| English | German | |
| sheltered {adj} {past-p} [youth, life] | 318 behütet | |
| callow {adj} [youth, young man, etc.] | 45 grün [oft pej.] [noch jung und unreif] | |
| [German youth language; bad, ugly, disgusting, stupid, etc.] {adj} | 7 reudig [pej.] [Jugendsprache] [schlecht, hässlich, eklig, dumm usw.] | |
| Unverified yoof {adj} [Br.] [nonstandard] [hum.] [youth] | Jugend- | |
Nouns |
| peccadillo [of youth] | 815 Jugendsünde {f} | |
| coarsening [youth, society, culture] | 82 Verrohung {f} [fig.] | |
| fugaciousness [of time, of youth, etc.] [literary] | 15 Vergänglichkeit {f} [der Zeit, der Jugend etc.] | |
| pol. [German Social Democratic Party youth organisation members] | 10 Jusos {pl} [Jungsozialistinnen und Jungsozialisten der SPD] | |
| scenester [youth sl.] | 8 Scenester {m} [jemand, der sich auffällig in Gehabe, Kleidung etc. einer bestimmten Szene anpasst] | |
| hist. cubs [Deutsches Jungvolk, boys within the Hitler Youth] | 7 Pimpfe {pl} [Mitglieder des Jungvolks] | |
| hist. pol. [male member of the Hitler Youth] | 6 Hitlerjunge {m} | |
| youthism [cult of youth] | 6 Jugendwahn {m} | |
| gunsel [Am.] [criminal or hobo sl.] [archaic] [inexperienced youth] | 5 Grünschnabel {m} [oft pej.] [unerfahrener Jugendlicher] | |
| mus. sociol. [(German) youth music movement] | Jugendmusikbewegung {f} | |
| hist. [children's section of youth organisation in GDR] | Junge Pioniere {pl} | |
| hist. [German / Austrian youth movement] | Wandervogel {m} | |
| ling. [German sociolect created by Turkish youth in Germany in the late 1980s] | Kanak Sprak {f} [ugs.] [ein Gemisch aus Türkisch, Deutsch und amerikanischem Straßenslang] | |
| econ. law pol. [German youth and trainee representation provision] | Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung {f} <JAV> | |
| law [German youth employment protection act] | Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz {n} <JArbSchG> | |
| [German youth slang] | Checkerdeutsch {n} | |
| hist. law [Law for the Protection of Youth from Trash and Filth Writings, Germany, 1926 - 1935] | Schmutz- und Schundgesetz {n} | |
| hist. pol. [male member of the Hitler Youth] | HJ-Junge {m} | |
| pol. [socialist youth organisation in Austria and Switzerland] | Rote Falken {pl} | |
| pol. [socialist youth organisation in Germany] | die Falken {pl} [Mitglieder der Sozialistischen Jugend Deutschlands] | |
| [support group for newly independent youth] | Verselbstständigungsgruppe {f} | |
| pol. [Swiss youth political organization] | Jungpartei {f} [schweiz.] [politischer Jugendverband] | |
| [youth organization of the Catholic Church in Switzerland] | Jungwacht {f} [katholischer Jugendverband, Schweiz] | |
| hist. pol. blueshirts [members of the Free German Youth organisation in former East Germany] | Blauhemden {pl} [Mitglieder der Freien Deutschen Jugend der DDR] | |
| fugaciousness [of time, of youth, etc.] [literary] | Entschwinden {n} [geh.] [der Zeit, der Jugend etc.] | |
| fugaciousness [of time, of youth, etc.] [literary] | Flüchtigkeit {f} [der Zeit, der Jugend etc.] | |
| housemother [woman in charge of a group living together, as in a dormitory or youth hostel] | Hausmutter {f} [Vorsteherin einer (Jugend)herberge, eines Heims o. Ä.] | |
| verlan [French youth language reversing syllables] | Verlan {n} | |
| mus. Vorkriegsjugend [literally: pre-war youth] [influential 1980s cult Deutschpunk/hardcore punk band from West Berlin] | Vorkriegsjugend {f} [deutsche Hardcore-Punk-Band der 1980er Jahre aus Berlin-Kreuzberg] | |
| youthhood [archaic, rare] [youth] | Jugendzeit {f} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| hist. pol. battalion leader [Hitler Youth] | Bannführer {m} <BF> [Hitlerjugend] | |
| hist. Bündische Jugend [German youth movement] | Bündische Jugend {f} | |
| hist. pol. Deutsches Jungvolk [literally: German Young People, i.e. the section of the Hitler Youth for boys aged 10 to 14] | Deutsches Jungvolk {n} <DJ> | |
| hist. HJ group [short for: Hitler Jugend / Hitler Youth group] | HJ-Gruppe {f} | |
| hist. HJ leader [Hitler Youth leader] | HJ-Führer {m} [Hitlerjugendführer] | |
| hist. HJ office [Hitler Youth office] | HJ-Dienststelle {f} | |
| sports ski camp [esp. for youth] | Skilager {n} | |
| sports badge [given by a youth organization] | Sportabzeichen {n} | |
| hist. pol. state youth [official youth organisation in totalitarian states] | Staatsjugend {f} | |
| young man [youth] | Jüngling {m} | |
| econ. jobs sociol. youth joblessness [rare] [youth unemployment] | Jugendarbeitslosigkeit {f} | |
| hist. pol. Youth League [radical youth organization] | Jünglingsbund {m} | |
| relig. youth ministry [church youth work] | Jugendpastoral {f} [kirchliche Jugendarbeit] | |
| relig. youth ministry [youth group] | Jungschar {f} [kirchliche Jugendgruppe] | |
| youthful friend [friend during one's youth] | Jugendfreund {m} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| admin. (juvenile) correctional center [Am.] [youth detention facility] | Massnahmenzentrum {n} [schweiz.] [für junge Straftäter (16-25 Jahre)] | |
| lit. (The) Buxtehude Bull [an award for youth literature] | (Der) Buxtehuder Bulle {m} [ein Preis für Jugendliteratur] | |
| hist. Free German Youth [official youth organisation in the GDR] | Freie Deutsche Jugend {f} <FDJ> | |
| hist. mil. Kriegsmarine auxiliary personnel [WW II German male assistant with the Navy often conscripted from the Hitler Youth] | Marinehelfer {m} | |
| hist. mil. Luftwaffe auxiliary personnel [WW II German male assistant with the Air Force often conscripted from the Hitler Youth] | Luftwaffenhelfer {m} | |
| sports travel snow sports camp [esp. for youth] | Schneesportlager {n} | |
| sports Unverified youth team player [of a selected youth team] | Jugendauswahlspieler {m} [auch: Jugend-Auswahlspieler] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| hist. pol. German Young Women's Federation [rare transl. of the girls' wing of the Hitler Youth] | Bund {m} Deutscher Mädel <BDM> | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Youth Without Youth [Francis Ford Coppola] | Jugend ohne Jugend | |
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