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English-German translation for: [after:]
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Dictionary English German: [after ]

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to be up and about [after an illness; after sleep]wieder auf den Beinen sein [wieder gesund sein; wieder auf sein]
Partial Matches
anal {adj}[den After betreffend]
anat. anusRosette {f} [derb] [After]
service [after sales]Kundendienst {m}
behind {adv} [after]hintennach [österr.] [südd.]
caring {adj} {pres-p} [looking after sb.]sorgend
educ. travel [class trip after graduation]Abireise {f}
philos. pol. sociol. dispositif [after Michel Foucault]Dispositiv {n}
retirement [after working life]Ruhestand {m}
bleary-eyed {adj} [after sleep]verschlafen
post-marital {adj} [after divorce]nachehelich
post-marriage {adj} [after divorce]nachehelich
once {conj} [after]nachdem [wenn erst, sobald]
past {prep} [after]nach [danach, später, hinter]
to reconvene [after interruption]wiederbeginnen [nach Unterbrechung]
to resume [after interruption]weitergehen [nach Unterbrechung]
[class trip after graduation]Maturareise {f} [österr.]
relig. blessing [before or after meals]Tischgebet {n}
relig. spec. epispasm [foreskin restoration after circumcision]Epispasmus {m}
relig. grace [before or after meals]Tischgebet {n}
after hours {adv} [after work]nach Feierabend
FireResc hot spots [after a fire]Glutnester {pl}
law aiding and abetting [after crime]Begünstigung {f}
[immediately after the decision was made]entscheidungsnah
bleary {adj} [after sleep]verschlafen [noch nicht ausgeschlafen]
farctate {adj} [full after a meal]satt [Sättigungsgefühl]
pants {adj} [after verb] [Br.] [sl.]scheiße [vulg.]
postnuptial {adj} [after marriage]nach der Hochzeit [nachgestellt]
then {adv} [after that]alsdann [geh.] [dann, sodann]
to guide sb. [look after, mentor]jdn. betreuen
med. anorectitisAnorektitis {f} [Entzündung von After und Mastdarm]
biol. hunting zool. anusWaidloch {n} [After von Wild und Jagdhunden]
biol. hunting zool. anusWeidloch {n} [After von Wild und Jagdhunden]
butthole [Am.] [vulg.] [anus]Poloch {n} [ugs.] [After]
retirement [after working life]Pension {f} [österr.] [südd.]
in turn {adv} [one after the other]nacheinander
to care for sb. [look after]jdn. umsorgen
stocks curb market [Am.] [after-hours trading]Nachbörse {f}
emergency number [after plane crash etc.]Sondertelefon {n}
stocks kerb market [Br.] [after-hours trading]Nachbörse {f}
theatre young actor [after finishing his training]Eleve {m}
med. involution of the uterus [after pregnancy]Uterusrückbildung {f}
anat. anorectal {adj}anorektal [den After und das Rektum betreffend]
considerable {adj} [after considerable time]geraum [nach geraumer Zeit]
to chase sb./sth. [chase after]jdm./etw. nachjagen
hist. rail [a light railway to transport rubble after WWII]Trümmerbahn {f}
relig. [second Friday after Easter]Dreinagelfreitag {m} [bes. österr.] [selten]
[the twelve nights after Christmas]Raunächte {pl} [österr.] [südd.]
jobs caretaker [person employed to look after a building]Hausmeister {m}
med. travel landsickness [also: land sickness] [experienced after disembarkment]Landkrankheit {f}
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