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English-German translation for: [appear]
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Dictionary English German: [appear]

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
to look [seem, appear]
to summon sb. [notify to appear at a specified place]
jdn. einbestellen
to project sth. [cause to appear on a background]
etw. abbilden [durch Projektion, Schatten etc.]
to appear [have the appearance of being, look] [e.g. appear modest]sich ausnehmen [geh.] [wirken, erscheinen] [z. B. sich bescheiden ausnehmen]
to dwarf sth. [make appear sth. tiny]etw.Akk. zwergenhaft erscheinen lassen
to manifest sth. [show plainly, make appear distinctly]etw. bekannt machen [zeigen, offenbaren]
to naturalize sth. [make, or cause to appear, natural]etw.Akk. vernatürlichen
to show [be visible, appear]sich zeigen [zu sehen sein, erscheinen]
pretense [Am.] [attempt to make something untrue appear true]
Verstellung {f} [Heuchelei]
naturalization [action of making, or causing to appear, natural]Vernatürlichung {f}
2 Words
to be cited [to appear somewhere]zitiert werden [vorgeladen werden]
to crop up [coll.] [appear unexpectedly]auftauchen [unerwartet da sein]
to have sb. up [Br.] [coll.] [cause to appear in court]jdn. drankriegen [ugs.]
to round out [complete the picture of, portray, appear as]abrunden [Bild] [fig.]
to stand sb. up [fail to appear for a date]jdn. sitzen lassen
nose lines [facial lines or wrinkles that appear at the sides of the upper portion of the nose]Nasenrückenfalten {pl}
3 Words
to be stood up [coll.] [to be the victim of a person failing to appear for a date]versetzt werden [ugs.] [bei einer Verabredung]
to get stood up [coll.] [to be the victim of a person failing to appear for a date]sitzengelassen werden
to get stood up [coll.] [to be the victim of a person failing to appear for a date]versetzt werden [ugs.] [bei einer Verabredung]
to show itself / themselves [become visible, appear]in Erscheinung treten [sichtbar werden]
4 Words
idiom He stood her up. [coll.] [He failed to appear for the date]Er ließ sie aufsitzen. [ugs.] [Er hielt die Verabredung nicht ein]
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