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English-German translation for: [assembly]
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Dictionary English German: [assembly]

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
to convoke sth. [formal] [summon, call] [an assembly, a meeting, etc.]
etw.Akk. einberufen [eine Versammlung, eine Sitzung etc.]
ind. line [assembly line]
Fließband {n}
meeting [conference, assembly]
Versammlung {f}
ind. belt [conveyor belt, assembly belt]
Band {n} [Förderband, Fließband]
plenum [assembly]
Plenum {n}
pol. Landtag [legislative assembly of a German state]
Landtag {m}
tech. packaging [e.g. assembly groups]
Konfektionierung {f} [z. B. Baugruppen]
ind. line [assembly line]
Band {n} [Fließband]
hist. agora [place of assembly in ancient Greece]
Agora {f}
ingathering [assembly]
Sammlung {f}
hist. pol. moot [people's assembly]
Tabor {m} [aus dem Tschechischen: Volksversammlung]
aviat. empennage [Am.] [tail assembly of an aircraft]
Heckleitwerk {n}
ind. [automatic assembly line] [glass production]Eiserner Mann {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [automatische Fertigungsstraße in der Glasherstellung]
pol. [district assembly in Bavaria]Bezirkstag {m} [Bayern]
attachment [for assembly or installation]Aufnahme {f} [f. Zusammen- o. Einbau]
pol. Bürgerschaft [legislative assembly of the German states of Bremen and Hamburg]Bürgerschaft {f}
carrier [for assembly or installation]Aufnahme {f} [f. Zusammen- o. Einbau]
acad. archi. hall [dining hall, assembly room][Speise- und Versammlungsraum in College, Universität]
pol. Storting [Norwegian national assembly]Storting {n}
2 Words: Others
in-house {adj} [e.g. cable assembly]eigen [intern]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. circle assembly [Holy Roman Empire] [also: Circle Assembly]Kreistag {m}
hist. pol. Deputation Diet [assembly of the electors and princes of the Holy Roman Empire]Deputationstag {m}
pol. district elections [to a district assembly]Bezirksvertretungswahlen {pl}
hist. electoral college [HRE, assembly which elected the Roman German King]Kur {f} [Wahlversammlung zur Bestimmung des römisch-deutschen Königs]
pol. Federation Council [of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation]Föderationsrat {m} [entspricht dem Deutschen Bundesrat]
naut. Kort nozzle [shrouded propeller assembly for marine propulsion]Kortdüse {f}
MedTech. tech. load characteristics [e.g. of an X-ray tube assembly]Belastungskennwerte {pl}
tech. SCARA (robot) [selective compliance assembly robot arm]SCARA-Roboter {m}
tech. setup cart [workshop, production, assembly department]Rüstwagen {m} [Werkstatt, Fertigung, Montageabteilung]
MedTech. tube assembly [coll.] [X-ray tube assembly]Strahler {m} [im Sinne von Röntgenstrahler]
3 Words: Others
QM critical to quality {adj} <CTQ> [an attribute of a part, assembly, sub-assembly, product, or process]CTQ
3 Words: Verbs
to take the floor [idiom] [speak in a debate or assembly]das Wort ergreifen [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
MedTech. (X-ray) tube [coll.] [X-ray tube assembly, X-ray tube unit]Strahler {m} [Röntgenstrahler]
law freedom to demonstrate [freedom of assembly plus the right to hold demonstrations]Demonstrationsfreiheit {f}
hist. pol. House of Lords [upper house of the Austrian Imperial Assembly, 1867-1918]Herrenhaus {n} [Oberhaus des österr. Reichsrats, 1867-1918]
hist. House of Peers [variant name of the upper house of the Imperial Assembly, Cisleithania 1867-1918]Herrenhaus {n} [Oberhaus des Reichsrats, Cisleithanien 1867-1918]
House of Representatives [lower house of the Austrian Imperial Assembly, 1867-1918]Abgeordnetenhaus {n} [Unterhaus des österr. Reichsrats, 1867-1918]
MedTech. laser targeting device [on the tube assembly side]Laserlichtvisier {n} [häufig verwendet für Laserzielgerät] [strahlerseitig]
MedTech. laser targeting device [on the tube assembly side]Laserzielgerät {n} [strahlerseitig]
electr. rework / re-work [refinishing operation or repair of an electronic PCB assembly]Rework {n} [Nacharbeit od. Reparatur einer elektron. Baugruppe]
tech. rotary lift unit [assembly automation]Hub-Dreheinheit {f} [Montageautomation]
tech. set-up cart [in workshop, production and assembly departments]Rüstwagen {m} [in Werkstatt, Fertigungs-, Montageabteilung]
tech. slip ring assembly [also: slip-ring assembly]Schleifringübertrager {m}
pol. UN General Assembly [United Nations General Assembly] <UNGA>UN-Generalversammlung {f} [Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen]
4 Words: Nouns
MedTech. X-ray source assembly [EUR 17538] [X-ray tube assembly and beam limiting device]Röntgenstrahler {m} einschließlich Blendensystem [EUR 17538]
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