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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [avoid]
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Dictionary English German: [avoid]

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
to skirt sth. [also fig.] [avoid, shirk]
etw. umgehen [auch fig.: ausweichen, nicht eingehen]
to save sth. [avoid wasteful use of sth.]
etw.Akk. einsparen [z. B. Wasser, Kosten, Energie]
to conserve sth. [avoid wasteful use of sth.]
etw.Akk. einsparen [z. B. Wasser, Energie]
to circumnavigate sth. [avoid] [fig.]
etw. umgehen [fig.]
to dodge sth. [avoid doing]sichAkk. um etw.Akk. herumdrücken
to egrote [obs.] [to avoid work]eine Krankheit vortäuschen [um sich vor Arbeit zu drücken]
to eschew [deliberately avoid]sich von etw.Dat. fernhalten
to funk sth. [esp. Br.] [coll.] [avoid sth., esp. out of fear]sich vor etw.Dat. drücken [ugs.] [bes. aus Angst oder Feigheit]
to shirk sth. [avoid sth.]etw.Dat. aus dem Weg gehen
to sidestep [to manoeuvre to avoid]Haken schlagen
womyn [spv.: used chiefly in feminist literature to avoid the suggestion of sexism perceived in the sequence m-e-n]
Frauen {pl}
admin. econ. [spending rush among company departments or administrative bodies at the end of the year to avoid budget cuts in the following year(s)]
Dezemberfieber {n} [ugs.] [hum.]
hort. [space left from the rim of a planted pot to the soil level, in order to avoid spilling of water when watering]Gießrand {m} [bei einer Topfpflanze]
2 Words
to fudge on sth. [avoid facing]etw.Dat. aus dem Wege gehen [einem Problem etc.]
to get around sth. [avoid sth.]um etw.Akk. herumkommen [ugs.] [vermeiden können]
to hold together [avoid strife]zusammenhalten [Auseinandersetzungen vermeiden]
to lie low [avoid being noticed] [fig.]sichAkk. unauffällig verhalten
to wink at sth. [ignore deliberately, as to avoid the necessity of taking action]über etw. (geflissentlich) hinwegsehen [absichtlich nicht bemerken oder verhindern]
idiom Typhoid Mary [Am.] [fig.] [female] [someone who you avoid]Aussätzige {f} [fig.] [jd., den man meidet]
idiom Typhoid Mary [Am.] [fig.] [male] [someone who you avoid]Aussätziger {m} [fig.] [jd., den man meidet]
travel visa run [short trip out of a country to avoid overstaying visa]Visa-Run {m} [Kurzreise ins Ausland zur Umgehung der maximalen Aufenthaltsdauer]
journ. written conversation [e.g. to avoid being overheard]Schreibgespräch {n}
3 Words
to dodge the column [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [shirk a duty, avoid work]sichAkk. drücken [ugs.] [vor Pflichten, Arbeiten]
4 Words
on the run (from sb./sth.) {adv} [to avoid being captured]auf der Flucht (vor jdm./etw.)
to blend into the background [idiom] [avoid one's responsibilities]sichAkk. wegducken [fig.]
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