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English-German translation for: [board]
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Dictionary English German: [board]

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posted {adj} {past-p} [on a board]
ausgehängt [auf dem schwarzem Brett]
naut. astern {adv} [on board]hinten (im Schiff)
monolayer {adj} [PB board]Einebenen-
to embark [go on board of a boat / ship or aircraft]
einsteigen [in ein Boot / Schiff oder Flugzeug]
rail travel to entrain [board a train](in den Zug) einsteigen
to square sth. [a chunk of wood, a board]etw.Akk. rechtwinklig hobeln [ein Stück Holz, ein Brett]
board [esp. wooden board; also: for games, diving board, etc.]
Brett {n} [auch: Spielbrett, Sprungbrett etc.]
games token [in board games]
Spielfigur {f} [bei Brettspielen]
notice [announcement displayed on a board]
Aushang {m}
boardroom [fig.] [members of the board]
Vorstandsetage {f} [fig.] [Vorstände]
naut. launch [archaic] [largest boat on board a warship]
Barkasse {f} [veraltet] [größtes Beiboot auf Kriegsschiffen]
body [panel, board]
Gremium {n} [Körperschaft, Ausschuss]
games Risk [board game]
Risiko {n} [Brettspiel]
archi. riser [vertical board between steps on staircase]
Setzstufe {f}
slab [irregular board with bark]
Schwarte {f} [rindenbesäumtes Brett]
electr. trace [printed circuit board]
Leiterbahn {f}
deal [plank, board]
Diele {f} [Fußbodenbrett]
games Scrabble® [board game]
Scrabble® {n} [Brettspiel]
econ. spokesman [of an executive board]
Vorstandssprecher {m}
sports weapons target [board]
Scheibe {f} [Schießscheibe]
admin. directorate [board of directors]
Direktion {f}
deal [plank, board]
Bohle {f}
mining pol. [board to oversee bituminous coal mining in Germany]Braunkohleausschuss {m}
[cutting board used mainly for breakfast as a plate substitute in Germany]Frühstücksbrettchen {n}
games [German-style board game]Autorenspiel {n}
relig. [governing board of a church organisation]Bruderrat {m}
games Aggravation [Am.] [board game][Variante von Mensch ärgere dich nicht]
astron. hist. alhidade [also: alhidad, alidad] [archaic] [alidade, turning board]Alhidade {f}
games Barricade [board game] [also known as Malefiz]Malefiz {n} [Brettspiel]
games Carcassonne [board game]Carcassonne {n} [Brettspiel]
econ. chairwoman [female member of a board]Vorständin {f} [weibliches Mitglied eines Vorstands]
tech. corrugator [corrugated board machine]Wellpappenanlage {f}
jobs found [room and board included as salary]freie Station {f} [freie Kost und Logis]
jobs found [room and board included as salary]Kost und Logis [im Arbeitsentgelt inbegriffen]
constr. GIB® [also: gib] [NZ] [plasterboard (Gibraltar board)]Gipskartonplatte {f}
games Go [board game]Go {n} [Brettspiel]
joining [of a new member of a board, committee etc.]Einsitz {m} [schweiz.] [Eintritt als neues Mitglied in einem Gremium]
games Kalah [board game of the mancala family for two persons]Kalaha {n} [auch: Steinchenspiel] [Brettspiel der Mancala-Familie für zwei Personen]
games Labyrinth™ [board game]Das verrückte Labyrinth™
games sports marker [score board]Spielberichtsbogen {m}
games pachisi [traditional Indian board game][Variante von Mensch ärgere dich nicht]
pegboard [board with holes for pegs]Lochbrett {n} [Steckplatte]
furn. pelmet [cornice board]Kölner Brett {n} [Gardinenleiste]
2 Words: Others
eight-member {adj} [attr.] [board, committee, family, team, etc.]achtköpfig [Vorstand, Ausschuss, Familie, Team etc.]
naut. on shipboard {adj} {adv} [rare for: on board (the ship)]an Bord
naut. on shipboard {adj} {adv} [rare for: on board (the ship)]auf dem Schiff
ten-member {adj} [attr.] [board, committee, family, team, etc.]zehnköpfig [Vorstand, Ausschuss, Familie, Team etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to bring sb. in [get sb. on board]jdn. ins Boot holen [Redewendung]
to hop on sth. [coll.] [to board a train, bus, plane, etc.]in etw.Akk. einsteigen [in die Bahn, in den Bus, ins Flugzeug etc.]
to take oneself [on board, outside, to town, etc.]sichAkk. begeben [an Bord, nach draußen, in die Stadt etc.]
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