trübsinnig | |
| automot. [the members of the patrol force of the ADAC, Germany; equivalent to the AA and RAC in the UK or the AAA in the USA.] | die Gelben Engel {pl} | |
| bibl. relig. bible quote [for the day, the week, the month, the year] | Losung {f} [Losungsspruch, Tages-, Wochen-, Monats- oder Jahreslosung] [Bibelzitat] | |
| proverb [The bigger the choice, the harder it is to choose. Or, literally transl.: Whoever has (the) choice has (the) torment.] | Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual. | |
| proverb The proof is in the pudding. [short for: The proof of the pudding is in the eating.] | Probieren geht über studieren. [Rsv.] | |
| admin. jobs Unverified [something like the surgeon general or the head of the CDC in the USA or health minister in the UK, Canada or Australia] | Gesundheitsvorsteher {m} [schweiz.] | |
| educ. med. percussion examination training [tapping the surface of a body part to learn the condition of the parts beneath by the resulting sound] | Klopfkurs {m} [Perkussionskurs] | |
| film quote You shall not pass! [The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring] | Du kannst nicht vorbei! [Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten] | |
| pol. [the debate about the proper relationship of Switzerland to the EU] | Europafrage {f} [Schweiz] | |
| agr. zool. breeder [the animal being bred, not the person doing the breeding] | Zuchttier {n} | |
| proverb Unverified The greater the opposition, the greater the prestige. | Viel Feind, viel Ehr'. | |
| hist. [Poles who migrated to the Ruhr area at the end of the 1800s] | Ruhrpolen {pl} | |
| relig. [speaking up for the poor in the manner of the prophets] | prophetisches Eintreten {n} [Kirchenjargon] | |
| mil. down moon {adv} [on the opposite side of the enemy from the moon] | im Mondlee | |
| sports to break away [from the rest of the field, gaining the lead] | ausreißen [Vorsprung gewinnen] | |
| hist. lit. The Lay of the Nibelungs [rare for: The Song of the Nibelungs] | das Nibelungenlied {n} | |
| breath [the air taken into or expelled from the lungs; the process of breathing] | Atem {m} | |
| biol. law cuckolded father [the child is the product of the mother's adulterous relationship] | gehörnter Vater {m} | |
| film lit. F The Jackal [Michael Caton-Jones, from the novel - The Day of the Jackal] | Der Schakal | |
| anat. audio VetMed. utriculus [the larger of the two fluid-filled cavities forming part of the labyrinth of the inner ear] | Utriculus {m} [das große Vorhofsäckchen] [Teil des Vestibularorgans] | |
| the ... the [e.g. the bigger the better] | je ..., desto [z. B. je größer, desto besser] | |
| the ... the [e.g. the bigger the better] | je ..., umso [z. B. je größer, umso besser] | |
| pol. front benchers {pl} [Br.] [those on the front bench of either the government or the opposition] | Fraktionsspitze {f} | |
| anat. red lane [coll.] [the throat, perceived as the route by which food enters the stomach] | Schlund {m} | |
| on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | spontan | |
| proverb The bigger the children, the bigger the worries. | Kleine Kinder, kleine Sorgen, große Kinder, große Sorgen. | |
| proverb The way is the goal. [also: The journey is the reward.] | Der Weg ist das Ziel. | |
| film F The Night of the Demon / The Curse of the Demon [Jacques Tourneur] | Der Fluch des Dämonen | |
| on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | kurz entschlossen | |
| on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | kurzentschlossen [Rsv.] | |
| film hist. name [nickname for the film actress Kristina Söderbaum, translated e.g. as: the water corpse of the Reich, most prominent water corpse in the Reich, the National Drowned Corpse] | Reichswasserleiche {f} [Spottname für die Filmschauspielerin Kristina Söderbaum] | |
| econ. geogr. Golden Banana [conurbation lying between Valencia in the west and Genoa in the east along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea] | Goldene Banane {f} [verdichteter Großraum entlang der Mittelmeerküste bis Valencia, Spanien] | |
| MedTech. lithotrite [early medical instrument which was inserted through the urethra to crush the stones inside the bladder] | Lithotripter {m} [Lithoklast] | |
| relig. sacramental [action like a sacrament but instituted by the church, e.g. the sign of the cross] | Sakramentale {n} | |
| aviat. center stick [Am.] [in the center of the cockpit between the pilot's legs] | Steuerknüppel {m} [vor dem Pilotensitz] | |
| aviat. centre stick [Br.] [in the centre of the cockpit between the pilot's legs] | Steuerknüppel {m} [vor dem Pilotensitz] | |
| film F The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring [Peter Jackson] | Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten | |
| lit. F The House of the Dead [also: Memoirs from the House of The Dead / Notes from the Dead House / Fyodor Dostoevsky] | Aufzeichnungen aus einem Totenhaus [Fjodor Dostojewski] | |
| quote [I belong rather to the "old iron" (literally: the scrap heap / here also: the good old stuff) than to the "new sheet iron" (here: the new piffle).] | Ich gehöre lieber zum alten Eisen als zum neuen Blech. [u. a. dem Schauspieler Max „Maxi“ Böhm zugeschrieben] | |
| law will theory [outdated view in German law doctrine according to which the validity of a declaration of intent depends exclusively on the subjective will of the person making the declaration] | Willenstheorie {f} | |
| on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | aus einer Augenblicksstimmung heraus | |
| lit. F The Ant and the Grasshopper [also: The Grasshopper and the Ant / Ants] [Aesop] | Die Ameise und die Heuschrecke [Äsop] | |
| lit. F The Nazi and the Barber [earlier titles: The Nazi and the Barber, a Tale of Vengeance / The Nazi Who Lived As a Jew] | Der Nazi & der Friseur [Edgar Hilsenrath] | |
| math. addend [formerly often: any of the summands, but not the first one (the "augend")] | zweiter / dritter / ... Summand {m} [früher oft: Addend] | |
| on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | der Eingebung des Augenblicks folgend | |
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