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English-German translation for: [analysis]
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Dictionary English German: [analysis]

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insightful {adj} [questions, analysis]
agr. geol. hort. soil {adj} [attr.] [e.g. aeration, analysis, bacteria, erosion]
Boden- [z. B. Durchlüftung, Analyse, Bakterien, Erosion]
air {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bubble, cleaner, cooling, analysis, traffic]
Luft- [z. B. Blase, Filter, Kühlung, Analyse, Verkehr]
perceptive {adj} [analysis, article, speech, study etc.]
voice {adj} [attr.] [e.g. analysis, exercise, leading, training]
Stimm- [z. B. Analyse, Übung, Führung, Bildung]
med. laboratory {adj} [attr.] [chemical analysis]
stat. [relating to discriminant analysis] {adj}diskriminanzanalytisch
secondary {adj} [e.g. analysis, burial, care, caries, colour, forest, literature]Sekundär- [z. B. Analyse, Bestattung, Versorgung, Karies, Farbe, Wald, Literatur]
ultimately {adv} [in the last analysis]letzten Endes [Redewendung]
journ. to profile sb. [present a description, analysis of sb.]
jdn. porträtieren [jdm. einen großen Artikel widmen]
to sample sth. [take a sample or samples of sth. for analysis]
etw.Akk. beproben
to sample sth. [take a sample of sth. for analysis]eine Probe von etw.Dat. nehmen
to sample sth. [take samples of sth. for analysis]Proben von etw.Dat. nehmen
appraisal [evaluation, analysis]
Auswertung {f}
conclusions {pl} [of a study, an analysis, or a report, e.g.]
Fazit {n}
acad. cancellation [numerical analysis, physics]
Auslöschung {f} [numerische Mathematik, Physik]
comp. ling. parsing [syntactic analysis]
Parsen {n}
acad. psych. graphology [handwriting analysis]
Graphologie {f} [Handschriftdeutung]
acad. pol. psephology [electoral analysis]
Psephologie {f} [Wahlforschung]
lit. [novel concerned with the author's critical analysis of the age in which s/he lives]
Zeitroman {m}
breakdown [analysis]
Verteilung {f} [Aufgliederung]
paradox [a seemingly contradictory statement that upon closer analysis leads to a deeper truth]
Paradoxon {n} [geh.] [scheinbar unsinnige, falsche Behauptung, die aber bei genauerer Analyse auf eine höhere Wahrheit hinweist]
analyzation [analysis]Analyse {f}
med. VetMed. coproscopy [analysis of stool]Stuhlschau {f} [veraltet] [Koproskopie (Inspektion des Stuhls)]
labanotation [Laban movement analysis]Labanotation {f} [System zur Analyse und Aufzeichnung menschlicher Bewegung]
labanotation [Laban movement analysis]Laban-Notation {f} [selten] [Labanotation]
postmortem [fig.] [retrospective analysis]nachträgliche Analyse {f}
reanalysis [also: re-analysis]Neuanalyse {f} [erneute Analyse]
2 Words: Others
econ. fin. pol. monetary policy {adj} [attr.] [instruments, analysis, rules, etc.]geldpolitisch
acad. point-based {adj} [e.g. evaluation, analysis]punktbasiert [z. B. Auswertung, Analyse]
swimming-speed {adj} [attr.] [e.g. test, analysis, estimate]Schwimmgeschwindigkeits- [z. B. Test, Analyse, Schätzung]
top-down {adj} [analysis]verfeinernd
2 Words: Verbs
to take samples [for scientific testing or analysis]Proben nehmen
2 Words: Nouns
econ. A (class) items [ABC analysis]A-Teile {pl} [ABC-Analyse]
stat. AID analysis [automatic interaction detector analysis]AID-Analyse {f}
chem. tech. analysis range [also: range of analysis]Analysebereich {m}
econ. B (class) items [ABC analysis]B-Teile {pl} [ABC-Analyse]
MedTech. Unverified bioimpedance analysis <BIA> [also: bio impedance analysis]Bioimpedanzanalyse {f} <BIA> [auch: Bio-Impedanzanalyse]
follow-up [analysis of an event, e.g. a conference, a congress]Nachbetrachtung {f}
electr. mil. frequency analysis [e.g., spectral analysis]Frequenzanalyse {f} [z. B. Spektralanalyse]
mus. fundamental structure [Schenkerian analysis]Ursatz {m}
chem. tech. gas analysis [e.g. propane analysis but not for gasoline]Gasanalyse {f}
math. Hurwitz's theorem [complex analysis, number theory]Satz {m} von Hurwitz [Funktionentheorie, Zahlentheorie]
philos. immanent critique [cultural analysis identifying contradictions in social conventions]Immanente Kritik {f}
mus. initial ascent [Schenkerian analysis]Anstieg {m}
sociol. lifeworld analysis [also: life-world analysis]Lebensweltanalyse {f}
mus. linear progression [esp., in Schenkerian analysis]Zug {m}
link analysis [data analysis technique]Verbindungsanalyse {f} [Datenanalysetechnik]
med. liquefaction time [semen analysis]Verflüssigungszeit {f} [Samenanalyse]
mus. obligatory register [Schenkerian analysis]obligate Lage {f}
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