| English | German | |
| anywhere {adv} [to any place] | 136 irgendwohin | |
| inclusive {adj} [not excluding any particular groups of people] | 47 offen [für jedermann frei zugänglich] | |
| anywhere {adv} [to any place] | 44 überallhin | |
| unlocked {past-p} {adj} [room, door lock, etc.: not (yet) locked; not locked any more] | 7 aufgeschlossen [Raum, Türschloss etc.: (noch) nicht verschlossen; nicht mehr verschlossen] | |
| mus. spec. overblown {adj} [organ pipe, flute, any wind instrument] | 6 überblasend [Orgelpfeife, Flöte, andere Blasinstrumente] | |
| [late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned] | seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend] | |
| either {adv} [any more than the other] | auch (nicht) | |
| momentarily {adv} [Am.] [at any moment] | jeden Augenblick [schon im nächsten Augenblick] | |
| geogr. Victorian {adj} [relating to Victoria, the state or any of the cities] | victorianisch [auf den austral. Bundesstaat Victoria oder eine Stadt dieses Namens bezogen] | |
Verbs |
| to plant sth. [any sort of space] | 8 etw.Akk. begrünen | |
| [to enjoy the freedom to do as one pleases without having to fear any consequences] | Narrenfreiheit genießen [fig.] | |
| automot. rail sports [to go very slow with maximum attention, ready to stop any moment] | auf Sicht fahren | |
| jobs to quit [any job] | eine Stellung aufgeben | |
Nouns |
| biro [Br.] [often used as a generic term for any ballpoint pen] [Biro™] | 788 Kugelschreiber {m} | |
| oenol. champagne [any sparkling wine] | 426 Sekt {m} | |
| entom. T | 243 | |
| weapons mace [often used as a generic term for any self-defense spray] [Mace®] | 241 Pfefferspray {m} {n} | |
| entom. zool. T | 158 | |
| sodomy [here: any deviate or illicit sexual act] | 150 Unzucht {f} [veraltet] [hier: bes. Anal- oder Oralverkehr] | |
| bullock [Br.] [castrated male bovine animal of any age] | 118 Ochse {m} | |
| biro [Br.] [often used as a generic term for any ballpoint pen] [Biro™] | 95 Kuli {m} [ugs.] [Kugelschreiber] | |
| stogie [Am.] [coll.] [here: any type of cigar] | 80 Stumpen {m} [ugs.] [veraltend als: Zigarre allgemein] | |
| girlfriend [any female friend] | 76 Freundin {f} [platonisch] | |
| bot. T | 57 | |
| bullock [Br.] [castrated male bovine animal of any age] | 45 Ochs {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst ugs.] [kastriertes männliches Rind, Ochse] | |
| alarm [any sound, noise warning of danger] | 44 Lärmen {n} [Schreien, Rufen, Lärm als Warnung] | |
| pol. sociol. participation [of any social group] | 43 Mitbestimmung {f} [dieser oder jener gesellschaftlichen Gruppe] | |
| beaver [esp. Am.] [vulg.] [female pudenda, also used as a sexist slur for any woman] | 41 Fotze {f} [vulg.] [weibliche Scham, auch als Schimpfwort für eine Frau] | |
| doona [Aus.] [coll.] [often used as a generic term for any duvet; Doona®] | 35 Bettdecke {f} | |
| math. addend [nowadays mostly: any of the summands] | 34 Summand {m} | |
| zool. T | 28 | |
| gastr. coke [Am.] [esp. South] [any soft drink] | 27 Limonade {f} [Softdrink] | |
| bramble [any rough, prickly vine] | 26 Dornenzweig {m} | |
| entom. T | 25 | |
| zool. T | 25 | |
| bump [on any surface] | 22 Hubbel {m} [regional] [Unebenheit, Buckel] | |
| oenol. champagne [any sparkling wine] | 19 Schaumwein {m} | |
| admin. [any road outside a city, town or village] | 18 Außerortstraße {f} | |
| gastr. cuisinart [Am.] [coll.] [Cuisinart®] [often used as a generic term for any food processor] | 18 Küchenmaschine {f} | |
| dread [coll.] [also: Dread] [Rastafarian or any other person wearing dreadlocks] | 16 Rasta {m} [ugs.] [hier: als Träger von Dreadlocks, oft nur der Mode wegen] | |
| geogr. [any of several small undiked islands off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein] | 13 Hallig {f} | |
| overlord [any ruler] | 13 Herrscher {m} | |
| windex [Am.] [often used as a generic term for any glass cleaner] [Windex®] | 11 Glasreiniger {m} [Putzmittel] | |
| cloth. mil. camouflage [here: flecktarn or any other fleck or spot pattern camouflage] | 9 Tarnfleck {m} {n} [ugs.] [Flecktarn oder jede andere gefleckte Tarnkleidung] | |
| zool. T | 9 | |
| traffic [any road outside a city, town or village] | 5 Landstraße {f} [österr.] [oft für: Freilandstraße, Außerortstraße] | |
| pol. [minister not responsible for any government department] | Sprechminister {m} [veraltet] | |
| [offense against a sovereign; or, more generally, any slight or insult that wounds someone's dignity.] | Majestätsbeleidigung {f} | |
| sociol. [people receiving no public unemployment or health benefits any more] | Ausgesteuerte {pl} | |
| math. addend [formerly often: any of the summands, but not the first one (the "augend")] | Addend {m} [heute selten] [zweiter / dritter / ... Summand] | |
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