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| |
| by {prep} [e.g. by train, by air; by force] | 398 mit [+Dat.] [z. B. mit dem Zug, mit dem Flugzeug; mit Gewalt] | |
| funeral {adj} [e.g. address or speech, car, cortege or procession, feast or meal] | 367 Leichen- [z. B. Rede, Wagen, Rede, Zug, Schmaus] | |
| overnight {adj} [attr.] [e.g. train, shift] | 361 Nacht- [z. B. Zug, Schicht] | |
| inbound {adj} | 186 ankommend [Anruf, Zug] | |
| electr. tech. travel connecting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. adapter, contact, flight, train] | 148 Anschluss- [z. B. Adapter, Kontakt, Flug, Zug] | |
| outbound {adj} | 49 abfahrend [Zug, Bus etc.] | |
| onboard sth. {adv} | 22 in [+Dat.] [Zug, Bus etc.] | |
| in-bound {adj} | ankommend [Anruf, Zug] | |
| One-way. [in train, bus, etc.] | Einfach. [in Zug, Bus, usw.] | |
| traffic travel cross-country {adj} [attr.] [bus, train, flight] | Überland- [Bus, Zug, Flug] | |
| crashed {adj} {past-p} [due to a collision] [e.g. car, train] | verunglückt [durch eine Kollision] [z. B. Auto, Zug] | |
Verbs |
| to miss sth. [a train, a chance, etc.] | 970 etw.Akk. verpassen [den Zug, eine Chance etc.] | |
| to board sth. [the train, the ship, the plane, etc.] | 798 etw.Akk. besteigen [den Zug, das Schiff, das Flugzeug etc.] | |
| to enter [climb into a train etc.] | 226 einsteigen [in Zug etc.] | |
| to strike | 67 erfassen [mit sich reißen (Auto, Zug)] | |
| to approach [e.g. a train approaches] | 47 einfahren [z. B. der Zug fährt ein] | |
| to hoot [Br.] [train] | 17 pfeifen [Zug] | |
| to ex sth. [sl.] [beverage] | 7 etw. exen [ugs.] [selten] [etw. in einem Zug leer trinken, auf ex trinken] | |
| rail transp. to steam off [dated] [train] [leave] | abdampfen [veraltend] [Zug] [abfahren] | |
| to pull out [to depart] | abfahren [Zug] | |
| travel TrVocab. to get in [arrive] [bus, train, etc.] | ankommen [Bus, Zug etc.] | |
| naut. rail to come in | einfahren [Schiff, Zug] | |
| to quaff sth. off [rare] [to drink in one draught] | etw. hinunterstürzen [in einem Zug trinken] | |
| to pull out [to depart: of a train] | hinausdampfen [Zug] | |
| rail to change trains | umsteigen [Zug wechseln] | |
| rail to transfer to another train | umsteigen [Zug wechseln] | |
Nouns |
| rail train | 431 Bahn {f} [Zug d. Eisenbahn, U-Bahn] | |
| wrench | 38 Drehung {f} [unter Zug oder Druck] | |
| rail stateroom [Am.] | 30 Privatabteil {n} [im Zug] | |
| vein [trace of sth. in sb.'s character] | 17 Spur {f} [Hauch, Zug von etw. in jds. Character] | |
| rail tech. clerestory | 12 Dachaufsatz {m} [z. B. im alten Zug] | |
| saloon | 12 Salon {m} [bes. auf Schiff, veraltet in Zug] | |
| pitch [ship, train] | 10 Stampfbewegung {f} [Schiff, Zug] | |
| agr. equest. hackney | 8 Pferd {n} [gewöhnliches Zug- und Reitpferd] | |
| jolting | 8 Rüttelei {f} [von Fahrzeug, Zug] | |
| puff [e.g. cigarette] | 5 Schnapper {m} [ugs. für: Zug an der Zigarette] | |
| climbing dyno | Dynamo {m} [auch: dynamischer Zug] | |
| ticket check [e.g. bus, train] | Fahrkartenkontrolle {f} [z. B. Bus, Zug] | |
| jolting (about) | Gerüttel {n} [oft pej.] [im Zug, Wagen usw.] | |
| central gangway | Mittelgang {m} [Bus, Zug, Schiff] | |
| mus. stop knob | Register {n} [Zug an Orgel] | |
| hist. transp. Rheingold [also: Rhinegold] [train] | Rheingold {m} [Zug] | |
| fatal ride | Todesfahrt {f} [Fahrrad, Motorrad, Zug, Achterbahn] | |
| hist. transp. travel wagon train | Wagenzug {m} [Zug von Planwagen im amerikanischen Westen] | |
| games turn [e.g. "it's player X's turn"] | Zug {m} [z. B. "Spieler X ist am Zug"] | |
| ethn. [male native or inhabitant of Zug, Switzerland] | Zuger {m} | |
| ethn. [female native of the city of Zug or of the Swiss canton of Zug] | Zugerin {f} | |
| geogr. Zug Island | Zuginsel {f} [auch: Zug Insel, Zug Island] | |
2 Words: Others |
| full up {adj} | (voll) besetzt [Bus, Zug] | |
| at a stroke {adv} | auf einmal [ugs.] [in einem Zug] | |
| at one go {adv} [coll.] [chiefly Br.] [without stopping] [idiom] | auf einmal [ugs.] [in einem Zug] | |
| in one go {adv} | auf einmal [ugs.] [zugleich, in einem Zug] | |
| sb. got off [bus, train] | jd. ist ausgestiegen [z. B. aus dem Bus, Zug] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to take a puff of sth. [cigarette, etc.] | an etw.Dat. ziehen [einen Zug nehmen (Zigarette, Zigarre, Pfeife)] | |
| to run empty [bus, train] | leer fahren [Bus, Zug] | |
| to recede [move further away into the distance] | sichAkk. entfernen [sich vom Betrachter weiter weg bewegen: z. B. Fluten, Meer, Zug etc.] | |
| to get run over [Am.] | überrollt werden [von Auto, Zug etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| travel unaccompanied child [in an aircaft or train] | alleinreisendes Kind {n} [im Zug oder Flugzeug] | |
| travel unaccompanied minor [in an aircraft or train] | alleinreisendes Kind {n} [im Zug oder Flugzeug] | |
| traffic transp. mobile workers {pl} [collectively] [train and lorry drivers, conductors, etc.] | fahrendes Personal {n} [Zug- und LKW-Fahrer, Schaffner etc.] | |
| geogr. Canton of Zoug <ZG> [spv.] [Canton of Zug] | Kanton {m} Zug <ZG> | |
3 Words: Others |
| rail while the train is in motion {adv} | während der Fahrt [während der Zug fährt] | |
| step by step {adv} | Zug um Zug | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to pick up speed | an Fahrt gewinnen [Zug] | |
| to carry sb. home | jdn. nach Hause bringen [Zug, etc.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| rail slowing train | langsamer fahrender Zug {m} [Zug, der langsamer fährt] | |
| games Ticket to Ride | Zug um Zug | |
4 Words: Others |
| It's too late. | Das Boot ist abgefahren. [Redewendung] [selten] [Der Zug ist abgefahren.] | |
| comm. as and when [time condition] | Zug um Zug mit [zeitliche Bedingung] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to do sth. several times on the trot [coll.] [fig.] | etw. mehrmals unmittelbar hintereinander tun [in einem Zug] | |
| to catch sth. [train, boat] | mit etw. (gerade noch) mitkommen [erreichen, z. B. den Zug, Dampfer] | |
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