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English-German translation for: [across]
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Dictionary English German: [across]

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
nationally {adv} [across all territories of a federation]
biol. diffusible {adj} [across cell membranes]membrangängig
dispersed {adj} [e.g. workforce across geography]entlokalisiert
Ferryman! [call across a river to a ferryman to bring one across](Fährmann,) holüber! [selten] [meist: ... hol(') über!]
Ferryman! [call across a river to a ferryman to bring one across](Fährmann,) hol(') über!
to convey sth. [get across]
etw. rüberbringen [ugs.] [Botschaft etc.]
to intersect sth. [to cut across or through]
etw. durchkreuzen [Linie, Fläche (z. B. Straße, Feld)]
to bestride sth. [span, extend across]
etw. umfassen
naut. to sail sth. [to sail upon, over, through or across sth.]
etw. befahren [Ozean, Route usw.] [Schiff oder Person auf dem Schiff]
to bridge sth. [build a bridge across sth.]über etw.Akk. eine Brücke schlagen
smuggler [of people across borders]
Schleuser {m}
engin. A/F [across flats]
Schlüsselweite {f}
agr. bout [of a mower, reaper across a field]
Gang {m} [eines Schnitters über eine Länge des Felds]
admin. fin. [the splitting of combined income equally across members of a unit (couple, family, etc.) for purposes of income tax calculation]Splitting {n}
transp. [vehicle with longitudinal runners that travels by sliding across a surface: sled, sledge, sleigh]Kufenfahrzeug {n}
equest. bangtail [Am.] [a horse's tail cut straight across but not through the bone](glatt) abgeschnittener Pferdeschweif {m} [Haar, nicht Knochen]
philat. perfin [stamp that has had initials or a name perforated across it to discourage theft]Firmenlochung {f} [auch: Perfin]
2 Words: Others
comm. econ. across markets {adj} {adv} [attr.] [adj. also: across-markets]marktübergreifend
econ. across sectors {adj} {adv} [attr.] [adj. also: across-sectors]branchenübergreifend
2 Words: Nouns
med. Beau's lines [grooves across the fingernails]Beau-Linien {pl} [Querrillen der Fingernägel]
med. Beau's lines [grooves across the fingernails]Beau-Reil-Querfurchen {pl}
constr. hydro. dam construction [across a valley]Talsperrenbau {m}
entry regulations [across a border]Einreiseregeln {pl}
constr. fixed link [across Fehmarn Belt]feste Querung {f} [des Fehmarnbelt]
hat line [tan line across the forehead][Bräunungsstreifen auf der Stirn bei Hutträgern]
chem. hydrogen permeation [across a membrane]Wasserstoffdurchtritt {m}
net curtain [fixed across top and bottom with wire/rod]Spanngardine {f}
comm. price dispersion [variation in prices across sellers of the same item]Preisdispersion {f} [unterschiedliche Produktpreise bei verschiedenen Anbietern]
traffic sleeping policeman [Br.] [fig.] [low hump across a road]Kölner Teller {m} [regional] [Geschwindigkeitshemmer]
sleeping policeman [Br.] [fig.] [low hump across a road]schlafender Polizist {m} [fig.] [Fahrbahnhöcker]
3 Words: Others
geogr. across the belt {adv} [across the Danish strait]über den Belt
across the Channel {adv} [across the English Channel]jenseits des Ärmelkanals
3 Words: Nouns
electr. optics telecom. core refractive index [constant refractive index across the core of an optical fiber]Kernbrechzahl {f}
law immediate / hot pursuit [across borders]Nacheile {f}
law right of way <ROW> [across someone else's property]Schürgerecht {n}
geogr. rail Tay Rail Bridge [across the Firth of Tay]Firth-of-Tay-Brücke {f} [Eisenbahnbrücke]
astron. transit of Mercury [across the sun]Merkurdurchgang {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
geogr. transp. (Firth of) Tay Road Bridge [across the Firth of Tay]Straßenbrücke {f} über den Firth of Tay
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