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Partial Matches |
| (as) thick as a thumb {adj} [also: (as) thick as one's thumb] | daumendick | |
| as high as a man {adj} [idiom] [as tall as a man] | so groß wie ein Mann | |
| math. to circumscribe sth. [to construct one regular geometrical figure around another so as to touch as many points as possible] | etw.Akk. umbeschreiben | |
| as faithful as possible, as free as necessary {adj} [pred. or postpos.] [translation] | so treu wie möglich, so frei wie nötig [Übersetzung] | |
| idiom to cut corners [to do sth. as cheaply or as quickly as possible, sacrificing quality] | [bei etw. pfuschen, um Geld oder Zeit zu sparen] | |
| as much as is possible {adv} [less common] [as much as possible (in the present)] | so viel wie möglich [in der Gegenwart] | |
| as much as was possible {adv} [less common] [as much as possible (in the past)] | so viel wie möglich [in der Vergangenheit] | |
| immigration gate [for people as well as neophytes] | Einwanderungstor {n} | |
| as far and as soon as | sofern und sobald | |
| [as long as a finger joint] {adj} | gliedlang [veraltet] | |
| immediately {conj} [esp. Br.] [as soon as] | sofort nachdem | |
| archaeo. cloth. brooch [either as decoration or as a cloakpin] | Fibel {f} [Gewandnadel] | |
| as at ... [WRONG for: as of / as from] | [Stand (vom) ... ] | |
| foot-high {adj} [literal] [about as high as a foot] | fußhoch | |
| The moment ... [as soon as] | Sowie ... [sobald, in dem Moment] | |
| unrealistically high prices [as high as the moon] | Mondpreise {pl} [ugs.] | |
| admin. law [adopted as law rather than as constitutional amendment] {adv} | auf Gesetzesstufe [Schweiz] | |
| strawlike {adj} [e.g. as dry as straw] | strohern [(trocken) wie Stroh] | |
| as against {prep} [as opposed to / as compared with] | gegenüber [+Dat.] [im Vergleich] | |
| all the closer {conj} [Am.] [coll.] [as close as] | so nahe wie | |
| all the farther {conj} [Am.] [coll.] [as far as] | so weit wie | |
| when {conj} [as soon as] | bis [österr.] [sobald] | |
| midget [person as well as thing] | Winzling {m} | |
| pharm. quantum vis {adv} <q. v.; QV> [as much as you please] | nach Belieben | |
| as for my part {adv} [as far as I'm concerned] | was mich betrifft | |
| [face as earnest and hopeful as a confirmant] | Konfirmandengesicht {n} [selten] [hum.] [leicht pej.] | |
| pharm. quantum vis {adv} <q. v.; QV> [as much as you please] | so viel beliebt | |
| educ. law legal studies {pl} [often treated as sg. as an institutional program of studies] | Rechtsstudium {n} | |
| for that matter {adv} [idiom] [as far as that is concerned] | was das anbelangt | |
| for that matter {adv} [idiom] [as far as that is concerned] | was das angeht | |
| for that matter {adv} [idiom] [as far as that is concerned] | was das betrifft | |
| instantly {conj} [as soon as] | sofort als | |
| the moment {conj} [as soon as] | sobald | |
| to be like a grave [rare] [to be as silent as a grave] | verschwiegen wie ein Grab sein | |
| once {conj} [as soon as] | sobald | |
| when {conj} [as soon as] | sobald | |
| while {conj} [as long as] | solange | |
| to be up and about [all day etc., as early as] | auf den Beinen sein [aktiv / zugange sein] | |
| to needle sb./sth. [coll.] [fig.] [hassle, annoy: people as well as institutions] | jdn./etw. piesacken [ugs.] [sticheln, reizen, provozieren] | |
| math. to inscribe sth. [to draw a regular figure within another so as to touch in as many places as possible] | etw.Akk. einbeschreiben [einen Kreis bzw. Vieleck so in ein Vieleck bzw. Kreis zeichnen, dass die Ecken den Kreis berühren] | |
| theatre [to show the same play each night for a limited period or as long as it is successful] | en-suite spielen | |
| To the best of my remembrance, ... [rare or archaic] [As far as I can recall, ...] | Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, ... | |
| sports parallel bars [treated as pl.: apparatus; treated as sg.: event] | Barren {m} [Gerät und Disziplin] | |
| pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please] | nach Belieben | |
| relig. Apostolic See [used today to denote the Pope as well as the Curia] | Heiliger Stuhl {m} | |
| hist. relig. original Christians [also: Original Christians as Early Christians or as denominations referring to them] | Urchristen {pl} | |
| pharm. quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted] | nach Belieben | |
| pharm. quoties opus sit {adv} <quot. op. sit> [as often as necessary] | so oft wie notwendig | |
| mineral. ambrinoite [(K,NH4)2(As,Sb)6(Sb,As)2S13·H2O] | Ambrinoit {m} | |
| pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please] | so viel beliebt | |
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