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Dictionary English German: [anything]

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
idle {adj} [not doing anything]
first {adv} [before anything else]
proverb [No one masters anything without hard work.]Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen.
proverb [Rather get an upset stomach than let anything go back to the innkeeper.]Lieber den Magen verrenken, als dem Wirt etwas / was schenken. [auch: Lieber den Magen verrenkt, als dem Wirt was geschenkt.]
jack {adv} [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [short for: jack shit] [anything at all]scheiß gar nichts [ugs.] [vulg.]
fish [to angle (fish) without catching anything]schneidern [Jargon] [angeln, ohne etwas zu fangen]
commonplace [anything usual or trite]
Alltäglichkeit {f}
cover [blanket, duvet, anything you can cover yourself with]Zudecke {f} [generell]
goodie [Br.] [coll.] [someone who never does anything wrong]guter Mensch {m} [Gutmensch]
2 Words
diddly-squat [esp. Am.] [sl.] [anything at all, nothing]so gut wie nix [ugs.]
3 Words
faute de mieux {adv} [for lack of anything better]faute de mieux [geh.]
to be pear-shaped [woman or anything]von birnenförmiger Gestalt sein
to not know shit [vulg.] [idiom] [to not know anything]null Ahnung haben [ugs.]
Unverified to say first that ... [mention before anything else is said]vorwegschicken, dass ... [etwas vor etwas anderem sagen]
weapons piece of armor [Am.] [anything that protects a fighter's body from being wounded]Schutzwaffe {f} [den Körper schützender Teil der Kampfausrüstung, z. B. Schilde, Helme, schusssichere Westen]
weapons piece of armour [Br.] [anything that protects a fighter's body from being wounded]Schutzwaffe {f} [den Körper schützender Teil der Kampfausrüstung, z. B. Schilde, Helme, schusssichere Westen]
shower of shit [Br.] [Irish] [vulg.] [anything which is useless or contemptible]Scheißding {n} [vulg.]
shower of shite [Br.] [Irish] [vulg.] [anything which is useless or contemptible]Scheißding {n} [vulg.]
5+ Words
proverb Great boast and little roast. [Those who talk loudly, rarely achieve anything.]Hühner, die viel gackern, legen wenig Eier.
I don't know anything about anything.Mein Name ist Hase(, ich weiß von nichts). [Redewendung]
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.Wenn man nichts Nettes zu sagen hat, soll man den Mund halten.
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