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Partial Matches |
| bone weary {adj} [also: bone-weary] | knochenmüde [ugs.] [selten] | |
| drawn {adj} [weary] | abgehärmt | |
| drawn {adj} [weary] | abgespannt | |
| anat. carpal [carpal bone] | Handwurzelknochen {m} | |
| carved {adj} {past-p} [wood, bone etc.] | geschnitzt | |
| med. to reset [bone, limb] | (wieder) einrichten | |
| med. slightly broken {adj} {past-p} [bone] | angebrochen [Knochen] | |
| biochem. med. bone metabolism [bone remodeling] | Knochengeweberemodellierung {f} | |
| med. chip removal [bone] | Spanentnahme {f} [Knochen] | |
| gastr. marrow dumplings [bone marrow] | Markklößchen {pl} | |
| anat. med. skeletal histology [bone histology] | Skeletthistologie {f} | |
| bony {adj} [of bone] | knöchern [aus Knochen] | |
| to crack [bone, rib, etc.] | anknacksen [ugs.] | |
| med. to refracture sth. [bone] | etw. refrakturieren [Knochen] | |
| anat. head [of a bone] | Kugel {f} [Gelenkkugel] | |
| med. highly comminuted {adj} [bone] | stark zertrümmert [Knochen] | |
| med. bone bruise | Knochenkontusion {f} [auch: Bone-Bruise {n}] | |
| rawhide bone [cowhide dog bone] | Hundekauknochen {m} | |
| fish T | | |
| anat. coronal bone [dated for: frontal bone] | Stirnbein {n} | |
| anat. medullary space [of the bone] | Markraum {m} [Knochenraumhöhle] | |
| anat. turbinated bone [Concha nasalis] [turbinate bone] | Nasenmuschel {f} | |
| material dog-bone model | Hundeknochenmodell {n} [auch: Dog-Bone-Modell] | |
| gastr. rib of beef [Br.] [bone-in forerib] | Rinderhochrippe {f} | |
| dent. impression post [for bone level implants] | Abdruckpfosten {m} [für Knochenimplantate] | |
| dent. impression post [for bone level implants] | Abformpfosten {m} [für Knochenimplantate] | |
| anat. med. maxillary {adj} [e.g. bone, fracture] | Oberkiefer- [z. B. Knochen, Fraktur] | |
| med. to comminute [e.g. a bone] | zertrümmern [z. B. einen Knochen] | |
| med. fracture risk [risk of bone fracture] | Frakturgefährdung {f} [Risiko eines Knochenbruchs] | |
| anat. biol. haunch bone [Os ilium] [less frequent than: iliac bone] | Darmbein {n} | |
| med. simple bone cyst <SBC> [juvenile bone cyst] | einfache Knochenzyste {f} <EKZ> | |
| art scrimshaw [carvings done in bone or ivory] | Beinschnitzerei {f} [Knochen- bzw. Elfenbeinschnitzerei] | |
| anat. med. carpal {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bone, fracture, injury] | Handwurzel- [z. B. Knochen, Fraktur, Verletzung] | |
| anat. med. heel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bone, pain, spur] | Fersen- [z. B. Bein, Schmerz, Sporn] | |
| bony {adj} [of bone] [e.g. structure, armour, growth] | Knochen- [z. B. Struktur, Panzer, Wachstum] | |
| med. surfer's ear [an exostosis or abnormal bone growth within the ear canal] | Gehörgangsexostose {f} | |
| agr. VetMed. zool. cattle {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bone, breed, farming, plague] | Rinder- [z. B. Knochen, Rasse, Haltung, Pest] | |
| hist. toys coral [historical teething toy made of coral, ivory or bone] | [Art historischer Beißring für Babys] | |
| equest. zool. coronary bone [Os coronale, Phalanx media] [small pastern bone of the horse and related animals] | Kronbein {n} | |
| bone {adj} [attr.] [made of bone] | beinern [attr.] [aus Knochen gefertigt] | |
| anat. bony pelvis [pelvic girdle, pelvic bone] | knöchernes Becken {n} [Beckengürtel, Beckenknochen] | |
| med. juvenile bone cyst <JBC> [solitary bone cyst] | juvenile Knochenzyste {f} <JKZ> | |
| med. petrositis [inflammation of the petrous bone] | Petrositis {f} | |
| jawbone wagon [also: jaw-bone wagon] [South African ox wagon, "kakebeenwa"] | [südafrikanischer Ochsenwagen] | |
| to snap [bone etc.] | brechen [Knochen etc.] | |
| human {adj} [e.g. bone, chain, dignity, life, nature, rights] | Menschen- [z. B. Knochen, Kette, Würde, Leben, Natur, Rechte] | |
| med. VetMed. osteochondrodysplasia [disorder of the development (dysplasia) of bone ("osteo") and cartilage ("chondro")] | Osteochondrodysplasie {f} <OCD> | |
| equest. zool. coronary bone [Os coronale, Phalanx media] [small pastern bone of the horse and related animals] | Kronenbein {n} [selten für: Kronbein] | |
| med. osteitis [inflammation of bone] | Osteitis {f} | |
| equest. bangtail [Am.] [a horse's tail cut straight across but not through the bone] | (glatt) abgeschnittener Pferdeschweif {m} [Haar, nicht Knochen] | |
| zool. premaxilla [Os incisivum, Os intermaxillare, Os praemaxillare, Os goethei] [premaxillary bone] | Zwischenkieferknochen {m} | |
| to deflesh sth. [a bone, a dead animal, etc.] | etw.Akk. entfleischen [einen Knochen, ein totes Tier etc.] | |
| bone-deep {adv} [fig.] [also: bone deep] [to the core, very deeply] | bis auf die Knochen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [bis ins Innerste, durch und durch] | |
| bone-deep {adv} [fig.] [also: bone deep] [to the core, very deeply] | bis in die Knochen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [bis ins Innerste, durch und durch] | |
| med. tech. wedge removal [removal of wedge-shaped piece of material, e.g. of bone] | Keilentnahme {f} [Entnhame von keilförmigen Materialstücken, z. B. von Knochen] | |
| anat. zool. Goethe's bone [Os incisivum, Os intermaxillare, Os praemaxillare, Os goethei] [premaxillary bone] | Goethe-Knochen {m} | |
| med. pseudo-Jones fracture [fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot] | Pseudo-Jones-Fraktur {f} | |
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