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English-German translation for: [Year]
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Dictionary English German: [Year]

Translation 1 - 50 of 108  >>

English German
almost {adv} [e.g. almost a year]
knapp [z. B. knapp ein Jahr]
by {prep} [(extended) by a year, a week, etc.]
um [um ein Jahr, eine Woche etc. (verlängert)]
film cinematic {adj} [e.g. debut, version, year]
Kino- [z. B. Debüt, Version, Jahr]
[of this year] diesen Jahres [FALSCH für: dieses Jahres]
astron. astronomical {adj} [e.g. observatory, year]Stern- [z. B. Warte, Jahr]
biannual {adj} [occurring twice a year]zweimal jährlich stattfindend [attr.]
biyearly {adv} [twice a year]zweimal im Jahr
astron. Mercurian {adj} [e.g. atmosphere, crater, surface, year]Merkur- [z. B. Atmosphäre, Krater, Oberfläche, Jahr]
season [of the year]
Jahreszeit {f}
quarter [of a year]
Vierteljahr {n}
educ. grade [Am.] [Can.] [year at school]
Klasse {f} [Jahrgang]
year [particular year: academic, liturgical, etc.]
Jahrgang {m}
oenol. vintage [year]
Weinjahr {n}
convocation [Am.] [opening ceremony of the academic year]
Eröffnungsfeier {f} [des akademischen Jahres an einer Universität]
educ. grade [Am.] [Can.] [year at school]
Jahrgangsstufe {f}
educ. grade [Am.] [Can.] [year at school]
Klassenstufe {f}
educ. session [school year]
Schuljahr {n}
educ. session [academic year]
Studienjahr {n}
admin. econ. [spending rush among company departments or administrative bodies at the end of the year to avoid budget cuts in the following year(s)]
Dezemberfieber {n} [ugs.] [hum.]
educ. grade [Am.] [Can.] [year at school]
Schulstufe {f} [österr.]
educ. [pupil who has to repeat a year]
Repetent {m} [österr.]
passing [of old year]
Ausklang {m}
educ. graduation [end of school year]
Entlassung {f} [mit Schulabschluss]
hunting zool. pricket [a buck in the second year of life]
Spießer {m} [Rehbock im 2. Lebensjahr]
educ. [female pupil who has to repeat a year]
Sitzenbleiberin {f}
[pupil who has to repeat a year]
Sitzenbleiber {m}
educ. graduation [end of school year]
Schulentlassung {f} [mit Schulabschluss]
[Christmas and new year period]Jahresendtage {pl}
educ. [colloquial term for the notification sent by a school to parents informing them that their child is in danger of having to repeat a year]blauer Brief {m} [ugs.]
educ. [comment on a school report indicating that the pupil may have to repeat a year]Vorrücken {n} gefährdet [versetzungsgefährdet, Bemerkung im Zwischenschulzeugnis]
educ. [eighth year at a German secondary school]Unterprima {f} [veraltend]
hunting zool. [female roe deer in the second year of life]Schmalreh {n} [jägerspr.] [weibliches Reh im zweiten Lebensjahr]
educ. [first year at a German secondary school]Sexta {f} [veraltend]
zool. [male fawn of roe deer, chamois, or ibex, in its first year of life]Bockkitz {n} [Kitzbock]
educ. [ninth and final year of a German secondary school]Oberprima {f} [veraltend]
educ. [pupil who has to repeat a year]Hockenbleiber {m} [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.]
educ. [second year of a German Gymnasium]Quinta {f} [veraltend]
agr. hort. aftercrop [a later crop of the same year from the same soil]Nachfrucht {f}
annal [year book]Jahrbuch {n}
date [of the year]Jahrzahl {f} [schweiz.] [Jahreszahl]
hansel [gift for good luck at the beginning of a new year] [archaic or dialect] [spv.] [handsel]Neujahrsgeschenk {n}
spec. septennate [a seven-year term, esp. of office]Septennat {n}
summertime [the warmer half of the year]Sommerhalbjahr {n}
agr. teg [also: tegg] [fleece cut from a sheep in its second year]Jährlingswolle {f}
yesteryear [literary] [last year]voriges Jahr {n}
2 Words: Others
as of [in the year]im Jahr <i. J.>
gastr. fully mature {adj} [cheese aged for at least one year]überjährig [länger als ein Jahr gereifter Käse, z. B. Gouda uralt]
econ. hoc anno {adv} [this year]hoc anno [h. a.] [in diesem Jahr] [veraltet]
starting in ... [month, year]ab ... [Monat, Jahr]
2 Words: Verbs
to party into sth. [e.g. one's birthday, the New Year, the small hours]in etw.Akk. hineinfeiern [in den nächsten Tag, in den Geburtstag, ins neue Jahr usw.]
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