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English-German translation for: [articulatio]
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Dictionary English German: [articulatio]

Translation 1 - 50 of 108  >>

English German
anat. joint [Articulatio]
Gelenk {n}
anat. ginglymus [Articulatio ginglymus]Scharniergelenk {n}
2 Words: Nouns
anat. acromioclavicular joint <AC joint> [Articulatio acromioclavicularis]Akromioklavikulargelenk {n} <AC-Gelenk> <ACG> [Schultereckgelenk]
anat. acromioclavicular joint <AC joint> [Articulatio acromioclavicularis]Schultereckgelenk {n}
anat. arthrodial joint [Articulatio plana]Arthrodialgelenk {n}
anat. arthrodial joint [Articulatio plana]ebenes Gelenk {n} [Arthrodialgelenk]
anat. atlantoaxial joint [Articulatio atlantoaxialis]Atlantoaxialgelenk {n}
anat. zool. bicondylar joint [Articulatio bicondylaris]Drehwinkelgelenk {n}
anat. zool. bicondylar joint [Articulatio bicondylaris]bikondyläres Gelenk {n}
VetMed. carpal joint [Articulatio carpi]Vorderfußwurzelgelenk {n}
anat. cartilaginous joint [Articulatio cartilaginea]Knorpelgelenk {n}
anat. zool. condylar joint [Articulatio bicondylaris]Kondylengelenk {n}
anat. zool. condyloid articulation [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Eigelenk {n}
anat. condyloid articulation [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Ellipsoidgelenk {n}
anat. zool. condyloid joint [Articulatio condylaris]Kondylengelenk {n}
anat. zool. condyloid joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Eigelenk {n}
anat. condyloid joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Ellipsoidgelenk {n}
anat. med. cotyloid joint [Articulatio spheroidea, Articulatio cotylica, Enarthrosis sphaeroidea, Enarthrosis spheroidea] [ball-and-socket-joint]Napfgelenk {n}
anat. med. cotyloid joint [Articulatio spheroidea, Articulatio cotylica, Enarthrosis sphaeroidea, Enarthrosis spheroidea] [ball-and-socket-joint]Nussgelenk {n}
anat. cricoarytenoid joint [Articulatio cricoarytenoidea]Krikoarytenoidgelenk {n}
anat. cricothyroid joint [Articulatio cricothyroidea]Kehlkopfgelenk {n}
anat. biol. cubital articulation [Articulatio cubiti] [rare for: elbow joint]Ellenbogengelenk {n}
anat. cuneonavicular joint [Articulatio cuneonavicularis]Kuneonavikulargelenk {n}
anat. zool. elbow joint [Articulatio cubiti]Ellbogengelenk {n}
anat. biol. elbow joint [Articulatio cubiti]Ellenbogengelenk {n}
anat. ellipsoid joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Ellipsoidgelenk {n} [Eigelenk]
anat. zool. ellipsoidal joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Eigelenk {n}
anat. ellipsoidal joint [Articulatio ellipsoidea]Ellipsoidgelenk {n}
anat. med. enarthrodial joint [Articulatio spheroidea, Articulatio cotylica, Enarthrosis sphaeroidea, Enarthrosis spheroidea] [ball-and-socket-joint]Nussgelenk {n}
anat. zool. Unverified femoropatellar joint <FP joint, FPJ> [Articulatio femoropatellaris]Femoropatellargelenk {n}
anat. zool. Unverified femoropatellar joint <FP joint, FPJ> [Articulatio femoropatellaris]Kniescheibengelenk {n}
anat. femoropatellar joint <FPJ> [Articulatio femoropatellaris]Femoropatellargelenk {n}
anat. zool. Unverified femorotibial joint <FT joint, FTJ> [Articulatio femorotibialis]Kniekehlengelenk {n}
anat. zool. femorotibial joint <FTJ> [Articulatio femorotibialis]Femorotibialgelenk {n}
anat. fibrous joint [Articulatio fibrosa]Fasergelenk {n}
anat. med. VetMed. ginglymoid joint [Articulatio ginglymus]Scharniergelenk {n}
anat. glenohumeral joint [Articulatio glenohumeralis]Glenohumeralgelenk {n}
anat. glenohumeral joint [Articulatio glenohumeralis]Schultergelenk {n}
anat. gliding joint [Articulatio plana]Arthrodialgelenk {n}
anat. gliding joint [Articulatio plana]ebenes Gelenk {n} [Gelenk mit ebenen Gelenkflächen]
anat. hinge joint [Articulatio ginglymus]Ginglymus {m}
anat. hip joint [Articulatio coxae]Hüftgelenk {n}
anat. humeroradial joint [Articulatio humeroradialis]Humeroradialgelenk {n}
anat. humeroradial joint [Articulatio humeroradialis]Oberarm-Speichen-Gelenk {n}
anat. humeroulnar joint [Articulatio humeroulnaris]Humeroulnargelenk {n}
anat. humeroulnar joint [Articulatio humeroulnaris]Oberarm-Ellen-Gelenk {n}
anat. intervertebral joint [Articulatio intervertebralis]Intervertebralgelenk {n}
anat. intervertebral joint [Articulatio intervertebralis]Zwischenwirbelgelenk {n}
anat. knee joint [Articulatio genus]Kniegelenk {n}
anat. pivot joint [Articulatio trochoidea]Radgelenk {n}
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