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| sports ballboy [also: ball boy, ball-boy] [football / soccer] | Ballrusse {m} [ugs. bzw. veraltet] [Balljunge] | |
Partial Matches |
| sports ballboy [also: ball boy, ball-boy] [football / soccer / tennis] | Ballkind {n} | |
| jobs cam boy [coll.] [webcam boy] | Camboy {m} [auch: Cam-Boy] [ugs.] [Webcamboy] | |
| hist. jobs link boy [spv.] [link-boy, linkboy] [formerly: boy who carried a torch for pedestrians in dark streets] | Fackelträger {m} [Junge, der früher Fußgängern in der Nacht mit einer Fackel den Weg erleuchtete] | |
| gastr. poor boy [Am.] [less frequent than: po'boy] | Poor-boy-Sandwich {m} {n} [Po'boy-Sandwich] | |
| mus. chorister [boy] | Chorknabe {m} | |
| scouting [Boy Scouts] | Pfadfinderei {f} | |
| street kid [boy] | Straßenjunge {m} | |
| relig. acolyte [usually a boy] | Ministrant {m} | |
| doormat [coll.] [whipping boy] | Prügelknabe {m} | |
| hist. knave [archaic] [boy, servant] | Knappe {m} | |
| loon [Scot.] [boy, lad] | Junge {m} | |
| scoutmaster [Boy Scouts] | Gruppenleiter {m} [Pfadfinder] | |
| agr. jobs farm hand [stable boy] | Stallbursche {m} | |
| moppet [boy] | Hosenmatz {m} [ugs.] [kleiner Junge] | |
| rascal [boy] | Racker {m} [ugs. für: Schlingel] | |
| merit badge [boy scouts] | Verdienstabzeichen {n} [Pfadfinder] | |
| Boy, oh boy! [coll.] | Mannomann! [ugs.] | |
| Boy, oh boy! [coll.] | Manometer! [ugs.] | |
| art relig. [John the Baptist as a boy] | Johannesknabe {m} | |
| buster [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [boy, man] | Bursche {m} | |
| nipper [coll.] [small boy] | Stöpsel {m} [ugs.] [Knirps] | |
| two [boy aged two] | Zweijähriger {m} <2-Jähriger> | |
| cloth. Teddy boy [Br.] | Teddyboy {m} [auch: Teddy-Boy] | |
| Boy oh boy! [coll.] | Mannometer! [ugs.] [Mannomann] | |
| Boy, oh boy! [coll.] | Au Backe! [ugs.] | |
| Boy, oh boy! [coll.] | Au weia! [ugs.] | |
| fellow [coll.] [boy or man] | Bursch {m} [regional] [Bursche] | |
| hottie [Am.] [coll.] [boy] | Schmacko {m} [attraktiver Junge] [Jugendspr.] | |
| kid [coll.] [little boy] | Pimpf {m} [ugs.] [kleiner Junge] | |
| lad [coll.] [boy] | Bua {m} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [Bub] | |
| lad [coll.] [boy] | Bub {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [Junge] | |
| ploughboy [Br.] [obs.] [country boy] | Junge {m} vom Land | |
| plowboy [esp. Am.] [country boy] | Junge {m} vom Land | |
| jobs stableboy [spv.] [stable boy] | Stallknecht {m} [bes. im Pferdestall] | |
| man-child [archaic] [male child, boy] | Knabe {m} [geh.] | |
| at the age of sixteen {adv} [boy] | als Sechzehnjähriger | |
| hottie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boy, man] | heißer Typ {m} [ugs.] | |
| comm. gastr. jobs delivery guy [coll.] [pizza delivery man or boy] | Pizzabote {m} | |
| jobs clerk [office boy, junior clerk] | Bürogummi {m} [schweiz.] [dial.] [oft pej.] | |
| Unverified [boy or young man from the Grisons] | Bündnerbub {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| gastr. jobs buttons {sg} [Br.] [coll.] [page boy] | Page {m} [junger, livrierter Hoteldiener / Diener] | |
| dapperling [archaic] [dapper man or boy] | Gigerl {m} {n} [österr.] [südd.] [veraltend] [pej.] | |
| network building [weaving of an old-boy network] | Seilschaftbildung {f} [auch pej.] | |
| Eagle Scout [Am.] | [höchster Rang bei den Boy Scouts of America (Pfadfindern)] | |
| pigeon pair [boy and girl siblings, mostly twins] | gemischtes Doppel {n} [Kinder, Zwillinge] | |
| peasant {adj} [attr.] [e.g. boy, family, revolt] | Bauern- [z. B. Junge, Familie, Aufstand] | |
| bach [affectionate form of address to a man or boy] [Wales] | mein Lieber {m} [liebevolle Anrede] | |
| hist. mil. mining Bevin boy [also: Bevin Boy] | [britischer Wehrpflichtiger, der im 2. Weltkrieg in Kohlegruben arbeitete] | |
| tad [coll.] [Am.] [Can.] [small child, esp. boy] | Wicht {m} [ugs.] [kleines Kind, bes. kleiner Junge] | |
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