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Partial Matches |
| med. cervical mucus method <CMM> | Zervixschleimmethode {f} [auch: Zervixschleim-Methode] | |
| med. Billings ovulation method <BOM> [Billings Ovulation Method™] | Billings-Ovulationsmethode {f} <BOM> [Zervixschleim-Methode] | |
| primitive {adj} | brachial [Mittel, Methode] | |
| manner | Art {f} [Methode, Verhalten] | |
| fashion [method] | Art {f} [Methode] | |
| mode [way] | Art {f} [Methode] | |
| tech. machining method | Bearbeitungsverfahren {n} [Methode] | |
| way | Mittel {n} [Maßnahme, Methode] | |
| archaeo. planum method | Planagrabung {f} [Methode] | |
| practice [method] | Verfahren {n} [Methode] | |
| practice-approved {adj} | praxiserprobt [Material, Methode] | |
| biol. autocidal method | Autozidmethode {f} [Autozid-Methode] | |
| archi. tech. tempering | Temperierung {f} [Methode der Wärmeverteilung] | |
| avenue [method] | Weg {m} [Methode, Vorgehensweise] | |
| acad. scientific method | Wissenschaftsmethode {f} [wissenschaftliche Methode] | |
| facile {adj} [simple] | einfach [Art, Methode, Technik] | |
| way [manner] | Art {f} [Methode, übliche Verhaltensweise] | |
| appliance [action, process] | Mittel {n} [Anwendung, Methode] | |
| device [means, method] | Mittel {n} [Verfahren, Methode] | |
| MedTech. to compose images | Aufnahmen zusammensetzen [Composing-Methode] | |
| to build up | ausgestalten [ausbauen: Theorie, Begriff, Methode] | |
| med. finger stick | Fingerstich {m} [Methode zur kapillaren Blutentnahme] | |
| MedTech. photo. to stitch images together | Aufnahmen zusammenfügen [Stitching-Methode] | |
| acc. fin. direct write-off method | direkte Abschreibung {f} [Methode] | |
| acc. fin. declining-balance method | geometrisch-degressive Abschreibung {f} [Methode] | |
| of criminalistics {adj} [methods, practice] [postpos.] | kriminalistisch [Methode usw.] | |
| agr. freeze branding | Kaltbrand {m} [Methode zur Kennzeichnung von Tieren] | |
| med. MedTech. convergent beam therapy | Konvergenzbestrahlung {f} [veraltete Methode der Bewegungsstrahlung] | |
| sophisticated {adj} [highly developed] | hoch entwickelt [Technologie, Methode etc.] | |
| med. Buteyko breathing technique | Buteiko-Methode {f} [auch: Buteyko-Methode] | |
| acc. units-of-production (depreciation) method | leistungsabhängige Abschreibung {f} [Methode] | |
| acc. fin. (fiscal) reducing balance method | degressive steuerliche Abschreibung {f} [Methode] | |
| sophisticated {adj} [advanced, e.g. technology] | fortgeschritten [Methode, Technologie etc.] | |
| sophisticated {adj} [advanced, e.g. technology] | hochentwickelt [Methode, Technik etc.] | |
| ling. Unverified comparative analysis of languages | Sprachvergleichung {f} [Methode der vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft] | |
| MedTech. single-incision laparoscopic surgery <SILS> | Einzelschnitt-Laparoskopie {f} [SILS-Methode] | |
| about-face [Am.] | Rolle {f} rückwärts [ugs.] [Kehrtwendung (Meinung, Methode)] | |
| about-turn [Br.] | Rolle {f} rückwärts [ugs.] [Kehrtwendung (Meinung, Methode)] | |
| method [a means of pursuing an aim] | Mittel {n} [Methode, Maßnahme] | |
| med. psych. self-touch [method of pain relief] | Selbstberührung {f} [Methode zur Schmerzlinderung] | |
| to learn sth. | sichDat. etw. aneignen [Wissen, eine Methode etc.] | |
| to employ sth. [e.g. method] | etw.Akk. anwenden [z. B. Methode] | |
| to originate sth. [a new method, theory] | etw.Akk. entwickeln [Methode etc.] | |
| idiom market. med. shotgun approach [also: shotgun method] | Gießkannenprinzip {n} [auch: Gießkannenmethode oder Gießkannen-Methode] | |
| agr. hot-iron branding [hot branding] | Heißbrand {m} [Methode zur Kennzeichnung von Tieren] | |
| econ. QM critical path method <CPM> | Tätigkeits-Pfeil-Darstellung {f} [Methode des kritischen Pfades] | |
| med. pharm. adjuvant | Hilfsmittel {n} [Medikament od. Methode die Effektivität einer med. Behandlung zu steigern] | |
| to betake to sth. [archaic] [literary] [resort to, seize] | zu etw. greifen [Methode etc.] | |
| fish fishing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fleet, method, quota, technique] | Fischfang- [z. B. Flotte, Methode, Quote, Technik] | |
| med. eucapnic breathing [Buteyko method] | eukapnisches Atmen {n} [Buteyko-Methode] | |
| to borrow sth. [idea, method etc.] | etw. übernehmen [Idee, Methode etc.] | |
| cooling {adj} [e.g. system, method, process] | Kühlungs- [System, Art / Methode, Vorgang] | |
| problem-solving {adj} [behaviour, method, skills, etc.] | Problemlösungs- [Verhalten, Methode, Fähigkeit etc.] | |
| comp. trait | Trait {m} [Methode zur Wiederverwendung von Code] | |
| med. eucapnic breathing method [eucapnic Buteyko breathing] | EA-Methode {f} [Buteyko-Methode des eukapnischen Atmens] | |
| math. power {adj} [attr.] [e.g. function, iteration, line, set, series, sum] | Potenz- [z. B. Funktion, Gerade, Methode, Menge, Reihe, Summe] | |
| med. Westergren erythrocyte sedimentation rate <Westergren ESR, WESR> | Blutkörperchensenkungsgeschwindigkeit {f} nach Westergren [Westergren-Methode] | |
| comp. math. computing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. capacity, error, method, operation, power, time] | Rechen- [z. B. Kapazität, Fehler, Methode, Operation, Leistung, Zeit] | |
| electr. optics phys. Lidar [laser-based optical method for measuring distance and velocity] | LiDAR {n} [Methode zur optischen Abstands- und Geschwindigkeitsmessung mit Lasern] | |
| trial function [term used in finite element method] | Ansatzfunktion {f} [Begriff der Finite-Element-Methode] | |
| spec. thinking-aloud method | Thinking-Aloud-Methode {f} [Methode des lauten Denkens] | |
| biotech. optics microscope slide [wet-blot chamber] | Schlitten {m} [Wet-Blot-Kammer; Western-Blot-Methode] | |
| med. sailor's handshake [coll.] [feeling for the epitrochlear node at the elbow in secondary syphilis] | [Methode der Erkennung von Syphilis im Sekundärstadium durch Ertasten des epitrochlearen Lymphknotens] | |
| econ. QM stat. Six Sigma <6σ> | Six Sigma <6σ> [ein statistisches Qualitätsziel, Methode] | |
| biotech. Wattman papers [western blot method] | Wattman-Papiere {pl} [Western-Blot-Methode] | |
| med. time trade-off {adj} [attr.] <TTO> [method, appoach, etc.] | Time-Trade-Off- <TTO> [Methode, Ansatz usw.] | |
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