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English-German translation for: [bark]
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Dictionary English German: [bark]

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
pine {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bark, branch, coffin, cone, forest, needle, resin]
Kiefern- [z. B. Rinde, Zweig, Sarg, Zapfen, Wald, Nadel, Harz]
ash {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bark, cicada, grove, leaf, species, wood]
Eschen- [z. B. Rinde, Zikade, Wäldchen, Blatt, Art, Holz]
barkless {adj} [not able to bark] [dog]nicht bellen könnend [Hund]
to bark sth. [esp. Br.] [strip the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)]
etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, einen Ast etc.]
to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)]
etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.]
to bark [utter a bark or make a sound like a dog]
gauzen [auch gäuzen] [regional] [bellen]
to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)]etw.Akk. scheppsen [bayer.] [entrinden] [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.]
to peel [to be peeling, e.g. wallpaper, bark etc.]sich lösen [Tapete, Borke etc.]
slab [irregular board with bark]
Schwarte {f} [rindenbesäumtes Brett]
bot. liber [the inner bark of a tree, bast]
Bast {m}
birchbark [a canoe made of birch bark]Birkenrindenkanu {n}
for. blaze [mark on trees, esp. by chipping off the bark]Schalm {m} [Zeichen an Bäumen, bes. durch Abschlagen der Rinde]
coolamon [Aus.] [carrying container made from tree bark]Coolamon {n}
for. mark [on a tree for felling; esp. by chipping off the bark]Schalm {m} [an Bäumen]
2 Words
sth. chips off [bark, paint, etc.]etw. blättert ab [Rinde, Farbe usw.]
naut. bark schooner [rare for: schooner bark]Barkschoner {m} [selten für: Schonerbark]
barkless dog [dog that can't bark]Hund {m}, der nicht bellen kann
barkless dog [dog that doesn't bark]Hund {m}, der nicht bellt
3 Words
birch bark box [also: birch-bark box]Schatulle {f} aus Birkenrinde
birch bark roof [also: birch-bark roof]Birkenrindendach {n}
4 Words
med. maple-bark-stripper's lung [also: maple bark stripper's lung] [ICD-10, Version 2018]Ahornrindenschäler-Lunge {f} [ICD-10, Version 2018]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
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