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English-German translation for: [base]
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Dictionary English German: [base]

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rascal {adj} [attr.] [obs.] [villainous, base]
niederträchtig [geh.]
rogue {adj} [base, despicable]
pol. psych. sociol. power {adj} [attr.] [e.g. base, bloc, elite, game, struggle]
Macht- [z. B. Basis, Block, Elite, Spiel, Kampf]
bot. leaf {adj} [attr.] [e.g. apex, axis, base, blade, bud, damage]
Blatt- [z. B. Spitze, Achse, Grund, Spreite, Knospe, Schaden]
coarse {adj} [of materials, base]
unedel [Materialien]
basilary {adj} [referring to the base of the skull][die Schädelbasis betreffend]
to raise sth. [e.g. the minimum age, taxes, the base rate]
etw.Akk. hochsetzen [z. B. das Mindestalter, die Steuern, den Leitzins]
musk [a class of aromatic substances commonly used as base notes in perfumery]
Moschus {m}
fandom [fan base]
Fangemeinde {f}
comp. domain [data base]
Wertebereich {m} [Datenbank]
mil. outpost [base]
Stützpunkt {m} [in abgelegener Gegend]
bed [base]
Unterlage {f}
sports span
Brücke {f} [beim Base-Jumping]
chem. unit mole <mol> [SI base unit of amount of substance]
Mol {n} <mol>
anat. biol. lunula [white area at the base of a fingernail]
Halbmond {m} [Nagelhalbmond]
admin. transp. [1992 Swiss referendum that approved the Gotthard Base Tunnel]Neat-Abstimmung {f} [schweiz.]
mil. [Name given to base defense unit of JV44; literally means "butcher-bird squadron"]Würger-Staffel {f} [Luftwaffe]
electr. breadboard [connection base for electronic prototyping]Steckbrett {n}
electr. optics breadboard [construction base for prototyping of electronics or optics]Breadboard {n} [optische Experimentierplatte; auch Steckbrett bei elektron. Schaltung]
electr. breadboard [construction base for prototyping of electronics]Laborschaltbrett {n} [selten] [Steckbrett]
cousin [female]Muhme {f} [veraltet] [Base, Cousine]
comm. Unverified customers {pl} [customer base]Kundenkreis {m}
equest. VetMed. dock [base of the tail]Schweifrübe {f}
mil. firebase [also: fire support base <FSB>] <FB>Artilleriestützpunkt {m}
biochem. glucopyranosyloxymethyluracil [Base J]Glucopyranosyloxymethyluracil {n} [Base J]
Inconel [nickel-base alloy]Inconel {n} [Nickellegierung]
med. rhizarthritis [base of the thumb]Daumen-Sattelgelenkarthrose {f}
2 Words: Others
spec. gold-filled {adj} [also: gold filled] [gold filled with base metal]gold-filled [auch: Gold-filled] [wörtlich: gefülltes Gold] [Gold mit unedlem Metallkern]
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to bake sth. blind [unfilled tart base]etw.Akk. blind backen [Tortenboden ohne Füllung]
to draw on sth. [e. g. base a theory on sth.]an etw.Akk. anknüpfen [fig.] [sich auf etw. stützen]
to predicate sth. on sth. [base]etw. auf etw.Dat. gründen
2 Words: Nouns
chem. barium selenide [BaSe]Bariumselenid {n}
MedTech. photo. base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog]Grundschleier {m}
sports base jumpingBasejumping {n} [auch: Base-Jumping]
tech. base ring [a ring at the base of something]Fußring {m} [Ring am Fuß etw.]
econ. fin. basis effect [rare] [base effect]Basiseffekt {m}
electr. contact blade [e.g. on halogen bulb base, in connector]Kontaktzunge {f}
anat. cranial base [basicranium, base of cranium]Untergesicht {n}
math. Dienes (block) [multi-base arithmetic block]Steckwürfel {m}
drugs eighty-one <81> [sl.] [morphine base]Morphinbase {f}
drugs eighty-two <82> [sl.] [morphine base]Heroinbase {f}
electr. fuse mount [less often for: fuse base]Sicherungssockel {m}
chem. ignoble metal [less common for: base metal]unedles Metall {n}
tech. jaw interface [of a lathe chuck resp. of base or top jaws]Backenschnittstelle {f} [eines Drehfutters bzw. von Grund- oder Aufsatzbacken]
anat. lamina basalis [base layer of the hair follicule]Glashaut {f}
math. linking cube [multi-base arithmetic block]Steckwürfel {m} [Verbindungswürfel]
gastr. pastry disk [disk made of pastry, used as a base for various baked goods]Oblate {f} [Scheibe aus Teig, die als Unterlage für verschiedenes Gebäck verwendet wird]
FireResc rescue service [base]Rettungswache {f} [bes. D]
mil. sales commissary [Am.] [on base]Marketenderei {f}
biol. stem base [also: base of stem]Stielansatz {m} [bes. bei Pilzen, Früchten]
geogr. Subic Bay [former US naval base]Subic Bay {f}
3 Words: Verbs
Unverified to bottom sth. (on / upon sth.) [rare] [base sth. on]etw.Akk. (auf etw.Akk.) gründen
3 Words: Nouns
biol. acido-basic balance [rare for: acid-base balance]Säure-Basen-Gleichgewicht {n}
math. base ten block <base 10 block> [multi-base arithmetic block]Steckwürfel {m}
rail Ceneri Base Tunnel <CBT> [Italian: Galleria di base del Monte Ceneri]Ceneri-Basistunnel {m} <CBT>
med. sociol. healthy user bias <HUB> [base rate fallacy in epidemiologic studies]Healthy User Bias {m} {n} [Prävalenzfehler in Arzneimittelstudien]
tech. special jaw interface [of a lathe chuck resp. of base or top jaws]Sonderbackenschnittstelle {f} [eines Drehfutters bzw. von Grund- oder Aufsatzbacken]
hunting tres / trez tine [third prong from the base of a stag's antler]Mittelsprosse {f} [Geweih]
econ. zero-base budgetingPlanung {f} von der grünen Wiese aus [Zero-Base-Budgeting; Kostenmanagementmethode zur Planung von Gemeinkosten]
5+ Words: Nouns
tech. lithium complex soap-based grease [also: lithium complex soap base grease]Lithiumkomplexseifenfett {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Inquiry [Giulio Base]Das Ende der Götter
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
biol. mycol. T
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