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English-German translation for: [breast]
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Dictionary English German: [breast]

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
man's {adj} [attr.] [e.g. body, breast, butt, job, voice]Männer- [z. B. Körper, Brust, Hintern, Arbeit, Stimme]
to suckle [at udder/breast]
saugen [an Euter/Brust]
hooters [esp. Am.] [sl.] [a woman's breast]
Titten {pl} [vulg.]
boob [coll.] [female breast]
Titte {f} [ugs.]
hooter [esp. Am.] [sl.] [a woman's breast]
Titte {f} [vulg.]
anat. dug [breast]
Brust {f}
booby [coll.] [a woman's breast]
Titte {f} [vulg.]
tit [vulg.] [breast]
Titte {f} [vulg.] [Brust]
falsies {pl} [coll.] [breast implants]
Gummibusen {m} [ugs.] [Brustimplantate]
[breast feeding by the birth mother]Selbststillen {n}
med. [mobile breast x-ray unit]Mammobil {n} [ugs.] [mobile Screening-Einheit für Bruströntgen]
boobs [sl.] [somewhat vulg.] [a woman's breast]Memmen {pl} [regional] [derb] [weibliche Brust]
naut. breasthook [also: breast hook] [of a ship]Bugband {n} [eines Schiffes]
falsies {pl} [coll.] [breast implants]falscher Busen {m} [ugs.]
med. mammaptosis [breast dropping]hängende Brust {f}
titty [vulg., offensive (Am.) or coll.] [a woman's breast]Titte {f} [derb] [weibliche Brust, Busen]
2 Words: Nouns
breast-ironing [breast flattening]Brustbügeln {n}
anat. med. female mamma [female breast]weibliche Mamma {f} [fachspr.] [weibliche Brust]
gastr. Genoese cima [stuffed veal breast]gefüllte Kalbsbrust {f} nach Genueser Art
anat. glandular lobules [breast]Drüsenläppchen {pl}
anat. med. male mamma [male breast]männliche Mamma {f} [fachspr.] [männliche Brust]
anat. man breast [man's breast]Männerbrust {f}
med. milk stool [breast milk stool] [faeces]Milchstuhl {m} [Muttermilchstuhl]
nursing woman [breast-feeding]Stillende {f}
med. MedTech. silicone discharge [breast implant]Silikonfreisetzung {f} [Brustimplantat]
gastr. skin side [also: skin-side] [of duck breast, fish, etc.]Hautseite {f} [von Entenbrüsten, Fischen etc.]
3 Words: Others
breast to breast {adv}Brust an Brust
sensitive to hormones {adj} [postpos.] [esp. breast cancer]hormonsensibel [bes. Brustkrebs]
3 Words: Nouns
sports 200-meter breaststroke [Am.] <200-m breaststroke> [also: 200-meter breast stroke, 200-m breast stroke]200-m-Brust {f} [kurz für: 200-m-Brustschwimmen]
med. MedTech. contoured breast implant [teardrop breast implant]tropfenförmiges Implantat {n} [Brustimplantat]
tools flat chest piece [on a breast drill]Abdruckfläche {f} [an einer Brustleier (Brustbohrmaschine)]
4 Words: Others
The milk comes in. [into a woman's breast]Die Milch schießt ein. [In die Brust]
5+ Words: Nouns
sports 200-metre / 200-metres breaststroke [Br.] <200-m breaststroke> [also: 200-metre breast stroke, 200-metres breast stroke, 200-m breast stroke]200-m-Brust {f} [kurz für: 200-m-Brustschwimmen]
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