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English-German translation for: [anonymous]
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Dictionary English German: [anonymous]

Translation 1 - 18 of 18

English German
cottaging [Br.] [gay sl.] [anonymous sex in a public lavatory]
Klappensex {m} [ugs.]
archi. [anonymous, large-scale housing]Wohnmaschine {f} [ugs., hum. oder pej.: anonymes, großes Wohnhaus]
lit. adespota [anonymous works]Adespota {pl} [herrenlose Werke]
lit. Unverified anonyma [anonymous works]Anonyma {pl}
Unverified anonymus [rare spv. for anonymous]Anonymus {m} [geh.]
hist. lit. Archpoet [anonymous 12th-century poet]Archipoeta {m}
darkroom [darkened room for anonymous sex]Darkroom {m}
art hist. notname [provisional name given to an anonymous master]Notname {m}
2 Words
ling. name First Grammarian [later name of the anonymous Old Icelandic author of the First Grammatical Treatise]Erster Grammatiker {m} [späterer Name des anonymen altisländischen Autors des Ersten Grammatischen Traktats]
comp. lambda expression [anonymous function] <λ-expression>Lambda-Ausdruck {m} [anonyme Funktion] <λ-Ausdruck>
archaeo. art spec. name vase [specific vase an anonymous painter is named after]Namenvase {f} [namengebende Vase für einen anonymen Vasenmaler]
dent. med. patient questionnaire [anonymous feedback]Patienten-Feedbackbogen {m}
5+ Words
quote The Moor has done his work - the Moor may go. [Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa, anonymous translator]Der Mohr hat seine Arbeit getan, der Mohr kann gehen. [Friedrich Schiller, Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua (Muley Hassan, III,4)]
lit. quote The watchful guard upon him swept. [trans. anonymous 1902]Ihn schlugen die Häscher in Bande. [Friedrich Schiller, Die Bürgschaft]
art hist. Master of the Aachen Altar [anonymous late gothic painter active in Cologne]Meister {m} des Aachener Altars [anonymer Kölner Maler der Spätgotik]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Blindman's Buff [trans.: anonymous]Blinde Kuh [J. W. v. Goethe]
lit. F The Hostage [trans. anonymous 1902]Die Bürgschaft [Friedrich Schiller]
lit. F Augustus, who wouldn't have any soup [trans.: anonymous]Suppen-Kaspar {m} [in: Heinrich Hoffmann, Der Struwwelpeter]
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