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| |
| unoccupied {adj} [territory, zone etc.] | nicht besetzt | |
Verbs |
| sports to stump [cricket] | 31 ausschalten [Schlagmann, der außerhalb einer bestimmten Zone (Crease) steht, durch Umwerfen der Querstäbe] | |
Nouns |
| belt [area, zone] | 67 Zone {f} | |
| transp. zone | 22 Wabe {f} [Zone] | |
| geogr. meteo. doldrums | 19 Kalmen {pl} [Zone äquatorialer Windstille] | |
| econ. EU Grexit [portmanteau combining the words Greece and exit, referring to the possibility that Greece could leave the Eurozone] | 7 Grexit {m} [Kunstwort aus Greece und exit; möglicher Austritt Griechenlands aus der Euro-Zone] | |
| geogr. hist. pol. [coll. , often pej., West German term for Germany's Soviet Occupation Zone, and then the GDR] | Zone {f} [ugs.] [bundesd.] [kurz für: Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ), später auch pej. für: DDR] | |
| geogr. hist. pol. [coll. , often pej.: West German term for Germany's Soviet Occupation Zone, and then the GDR] | Ostzone {f} [ugs.] [bundesd.] [kurz für: Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ), später auch pej. für: DDR] | |
| geol. cryolithozone [permafrost zone] | Kryolithozone {f} [Permafrostgebiet] | |
| neol. pol. Gexit [Germany's exit from the euro zone] | Dexit {m} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| traffic Blue Zone [parking zone] | Blaue Zone {f} [ugs.] [Kurzparkzone] | |
| bot. ecol. geogr. colline zone [altitudinal zone] | colline Stufe {f} [Höhenstufe] | |
| bot. ecol. geogr. colline zone [altitudinal zone] | kolline Stufe {f} [Höhenstufe] | |
| geol. conodont zone | Conodontenzone {f} [auch: Conodonten-Zone] | |
| geogr. Diamantina Deep [portion on Diamantina Fracture Zone] | Diamantinatief {n} | |
| mil. fire zone [also: zone of fire] | Feuerraum {m} [Feuerbereich] | |
| electr. engin. telecom. Fresnel region [transition zone of an antenna] | Fresnel-Region {f} [Übergangsfeld einer Antenne] | |
| geogr. frigid zone | Kaltzone {f} [kalte Zone] | |
| geol. fusulinid zone | Fusulinidenzone {f} [auch: Fusuliniden-Zone] | |
| tech. green zone [coll.] [operational zone] | Grünbereich {m} [ugs.] [Bereich, der den ordnungsgemäßen Betrieb markiert, bes. auf einem Messinstrument] [auch: grüner Bereich] | |
| Green Zone [International Zone of Baghdad] [diplomatic district] | Grüne Zone {f} [Internationale Zone von Bagdad] | |
| phys. intrinsic zone | i-Zone {f} [Intrinsic-Zone] | |
| traffic urban living street [Br.] [home zone] | Wohnstraße {f} [verkehrsberuhigter Bereich] | |
| traffic urban living street [Br.] [home zone] | verkehrsberuhigter Bereich {m} | |
| med. Looser's zone [also: Looser zone] | Looser-Zone {f} | |
| med. Looser's zone [also: Looser zone] | Looser'sche Umbauzone {f} | |
| med. Looser's zone [also: Looser zone] | loosersche Umbauzone {f} | |
| geol. quake zone [coll.] [earthquake zone] | Erdbebengebiet {n} | |
| tech. red zone [coll.] ["stop work" zone (operation should be stopped)] | roter Bereich {m} [ugs.] [Bereich, der einen unerlaubten Zustand markiert, bes. auf einem Messinstrument] | |
| dent. retrodiscal tissue [Syn.: bilaminar zone] | bilaminäre Zone {f} [im Kiefergelenk] | |
| hist. pol. Soviet Zone [also Russian Zone] [1945 - 1949; precursor of the GDR] | Sowjetzone {f} [(Russische) Zone] [Vorläufer der DDR] | |
| geogr. meteo. temperate area [temperate zone] | gemäßigte Zone {f} | |
| geogr. meteo. tepid zone [rare] [temperate zone] | gemäßigte Zone {f} | |
| geol. vadose zone [unsaturated zone] | Aerationszone {f} [ungesättigte Bodenzone] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| (avalanche) deposition zone [runout zone] | Ablagerungsgebiet {n} [einer Lawine] | |
| astron. (circumstellar) habitable zone [Goldilocks zone] | Lebenszone {f} [(zirkumstellare) habitable Zone] | |
| astron. (circumstellar) habitable zone [Goldilocks zone] | (zirkumstellare) habitable Zone {f} | |
| avalanche runout zone [runout zone of an avalanche] | Auslaufbereich {m} einer Lawine | |
| avalanche runout zone [runout zone of the avalanche] | Auslaufbereich {m} der Lawine | |
| law naut. Unverified economic exclusion zone [WRONG for: exclusive economic zone <EEZ>] | [ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone] | |
| ind. Ex protection zone [explosion protection zone] | Ex-Schutzzone {f} [Explosions-Schutzzone] | |
| biol. Redlich-Obersteiner's zone [also Redlich-Obersteiner zone] | Redlich-Obersteiner-Zone {f} | |
| law naut. three-mile limit [three-mile zone] | Dreimeilenzone {f} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| aviat. mil. Unverified Air Defense Identification Zone <ADIZ> | Luftverteidigungszone {f} [Air Defense Identification Zone] | |
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