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English-German translation for: [article]
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Dictionary English German: [article]

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {f} nouns (w or w/o definite article) or {m} / {n} nouns with definite article, e.g. "der erste Eindruck", "(die) erste Hälfte", "das erste Gebot"]
a {indefinite article} [masculine direct object]
a {indefinite article} [masculine / neuter indirect object]
perceptive {adj} [analysis, article, speech, study etc.]
first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {m} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erster Eindruck"]
on sth. {adv} [article, etc.]
zu etw.Dat. [Aufsatz etc.]
cosmet. med. sanitary {adj} [e.g. article, product, bag, regulations]
Hygiene- [z. B. Artikel, Beutel, Bestimmungen]
a {indefinite article} [feminine indirect object]
first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {n} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erstes Gebot"]
law ["Federal law overrides state law." - Article 31, Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany; similar to the rule "Federal law supersedes state law." in the U.S. Constitution]Bundesrecht bricht Landesrecht. [Artikel 31, Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland]
ling. anarthrous {adj} [used without the article (esp. in Greek grammar)]ohne Artikel gebraucht [bes. im Griechischen]
ling. anarthrous {adj} [without article (esp. in Greek grammar)]ohne Artikel [nachgestellt] [bes. im Griechischen]
headed ... {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. chapter, article]mit der Überschrift ... [nachgestellt]
in {prep} [in cases where an article is used in German but not English, e.g. "im November"]im [Präp. + Art.: in dem]
lengthy {adj} [article, report, statement]sehr umfangreich
to revise sth. [e.g. a manuscript, an article, a novel]
etw.Akk. überarbeiten [und verbessern] [z. B. ein Manuskript, einen Artikel, einen Roman]
to discard sth. [unwanted, outmoded article]
etw.Akk. ausrangieren
to write sth. [a letter, an article, etc.]
etw.Akk. verfassen [einen Brief, einen Artikel etc.]
to discard sth. [unwanted, outmoded article]
etw.Akk. aussondern
to discard sth. [unwanted article]
etw.Akk. ausscheiden [entfernen, aussondern]
writer [of a novel, an article, a letter, etc.]
Verfasser {m}
digest [of book, article etc.]
Extrakt {m} [auch {n}] [aus Buch, Artikel]
acad. humanities [usually with the definite article] {pl}
Geisteswissenschaft {f}
journ. piece [article in newspaper, magazine, etc.]
Beitrag {m}
journ. listicle [portmanteau of list and article]
Listicle {m}
reference [to a book, article]
Quellenverweis {m}
comm. layaway [Am.] [an article bought through a deferred purchase plan]
[angezahlte und zurückgelegte Ware]
comm. import [article]
Importprodukt {n}
bibl. law [article pertaining to bicycles in the Swiss federal constitution]Veloartikel {m} der Bundesverfassung [Schweiz]
acad. publ. abstract [summary of the contents of a book, article, or speech]Abstrakt {m} {n} [selten für: Abstract]
first [innovation] [requires indefinite article or possessive pronoun]Neuheit {f}
2 Words: Others
nine-page {adj} [attr.] [essay, article etc.]neunseitig [Aufsatz, Artikel etc.]
three-page {adj} [attr.] [letter, article, etc.]dreiseitig [Brief, Artikel etc.]
two-page {adj} [attr.] [letter, article, etc.]zweiseitig [Brief, Artikel etc.]
well-made {adj} [film, plot, article, cake, etc.]gelungen [Film, Plot, Artikel, Kuchen etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
comm. to go begging [coll.] [dead article]keinen Abnehmer finden [Ladenhüter]
to proceed to [e.g. name of continent, country, region, town, cardinal direction - but only with article]sich begeben in [geh.]
to proceed to [e.g. name of continent, country, town, island, cardinal direction - but only without article]sich begeben nach [geh.]
to proceed to [e.g. name of island(s) - but only with article]sich begeben auf [geh.]
to water sth. down [fig.] [statement, article]etw. abschwächen
to work through sth. [book, article]etw. durcharbeiten [lesen und auswerten]
to work through sth. [book, article]etw. durchstudieren [ugs.] [durcharbeiten]
2 Words: Nouns
journ. bylined feature [article under a byline]Autorenbeitrag {m} [Artikel mit Verfasserangabe]
journ. core message [of an article, presentation, etc.]Küchenzuruf {m}
special authorization [no article]Sondergenehmigung {f}
war-blinded [usually with definite article]Kriegsblinder {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to be left unwritten [letter, article, book]ungeschrieben bleiben [Brief, Artikel, Buch]
comm. to carry an article [to offer an article]einen Artikel anbieten
comm. to carry an article [to offer an article]einen Artikel im Angebot haben
journ. to carry an article [to publish an article]einen Artikel veröffentlichen [Zeitung, Zeitschrift]
journ. publ. to run a piece [coll.] [publish an article]einen Artikel veröffentlichen
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. poire belle Hélène [mostly used without an article] [stewed pear with (ice cream and) chocolate sauce]Birne {f} Helene [meist ohne Artikel gebraucht]
4 Words: Nouns
law pol. case for the alliance [lat. Casus foederis, according to article 5 of Nato]Nato-Bündnisfall {m}
hist. name Diana, Princess of Wales [no article - after divorce]Diana {f}, Fürstin von Wales [offizieller Titel, doch als „Prinzessin von Wales“ bekannt]
5+ Words: Others
at the end of the passage {adv} [in a book, newspaper article, etc.]am Ende des Absatzes
law Federal law supersedes state law. ["preemption doctrine", derived from the supremacy clause of Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution][„Bundesrecht hebt Länderrecht auf.“ - Grundsatz gemäß Artikel 6 der US-Verfassung; vergleichbar mit „Bundesrecht bricht Landesrecht.“, Art. 31 GG der BRD]
5+ Words: Verbs
to go beyond the constraints of sth. [e.g. of an essay, article, etc.]den Rahmen von etw.Dat. sprengen [Redewendung]
comm. to put sth. on / to one side (for sb.) [article in a store](für jdn.) etw. zurücklegen
5+ Words: Nouns
astron. the Cassini Division / [without article] Cassini's Division [also: Cassini division, Cassini's division](die) cassinische Teilung {f}
astron. the Cassini Division / [without article] Cassini's Division [also: Cassini division, Cassini's division]Cassinis Teilung {f} [selten] [cassinische / Cassini'sche Teilung, Cassini-Teilung]
astron. the Cassini Division / [without article] Cassini's Division [also: Cassini division, Cassini's division]die Cassini-Teilung {f}
astron. the Cassini Division / [without article] Cassini's Division [also: Cassini division, Cassini's division]die Cassini'sche Teilung {f}
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