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English-German translation for: [band]
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Dictionary English German: [band]

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velvet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dress, ribbon, curtain]
Samt- [z. B. Kleid, Band, Vorhang]
adhesive {adj} [e.g. film, tape, binding, dressing, power]
Klebe- [z. B. Folie, Band, Bindung, Verband, Kraft]
wedding {adj} [attr.] [bridal] [e.g. band or ring, vow]
Ehe- [z. B. Ring, Gelübde]
mus. to practice [Am.] [band, orchestra: to rehearse]
audio mus. RadioTV to record [on tape etc.]Aufnahmen machen [auf Band, CD etc.]
to rethread [tape etc.]wiedereinführen [Band]
Schleife {f} [Band, Kranzschleife]
audio recording
Aufnahme {f} [z. B. auf Band, Tonband, Platte]
publ. volume
Buch {n} [Band]
braid [band entwined with hair]
Haarband {n}
mus. brass {pl} [brass wind instruments forming a band or a section of an orchestra; their players]
Blech {n} [ugs., auch etwas hum.: Blechbläser, Blechblasinstrumente]
textil. braid [decorative woven band]
Borte {f}
mus. bandwagon [Am.] [wagon carrying the band in a parade]
Musikantenwagen {m}
Rücklauf {m} [Band]
libr. withdrawals {pl}
Abgang {m} [ausgesonderter Band usw.]
braid [band entwined with hair]
Flechtband {n}
bar [band, strip, also insignia]
Streifen {m}
stand [band stand]
Podium {n}
mus. [Swiss brass + percussion carnival band]Guggemusig {f} [schweiz.]
biol. A-band [anisotropic band]A-Bande {f} [anisotrope Bande]
hist. mus. ABBA® [Swedish pop group] [ABBA is an acronym of the first letters of the band members' first names]ABBA® {f} [schwedische Popgruppe]
bandwagon [Am.] [wagon carrying the band in a parade]Wagen {m} der Musikkapelle
entom. T
VetMed. elastration [bloodless castration (as of a lamb) by fitting a strong rubber band about the scrotum]Kastration {f} mittels eines Elastrators
laceNestel {f} [regional] [Band, Schnur]
mus. support [support band]Vorgruppe {f}
unwindingAbspulen {n} [von Band, Garn etc.]
anat. vinculum [a tendinous band, ligament]Bindegewebsstrang {m}
mus. Vorkriegsjugend [literally: pre-war youth] [influential 1980s cult Deutschpunk/hardcore punk band from West Berlin]Vorkriegsjugend {f} [deutsche Hardcore-Punk-Band der 1980er Jahre aus Berlin-Kreuzberg]
2 Words: Others
three-piece {adj} [attr.] [e. g. band, group]dreiköpfig
2 Words: Verbs
to blast away [radio, rock band etc.]dröhnen
to lace in [a corset]lacieren [einschnüren, mit Band durchflechten]
2 Words: Nouns
med. bandaid surgery [esp. Am.] [Band-Aid® surgery] [e.g. laparoscopy]minimalinvasive Chirurgie {f} [z. B. Laparoskopie]
cross band [also: cross-band]Kreuzband {n}
fast forwardSchnellvorlauf {m} [Band]
mus. fave band [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite band]Lieblingsband {f}
mus. Guggen music [brass and percussion carnival band or music]Guggenmusik {f}
cloth. head band [Am.] [spv.] [headband] [Br. Alice band]Haarreif {m}
mus. horn section {sg} [of musical band]Bläser {pl} [ugs. und fachspr.]
anat. IT band [coll.] <ITB> [Tractus iliotibialis] [iliotibial band, iliotibial tract]Tractus iliotibialis {m}
med. MedTech. lap-band [LAP-BAND®] [weight loss surgery]Magenband {n}
med. MedTech. lap-band [LAP-BAND®] [weight loss surgery]Lap-Band® {n}
RadioTV laugh trackLachkonserve {f} [Publikumsgelächter vom Band]
light band [also: light-band]Lichtband {n}
med. Maissiat's band [Tractus iliotibialis] [iliotibial band]iliotibiales Band {n} <ITB>
mil. mus. military band [wind band in the military, and also in police and fire department]Musikkorps {n}
mus. original lineup [Band]Originalbesetzung {f}
chem. ribbon silicate [rare] [band silicate] [inosilicate]Bandsilikat {n} [auch: Bandsilicat]
mil. mus. service band [military wind band]Militärkapelle {f}
mus. signature song[berühmtestes Lied eines Sängers oder einer Band]
tech. slit stripSpaltband {n} [veraltet bzw. selten für: längsgeteiltes Band]
textil. small band [e.g. small ribbon]Bändlein {n} [Bändchen, schmales Band]
steel bandStahlband {n} [flexibles bzw. gegliedertes Band]
steel beltStahlband {n} [flexibles bzw. gegliedertes Band]
mus. support act [e.g. a band not in the top billing]Vorgruppe {f}
publ. tail band [book]Lesezeichen {n} [dünnes Band im Buch]
anat. Z-line [Z-disk, Z-band] [sarcomere]Z-Linie {f} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur]
anat. Z-line [Z-disk, Z-band] [sarcomere]Z-Streifen {m} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur]
3 Words: Nouns
mus. blues-rock band [also: blues rock band]Bluesrockband {f} [auch: Bluesrock-Band]
mus. hard rock bandHardrock-Band {f} [auch: Hard-Rock-Band]
telecom. sub-telephone frequency [frequency below a specified telephone frequency band]Subfernsprechfrequenz {f}
4 Words: Nouns
mus. member of a bandBandmitglied {n} [Mitglied einer Band]
mus. member of the bandBandmitglied {n} [Mitglied der Band]
mus. name of a bandBandname {m} [Name einer Band]
mus. name of the bandBandname {m} [Name der Band]
5+ Words: Verbs
mus. to play the big drum / drumspauken [in einer Big Band]
5+ Words: Nouns
audio octave-band sound-pressure level [also: octave band sound pressure level]Oktavpegel {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1: A Game of Thrones [George R. R. Martin]Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Teil 1: Das Erbe von Winterfell [Band 2]
lit. F A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1: A Game of Thrones [George R. R. Martin]Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Teil 1: Die Herren von Winterfell [Band 1]
lit. RadioTV F Band of Brothers [Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg] [based on the book Band of Brothers by Stephen E. Ambrose]Band of Brothers - Wir waren wie Brüder
lit. F Catching Fire [Suzanne Collins] [2nd novel in »The Hunger Games« trilogy]Die Tribute von PanemGefährliche Liebe [Band 2 der Trilogie]
lit. F Mockingjay [Suzanne Collins] [3rd novel in »The Hunger Games« trilogy]Die Tribute von PanemFlammender Zorn [Band 3 der Trilogie]
film F Parasite [Charles Band]Der Killerparasit
film F The Creeps [Charles Band]Evil Creatures - Die unglaublichen Untoten
lit. F The Hunger Games [Suzanne Collins] [1st novel in »The Hunger Games« trilogy]Die Tribute von PanemTödliche Spiele [Band 1 der Trilogie]
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