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| admin. econ. pol. umbrella {adj} [attr.] [e.g. association, company, organization] | 11 Dach- [z. B. Verband, Gesellschaft, Organisation] | |
| fish fishing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agreement, association, ban, harbour, indutry, vessel] | Fischerei- [z. B. Abkommen, Gesellschaft, Verbot, Hafen, Sektor, Fahrzeug] | |
Nouns |
| union [unification, association] | 167 Vereinigung {f} | |
| resignation [from party, firm, association etc.] | 113 Austritt {m} | |
| assembly [association] | 86 Verein {m} | |
| closeness [close association] | 44 Verbundenheit {f} | |
| union [association] | 38 Bund {m} | |
| chapter [Am.] [local branch of a society / association] | 34 Ortsgruppe {f} | |
| sports holding [association football] | 16 Halten {n} | |
| organisation [Br.] [association etc., also company, enterprise] | 12 Gesellschaft {f} [Vereinigung, auch Firma, Unternehmen] | |
| sports FIFA [acronym: Fédération Internationale de Football Association] | 8 FIFA {f} | |
| hist. [“wellspring of life” or “fountain of life”, SS-supported association during the Third Reich] | 6 Lebensborn {m} [von der SS getragener und staatlich geförderter Verein während des 3. Reiches] | |
| cloth. sports [jeans jacket, worn by association football fans, esp. in Germany] | 6 Kutte {f} [ugs.] [eine von Fußballfans getragene Fan-Kutte] | |
| sports passing [in association football] | 5 Passen {n} [Passspiel] | |
| sports [Association for Field Sports / Games, abbr. VfR] | Verein {m} für Rasensport / Rasenspiele <VfR> | |
| comm. [Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce] | Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag {m} <DIHK> | |
| oenol. [association of German quality and prädikat-wine estates: uses officially the German name and abbreviation in English] | Verband {m} Deutscher Prädikats- und Qualitätsweingüter (e. V.) <VDP> | |
| agr. [association of organic farms in Germany] | Bioland {n} | |
| comm. sports Unverified [association of ski resorts in the Bernese Oberland that offer a common season pass] | Top-4-Verbund {m} | |
| [federal association of interpreters and translators, Germany] | Bundesverband {m} der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer (e. V.) <BdÜ> | |
| [fraternity type catholic student association in Austria] | Österreichischer Cartellverband {m} <ÖCV> [ugs. in Ö: <CV>] [österr.] | |
| [German association for tenants' protection] | Deutscher Mieterschutzbund {m} | |
| [German Association for the Protection of Forests and Woodlands] | Schutzgemeinschaft {f} Deutscher Wald (e. V.) <SDW> | |
| [German association for voluntary self-regulation of digital media service providers] | Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle {f} Multimedia-Diensteanbieter <FSM> | |
| [German association for voluntary self-regulation of television] | Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle {f} Fernsehen <FSF> | |
| med. pol. [German association of physicians] | Hartmannbund {m} [Interessenvertretung vor allem der niedergelassenen Ärzte Deutschlands] | |
| traffic [German association of traffic participants, focus on ecology] | Verkehrsclub {m} Deutschland <VCD> | |
| [German Lifeguard Association] | Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e. V. {f} <DLRG> | |
| insur. [German mutual pension assurance association] | Pensionssicherungsverein {m} auf Gegenseitigkeit <PSVaG> | |
| [International Order Cordon Bleu du Saint Esprit, registered association; international humanitarian order of chivalry] | Internationaler Orden {m} Cordon Bleu du Saint Esprit e. V. [offiziell] | |
| insur. med. [medical advisory service of the German association of statutory health insurance funds] | Medizinischer Dienst {m} der Spitzenverbände der Krankenkassen e. V. <MDS> [bis Juni 2008] | |
| insur. med. [medical advisory service of the German association of statutory health insurance funds] | Medizinischer Dienst {m} des Spitzenverbandes Bund der Krankenkassen e. V. <MDS> [seit Juli 2008] | |
| [National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists] [Germany] | Kassenzahnärztliche Bundesvereinigung {f} <KZBV> | |
| biol. bot. zool. [plant or animal that lives near humans and benefits from association with them] | Kulturfolger {m} | |
| [professional association of dispensing chemists] | Apothekerkammer {f} | |
| sports [second yellow card in association football] | gelb-rote Karte {f} | |
| association [personal association] | Gesellung {f} | |
| ASTMS [Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs] | [Gewerkschaft der Wissenschaftler, Techniker und leitenden Angestellten] | |
| emblem [e.g. of a military unit, a club or an association] | Verbandsabzeichen {n} [z. B. Emblem einer militärischen Einheit, eines Sportclubs oder Vereins] | |
| sports interpassing [association football] | Kombination {f} [Fußball] | |
| bot. myrmecophyte [plant that lives in a mutualistic association with a colony of ants] | Myrmekophyt {m} [Pflanze, die mit Ameisen eine symbiotische Verbindung eingegangen ist] | |
2 Words: Others |
| TÜV-certified {adj} [TÜV - German Association for Technical Inspection] | TÜV-zertifiziert | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| MedTech. AAMI standards [Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation] | AAMI-Standards {pl} | |
| rail AAR coupler [U.S.] [AAR = Association of American Railroads] [automatic coupler] | Janney-Kupplung {f} | |
| QM AFNOR (association) [Association française de normalisation] | AFNOR {f} [offizielle französische Stelle für die Normung] | |
| sports away team [association football] | Auswärtself {f} | |
| sports away team [association football] | Gästeelf {f} | |
| sports away team [association football] | Gastelf {f} | |
| sports block tackle [association football] | Pressschlag {m} | |
| farmers association [also: farmers' association] | Bauerngewerkschaft {f} [bes. schweiz.] | |
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