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English-German translation for: [achieve]
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Dictionary English German: [achieve]

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
to gain [win, achieve]
to win sth. [achieve]
etw. erringen
to win sth. [achieve an end]
etw. erlangen
to get [achieve, obtain]
to secure sth. [achieve]
etw.Akk. erwerben [mit viel Aufwand]
to get [achieve, score]
to abet sb. [to help sb achieve sth.]
jdm. helfen [jdm. ermöglichen, ein Ziel zu erreichen]
to work sth. [achieve, e.g. a miracle]
etw.Akk. bewirken [eine Veränderung zur Folge haben]
to manage sth. [achieve]
etw.Akk. zusammenbringen [ugs.] [zustande bringen, schaffen]
to arrive [achieve success]
arrivieren [geh.]
to acheive [WRONG for: to achieve] [erreichen, bewirken, zu Stande bringen usw.]
to arrive [achieve success]es schaffen
tactic [an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end]
Vorgehensweise {f} [Taktik, Strategie]
lit. honorificabilitudinitatibus [archaic] [the state of being able to achieve honors][Fähigkeit, Ehre zu erlangen]
2 Words
to bring off sth. [achieve]etw.Akk. zu Wege bringen
to rack sth. up [achieve sth., e.g. points, a high score, profits]etw.Akk. erzielen [z. B. Punkte, ein gutes Ergebnis, Profit]
royal road [fig.] [auspicious or easy way to achieve something]Königsweg {m} [fig.]
law pol. separation movement [effort by a region to achieve independence]Separatismusbestrebung {f}
pol. violent radical [someone who aims to achieve their political ends in radical ways, such as through violence or the destruction of property]Chaot {m}
3 Words
to go through hoops [in order to achieve sth.] [idiom]sichDat. ein Bein ausreißen [ugs.] [um etw. zu erreichen] [Redewendung]
to jump through hoops [in order to achieve sth.] [idiom]sichDat. ein Bein ausreißen [ugs.] [fig.] [um etw. zu erreichen] [Redewendung]
to miss the mark [also fig.: not achieve one's aim, plan]am Ziel vorbeischießen [auch fig.: Ziel, Plan nicht erreichen]
to realize one's dream [achieve]sichDat. einen Traum erfüllen
to realize sb.'s dream [achieve]jdm. einen Traum erfüllen
4 Words
Is there a way ... [to achieve, do sth.]Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, ... [etw. zu erreichen etc.]
to be no mean feat [idiom] [be difficult to achieve / to do]kein leichtes Unterfangen sein [Vorhaben]
to be under the microscope [idiom] [in order to achieve a perfect solution]auf dem Prüfstand sein / stehen [fig.]
to bring home the bacon [coll.] [idiom] [achieve success]es schaffen [erfolgreich sein]
5+ Words
proverb Great boast and little roast. [Those who talk loudly, rarely achieve anything.]Hühner, die viel gackern, legen wenig Eier.
He couldn't get it up. [coll.] [failure to achieve penile erection]Er hat keinen hochgekriegt. [ugs.]
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