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English-German translation for: [birds]
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Dictionary English German: [birds]

Translation 1 - 50 of 78  >>

English German
orn. zool. bald {adj} [newborn mice, birds, etc.]
nackt [neugeborene Mäuse, Vögel etc.]
fulvous {adj} [used for describing birds / animals]rötlich gelb
orn. zool. loral {adj} [attr.] [spv.] [of or relating to a lore in birds and reptiles] [e.g. loral scales]Zügel- [z. B. Zügelschuppen] [Raum zwischen Auge und Nasenlöchern]
orn. zool. loreal {adj} [attr.] [of or relating to a lore in birds and reptiles] [e.g. loreal scales]Zügel- [z. B. Zügelschuppen] [Raum zwischen Auge und Nasenlöchern]
orn. zool. to hatch sth. [eggs; young birds, etc.]
etw. ausbrüten [Eier; Vögel etc.]
to wheel [birds]
kreisen [Vögel]
orn. to gorge [birds of prey]
kröpfen [fressen bei Raubvögeln]
to peck [birds]
hacken [Vögel]
orn. to hover [esp. birds of prey]
rütteln [bes. Greifvögel]
to pick [e. g. birds]
picken [z. B. Vögel]
orn. to ring [birds]
orn. to band [birds]
orn. to cram [birds]
kröpfen [nudeln]
hunting orn. to cast [(of birds of prey) to eject indigestible parts]wöllen [(von Raubvögeln) das Gewölle auswerfen]
orn. to flight [of birds]in Schwärmen ziehen [Vögel]
orn. zool. to gape [of young birds: open their beaks to be fed]sperren [von jungen Vögeln: den Schnabel aufsperren, um gefüttert zu werden]
to handtame [birds etc.]handzahm machen [Vögel usw.]
haven [for birds, families, etc.]
Paradies {n} [für Vögel, Familien etc.]
hunting game [hunted animals or birds]
Jagdwild {n}
orn. flight [birds]
Schar {f}
relig. auspice [divination from the actions of birds]
Vogelschau {f} [Weissagung aus der Art des Vogelflugs]
orn. birdhouse [Am.] [for birds to nest in]
Vogelhaus {n} [ugs.] [Nistkasten]
cage [esp. for birds]
Vogelbauer {n} [auch {m}]
psych. ornithophobia [irrational fear of birds]
Ornithophobie {f} [irrationale Angst vor Vögeln]
orn. [courtship behavior of gallinaceous birds]Bodenbalz {f}
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tiras {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tirass {n}
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tiraß {n} [alt]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tyras {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
hunting [net to catch various types of terrestrial birds]Tyrass {n} [veraltet] [Rsv.]
orn. T
VetMed. bumblefoot [ulcerative pododermatitis] [birds, rodents]Bumblefoot-Erkrankung {f} [Pododermatitis]
acad. orn. caliology [study of birds' nests]Kaliologie {f} [Vogelnesterkunde]
orn. T
egger [collector of birds' eggs]Vogeleiersammler {m}
orn. flyway [of birds]Zugweg {m} [der Vögel]
VetMed. gapes {pl} [treated as sg.] [in poultry / birds]Wurmhusten {m} [durch Luftröhrenwürmer [Syngamus tracheae] verursachte Krankheit bei Geflügel / Vögeln]
orn. hovering [esp. birds of prey]Rütteln {n} [bes. Greifvögel]
orn. speculum [patch, often distinctly coloured, on the inner remiges of some birds]Flügelspiegel {m} [auffällig gefärbte Stelle am Vogelflügel]
orn. speculum [patch, often distinctly coloured, on the inner remiges of some birds]Spiegel {m} [auffällig gefärbte Stelle am Vogelflügel]
orn. volery [rare] [flock of birds]Schwarm {m}
orn. volery [rare] [flock of birds]Vogelschwarm {m}
orn. T
2 Words: Others
human-imprinted {adj} [e.g. birds]menschengeprägt [z. B. Vögel]
2 Words: Verbs
to bristle with sb./sth. [people, birds, ants, microbes, mistakes, etc.]von / vor jdm./etw. wimmeln [Objekt sind vornehmlich Menschen und Tiere, auch Fehler u. ä.]
hunting to fly away [of birds]abstreichen [Jägerspr.] [Federwild: wegfliegen]
orn. to peck at sth. [birds]etw. anfressen [Vögel]
2 Words: Nouns
orn. aerial predators [birds of prey as a menace for other animals]Luftfeinde {pl} [Raubvögel]
aviat. artificial flight [manflight; opposed to natural flight of e.g. birds]Kunstflug {m} [veraltet] [Flugversuche von Menschen; Gegensatz zum natürlichen Flug z. B. von Vögeln]
ecol. EU orn. Birds Directive [Council Directive on the conservation of wild birds]Vogelschutzrichtlinie {f} [Richtlinie des Rates über die Erhaltung der wildlebenden Vogelarten]
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