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English-German translation for: [automatic]
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Dictionary English German: [automatic]

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automot. automatic [coll.] [car with automatic gearbox / transmission]
Automatik {m} [ugs.] [Kraftfahrzeug mit Automatikgetriebe]
weapons spurt [burst of automatic gunfire]
Salve {f} [Maschinenwaffe]
mil. weapons spurt [burst of automatic gunfire]
Feuerstoß {m} [Maschinenwaffe]
insur. [automatic adaption of pensions to rises in the price index]
Pensionsdynamik {f} [österr.]
automot. notch [coll.] [gear selection of an automatic drive]
Fahrstufe {f} [Automatikgetriebe]
ind. [automatic assembly line] [glass production]Eiserner Mann {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [automatische Fertigungsstraße in der Glasherstellung]
weapons AK [coll.] [officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova] [literally translated: Kalashnikov's automatic (rifle)]AK {f} [kurz für: Automat Kalaschnikow]
comp. autodetection [also: automatic detection]automatische Erkennung {f}
weapons automatic [coll.] [semi-automatic pistol]halbautomatische Pistole {f}
autopen [machine for the automatic signing of a signature as an autograph]Autopen {m} [Maschine zur Kopie von Unterschriften]
gastr. teasmade [Br.] [generic term for any automatic teamaking appliance] [Teasmade®]Teebereiter {m} [Teemaschine, Teeautomat]
electr. gastr. teasmade [Br.] [generic term for any automatic teamaking appliance] [Teasmade®]Teekocher {m}
gastr. Teasmade® [Br.] [also teasmade as a generic term for any automatic teamaking appliance]Teemaschine {f}
2 Words: Others
knee-jerk {adj} [attr.] [automatic and unthinking]automatisch [reflexartig]
2 Words: Nouns
rail AAR coupler [U.S.] [AAR = Association of American Railroads] [automatic coupler]Janney-Kupplung {f}
stat. AID analysis [automatic interaction detector analysis]AID-Analyse {f}
law weapons assault weapon [term used in United States legislation for a semi-automatic firearm with specific features][in USA-Gesetzgebung verwendete Bezeichnung für eine halbautomatische Schusswaffe mit bestimmten Merkmalen]
automot. automatic car [vehicle with an automatic transmission]Automatikwagen {m}
mus. bell ringer [automatic music player]Glockenschläger {m} [Musikautomat]
electr. gastr. coffee brewer [automatic]Kaffeeautomat {m}
automot. gear selection [automatic drive]Fahrstufe {f} [Automatikgetriebe]
rail Janney coupler [esp. Am. and S.Afr.] [automatic coupler, AAR coupler, knuckle coupler]Janney-Kupplung {f}
rail knuckle coupler [Am.] [automatic coupler]Janney-Kupplung {f}
logic circuit [automatic control]Logikschaltung {f}
agr. tech. milking robot [automatic milking system]Melkroboter {m}
3 Words: Nouns
rail automatic train control <ATC>Zugbeeinflussungssystem {n} [auch: Automatic Train Control]
clean-in-place <CIP, CiP> [totally automatic cleaning sequence with no manual involvement]Reinigung {f} vor Ort [vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen]
cleaning in place <CIP, CiP> [totally automatic cleaning sequence with no manual involvement]Reinigung {f} vor Ort [vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen]
photo. dust reduction system [automatic sensor cleaning in digital cameras]automatische Sensorreinigung {f}
photo. dust removal system [automatic sensor cleaning in digital cameras]automatische Sensorreinigung {f}
mil. weapons full-automatic fire [automatic weapons]Dauerfeuer {n} [Maschinenwaffen]
weapons self-loading pistol [archaic.:semi-automatic pistol]Selbstladepistole {f} [halbautomatische Pistole]
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