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English-German translation for: [application]
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Dictionary English German: [application]

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comp. source {adj} [attr.] [e.g. address, application, code, file, program]
Quell- [z. B. Adresse, Anwendung, Code, Datei, Programm]
paint {adj} [attr.] [e.g. application, bomb, bucket, coating, pot, roller, tube]Farb- [z. B. Auftrag, Beutel, Eimer, Überzug, Topf, Walze, Tube]
med. subaqual {adj} [application, treatment]subaqual [Anwendung, Behandlung]
admin. comm. to process sth. [deal with sth., handle sth.] [e.g. an application, orders]
etw.Akk. bearbeiten [z. B. einen Antrag, Aufträge]
to release sth. [e.g. a service, application]
etw.Akk. freischalten
tech. technology [application, skills]
Technik {f}
practice [application]
Anwendung {f} [praktische Anwendung]
comp. app [coll.] [application]
Anwendung {f}
law element [of a patent application]
Merkmal {n} [einer Patentanmeldung]
disposition [application, use]
Verwendung {f}
ambit [field of application]
Anwendungsbereich {m}
comp. application [short for: application software]
Anwendungssoftware {f}
law [criminal offence prosecuted only upon application by the victim]
Antragsdelikt {n}
comp. telecom. goodput [application level throughput]
Datendurchsatz {m} [eines Netzes]
comp. Internet API [short for: application programming interface]
API {f} [auch {n}] [Schnittstelle zur Programmierung von Anwendungen]
Unverified [application to exterminate a wild predator population]Abschussgesuch {n}
[letter stating that one's job application would be filed for future vacancies]Eis-Schreiben {n} [Jargon im Personalwesen]
overapplication [also: over-application] [e.g. of pesticides]übermäßiger Einsatz {m} [z. B. von Pflanzenschutzmitteln]
repulse [rejection of a application, plea etc.]Repuls {m} [veraltet] [Zurückweisung eines Antrages, Gesuches etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to put in sth. [application, etc.]etw.Akk. stellen [Antrag usw.]
to rush sth. through [law, application etc.]etw.Akk. durchhauen [fig.] [ugs.] [Gesetz, Bestimmung etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
accompanying form [printed application]Begleitformular {n}
law ASP contract [application service providing]ASP-Vertrag {m}
jobs cold application [Am.] [coll.] [unsolicited application]Blindbewerbung {f}
jobs cold application [Am.] [coll.] [unsolicited application]Initiativbewerbung {f}
fish fishing examination [prerequisite for the application for the German fishing license]Fischerprüfung {f} [amtliche Prüfung als Voraussetzung für die Erteilung eines Fischereischeines]
initial application [e.g. application of a process but not application for a job]Erstanwendung {f}
law patent fee [application fee]Patentgebühr {f}
acad. jobs personal statement [application]Motivationsschreiben {n} [Bewerbung]
comp. problem domain [area of expertise or application that needs to be examined to solve a problem]Anwendungsdomäne {f} [abgegrenztes Problemfeld]
admin. renewal application [application for extension]Verlängerungsantrag {m}
jobs unsolicited application [e.g. job application]Spontanbewerbung {f}
admin. travel visa application [making the application]Visumbeantragung {f}
admin. travel visa application [making the application]Visumsbeantragung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
electr. (alternating) mains voltage [Br.] <UT> [UT is the alternating mains voltage prior to application of test levels]Netzwechselspannung {f} <UT> [UT ist die Netzwechselspannung vor Anwendung der Prüfpegel]
first-time application [e.g. application of a process but not application for a job]Erstanwendung {f}
jobs first-time application [first application]erstmalige Bewerbung {f} [erste Bewerbung]
tech. high-temperature application [also: high temperature application]Hochtemperaturanwendung {f} [auch: Hochtemperatur-Anwendung]
comp. rapid application development <RAD>schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung {f} [fachspr.: Rapid Application Development <RAD>]
4 Words: Others
within the scope of sth. {adv} [the field of application]im Anwendungsbereich etw.Gen.
4 Words: Nouns
electr. (alternating) supply / line voltage <UT> [UT is the alternating supply voltage prior to application of test levels]Netzwechselspannung {f} <UT> [UT ist die Netzwechselspannung vor Anwendung der Prüfpegel]
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