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English-German translation for: [breathing]
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Dictionary English German: [breathing]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
chest {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cavity, hair, breathing, circumference]
Brust- [z. B. Höhle, Haare, Atmung, Umfang]
puffing {adj} {pres-p} [breathing in repeated short gasps]
breath [the air taken into or expelled from the lungs; the process of breathing]
Atem {m}
breath [single act of breathing in or out]
Atemzug {m}
dive [act of swimming underwater, usually with breathing equipment]
Tauchgang {m}
breath [(audible) single act of breathing in or out]
Schnauf {m} [schweiz.] [regional] [(hörbarer) Atemzug]
breath [single act of breathing in or out]
Schnaufer {m} [ugs.] [Atemzug]
chem. heliox [breathing gas]Heliox {n} [Atemgas]
med. inspirometer [an apparatus for measuring air inspired in breathing]Volumeter {n}
2 Words
in concentration {adv} [furrow forehead, become frozen, stop breathing, etc.]vor Konzentration [Stirn furchen, erstarren, Atem anhalten etc.]
FireResc med. ABCDE survey [airway - breathing - circulation - disability - exposure] [primary survey]ABCDE-Beurteilung {f} [initiale Beurteilung anhand des ABCDE-Schemas: Atemweg - Beatmung - Kreislauf - neurologisches Defizit - Exploration]
med. zool. chest breathing [thoracic breathing]Brustatmung {f}
med. clavicular breathing [high breathing]Schlüsselbeinatmung {f} [Hochatmung]
med. collarbone breathing [high breathing]Schlüsselbeinatmung {f} [Hochatmung]
hist. mil. naut. diving lung [submerged escape and rescue breathing apparatus for German WW II submarine crewmen]Tauchretter {m}
med. high breathing [clavicular breathing]Hochatmung {f} [z. B. bei Yoga, Atemtherapie]
med. Kussmaul breathing [also: Kussmaul's breathing]Kußmaulatmung {f} <KA> [selten für: Kußmaul-Atmung]
med. Kussmaul breathing [also: Kussmaul's breathing]Kußmaul-Atmung {f} <KA>
med. Kussmaul breathing [also: Kussmaul's breathing]kußmaulsche Atmung {f}
med. low breathing [abdominal breathing]Bauchatmung {f}
med. psych. low breathing [one of the four traditional breathing techniques in yoga] [also: abdominal breathing, deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing]Tiefenatmung {f} [hier: bes. Yoga] [auch: Bauchatmung, Flankenatmung, Zwerchfellatmung]
med. middle breathing [intercostal breathing]Mittelatmung {f} [z. B. bei Yoga, Atemtherapie]
zool. stomach breathing [abdominal breathing]Bauchatmung {f}
3 Words
med. eucapnic breathing method [eucapnic Buteyko breathing]EA-Methode {f} [Buteyko-Methode des eukapnischen Atmens]
anat. med. gamma nervous system [in eutony, breathing therapy, etc.] [rarely: gamma nerve system]Gamma-Nervensystem {n} [in Eutonie, Atemtherapie etc.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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