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Dictionary English German: [above]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
beyond {prep} [above]
oberhalb [+Gen.]
foregoing {adj} [the above text, etc.]
obige [Grundform: obig]
above {adj} [above-mentioned]
well {adv} [above, ahead, below etc.]
above {adj} [above-mentioned]
obengenannt <o. g.>
above {adj} [above-mentioned]oben genannt <o. g.>
elevated {adj} [raised above the ground]hoch liegend [erhöht] [bes. geogr.]
cloth. topless {adj} [nude above the waist or hips]ohne Oberbekleidung [selten für: mit unbekleidetem Oberkörper]
topless {adj} [nude above the waist or hips]mit bloßem Oberkörper [nachgestellt]
to overlook sth. [view from above]
etw.Akk. überschauen [von oben überblicken]
to press sth. [mostly weights, above one's head]
etw. hochstemmen
cloth. to blouse [fit loosely above the waist]
blusen [fachspr.] [locker über der Taille sitzen]
to overlook sth. [to tower above sth.]
etw. überragen
to sky sth. [hang near the top of the wall (above line of vision)] [dated] [coll.]etw. (deutlich) oberhalb der Augenhöhe aufhängen [Bild, Gemälde]
admin. fin. threshold [fig.; amount above or below which the state interferes with taxation, welfare payments, etc.]
Schwellenbetrag {m}
hist. marquis [(in some European countries) a nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke]
Marquis {m}
insur. franchise [amount of liability below which an insurer disclaims liability, but above which they assume total liability]
Mindestgrenze {f}
mining sinkhole [above collapsed mine]
Binge {f} [auch: Pinge]
archi. relig. basilica [above the burial place of a martyr]
Grabkirche {f}
mining sinkhole [above collapsed mine]
Pinge {f}
games [A form of amusement mainly at children's birthday parties in which a sausage is hung by a string above the heads of the children who must jump to bite off a piece]Würstelschnappen {n} [regional, bes. südd., österr.]
geol. [layer of rock above a seam of coal or mineral]Abraumdecke {f}
[loft for grain, located above the living quarters]Söller {m} [schweiz.] [Fußboden für Korn, der über dem Wohntrakt liegt]
constr. ind. allowance [above or below nominal size](oberes / unteres) Abmaß {n} [Toleranz des Nennmaßes]
archi. relig. basilica [above the burial place of a martyr]Grabeskirche {f}
archi. downstairs [if one is above the ground floor]Erdgeschoß {n} [österr.] [südd.]
archi. fanlight [Br.] [small window over a door or above another window]Kämpferfenster {n} [Fenster oberhalb des Kämpfers einer Tür oder eines Fensters]
games yarborough [in bridge or whist: a hand with no card above a nine][bei Whist und Bridge: Blatt, bei dem keine Karte höher als 9 ist]
2 Words: Verbs
to climb down [as observed from above]hinabklettern
to marry up [to marry sb. with a social status above one's own]sich hochheiraten
2 Words: Nouns
furn. bunk bed [pair of beds, one above the other]Etagenbett {n}
tech. installation altitude [e.g. 1000 m above sea level]Installationshöhe {f} [e.g. 1000 m ü. d. M.]
landing strip [coll.] [little patch of hair above the vagina]Landestreifen {m} [ugs.] [kleiner Schamhaarstreifen oberhalb der Vagina]
Madonna (piercing) [above the upper lip, left or right]Madonna-Piercing {n}
Monroe (piercing) [above the upper lip, left or right]Monroe-Piercing {n} [auch Madonna- od. Chrome-Crawford-Piercing]
receding hairline {sg} [above the temples]Geheimratsecken {pl} [ugs.] [hum.]
receding hairline {sg} [above the temples] [Calvities frontalis]Ehestandswinkel {pl} [ugs.] [hum.] [selten für: Geheimratsecken]
receding hairline {sg} [above the temples] [Calvities frontalis]Hofratsecken {pl} [ugs.] [hum.] [bes. österr.]
receding hairline {sg} [above the temples] [Calvities frontalis]Ministerwinkel {pl} [ugs.] [hum.]
receding hairline {sg} [above the temples] [Calvities frontalis]Ratsherrenecken {pl} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [hum.]
top-notcher [coll.] [well above average person]Überflieger {m} [ugs.]
med. transfemoral amputation <TFA> [above-knee amputation]Oberschenkelamputation {f} <OSA, OS-Amputation>
med. MedTech. transfemoral prosthesis <TFP> [above-knee prosthesis]Oberschenkelprothese {f} <OS-Prothese>
archi. Unverified transom (window) [Am.] [small window over a door or above another window]Oberlichte {f} [österr.] [bayer.] [Fenster oberhalb des Kämpfers einer Tür oder eines Fensters]
cloth. whale tail [thong underwear seen above waistband]Whale Tail {m} [selten]
3 Words: Others
at a level ... {adj} {adv} [e.g. ... that, ... below / above, etc.]auf einem Niveau ... [z. B. ... das, ... unter / über etc.]
up the stairs {adv} [as seen from above]die Treppe herauf [aus Sicht von oben]
Vide infra / supra. [See below / above]Siehe unten / oben!
3 Words: Nouns
electr. (electrical) power line [long-distance above-ground transmission of electricity]Stromtrasse {f}
climbing geogr. four-thousand footers <4ks> [New Hampshire mountains at or above this height]4000-Footers {pl} [Gruppe von Bergen in New Hampshire, USA, von 4.000 ft (1.219 m)]
insur. med. upper income limit [above which people may take out private health insurance]Versicherungspflichtgrenze {f} [Gehaltsobergrenze, bis zu der man pflichtversichert ist]
4 Words: Nouns
electr. high-voltage transmission line [long-distance above-ground transmission of electricity]Stromtrasse {f}
5+ Words: Others
It is clear from ... [the table, the above, etc.] that ...Aus ... [der Tabelle, dem Gesagten etc.] geht klar / eindeutig hervor, dass ...
on the upper side of {prep} [above]oberhalb [+Gen.]
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