| English  | German |  |
 | lush {adj} [coll.] [sexually attractive] | 735 geil [ugs.] [sexuell anziehend] |  |
 | buff {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [physically attractive] | 447 attraktiv |  |
 | appealing {adj} [attractive] | 323 verlockend |  |
 | yummy {adj} [coll.] [sexually attractive] | 262 knusprig [ugs.] |  |
 | nubile {adj} [attractive] | 211 anziehend |  |
 | foxy {adj} [of a woman] [Am.] [coll.] [sexually attractive] | 152 sexy [ugs.] [Frau: sexuell attraktiv] |  |
 | dishy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [attractive] | 114 attraktiv |  |
 | fly {adj} [sl.] [attractive] | 114 sexy [ugs.] |  |
 | devastatingly {adv} [fig.] [attractive, funny, etc.] | 81 umwerfend [ugs.] |  |
 | luscious {adj} [coll.] [sexually attractive] | 74 knusprig [ugs.] |  |
 | appealing {adj} [attractive] | 61 anziehend [gefällig] |  |
 | agreeable {adj} [pleasing, attractive] | 40 ansprechend |  |
 | dishy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [attractive] | 29 scharf [ugs.] [fig.] [attraktiv] |  |
 | hot {adj} [coll.] [fig.] [attractive] | 28 scharf [ugs.] [fig.] [attraktiv] |  |
 | bootylicious {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [sexually attractive] [of women] | sexy [ugs.] |  |
 | striking {adj} [attractive] | sehr gutaussehend |  |
 | studly {adj} [sl.] [sexually attractive] | (sexuell) attraktiv [Mann] |  |
 | yummiest {adj} [coll.] [most attractive] | schickste |  |
Verbs |
 | to appeal [be attractive] | 5202 wirken [auf jdn. attraktiv wirken] |  |
 | to marry [to unite two or more things to be more efficient, attractive, or profitable] | 17 vereinigen [...mehrerer Dinge um effektiver, attraktiver oder profitabler zu sein] |  |
 | to attract sb. [to be attractive to sb.] | für jdn. attraktiv sein |  |
Nouns |
 | bimbo [sl.] [pej.] [attractive but stupid young woman with loose morals] | 731 Flittchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [jung und attraktiv, aber dumm] |  |
 | bimbo [sl.] [attractive brainless female] | 610 Häschen {n} |  |
 | bombshell [coll.] [very attractive woman] | 266 Sexbombe {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | chick [esp. Am.] [sl.] [attractive girl, woman] | 133 Tusse {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen, Frau] |  |
 | stunner [coll.] [attractive person] | 111 Wucht {f} [ugs.] [umwerfende Person] |  |
 | bombshell [coll.] [very attractive woman] | 80 Granate {f} [ugs.] [Sexbombe] |  |
 | peach [coll.] [exceptionally attractive woman] | 59 Prachtweib {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | bimbo [sl.] [attractive but empty-headed young woman] | 48 Betthäschen {n} |  |
 | bimbo [sl.] [attractive brainless female] | 22 Puppe {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | smokeshow [sl.] [extremely physically attractive individual] | 14 Granate {f} [ugs.] [sehr attraktive Person] |  |
 | girlie [sl.] [attractive girl] | 9 Tusse {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen] |  |
 | talent [Br.] [coll.] [sexually attractive person] | 8 Schnittchen {n} [ugs.] [auch: Sahneschnittchen] [sexuell attraktive Person] |  |
 | dreamboat [coll.] [rare] [an exceptionally attractive thing] | 6 [etw., was man gerne haben möchte, z. B. Traumauto, Traumboot, Traum...] |  |
 | [attractive peculiarity, as a single trait, or of the whole character] | Apartheit {f} [selten] [Apartsein, apartes Wesen, reizvolle Eigenart] |  |
 | bimbo [sl.] [attractive but stupid young woman with loose morals, dumb blonde] | (blondes) Sexpüppchen {n} |  |
 | Unverified bimbo [sl.] [vulg.] [pej.] [attractive brainless female] | Barbie {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [(meist junge) attraktive, aber dumme Frau] |  |
 | fox [Am.] [sl.] [attractive man] | heißer Typ {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | fox [Am.] [sl.] [attractive woman] | heiße Braut {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | hunk [coll.] [attractive man, usually with a well-developed physique] | Bild {n} von einem Mann [ugs.] |  |
 | nymphette [spv.] [an attractive and sexually mature young girl] | Nymphchen {n} [Lolita] |  |
 | patootie [attractive woman] [mainly Am.] [sl.] | flotte Biene {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | pretties [coll.] [attractive things, esp. trinkets] | Hübschigkeiten {pl} [ugs.] [hübsche Dinge, z. B. Modeschmuck] |  |
 | ride [Irish] [sl.] [attractive person] | attraktive Person {f} |  |
 | shawty [Am., esp. African-American vernacular] [sl.] [attractive young woman] | sexy Frau {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | vixen [coll.] [sexually attractive woman] | erotische Frau {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | She's fit. [Aus.] [Br.] [coll.] [sexually attractive] | Sie ist heiß. [ugs.] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to appeal to sb. [be appealing, attractive] | jdm. belieben [geh.] [gefallen] |  |
 | to be fit [Br.] [coll.] [fig.] [be sexually attractive] | scharf sein [ugs.] [fig.] [sexuell anziehend sein] |  |
 | to be Rubenesque [euph.] [fat (but attractive)] | eine Rubensfigur haben |  |
 | to go for sb. [coll.] [to find someone attractive, romantically] | in jdn. verknallt sein [ugs.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | silver fox [coll.] [attractive older man] | Silberfuchs {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [attraktiver, grauhaariger Mann] |  |
 | silver fox [esp. Am.] [coll.] [an attractive older man, also woman] | silberner Fuchs {m} [ugs.] [selten] [ein attraktiver älterer Mann, auch eine solche Frau] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | TrVocab. urban picturesque Old Town [attractive historic section of a city / town] | malerische Altstadt {f} |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | She is an eyeful. [coll.] [She is a very attractive woman.] | Sie ist eine tolle Frau. [gutaussehend] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | (nice piece of) crumpet [Br.] [coll.] [attractive woman] | heißes Gestell {n} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [attraktive Frau] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | idiom a nice piece of crumpet [Br.] [coll.] [sexually attractive woman] | ein steiler Zahn {m} [ugs.] [veraltend] |  |
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