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English-German translation for: [bring]
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Dictionary English German: [bring]

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bankable {adj} [sure to bring in a profit]
proverb [used e.g. by actors to answer a good wish out of the superstition that giving thanks would bring bad luck]Wird schon schiefgehen! [ugs.]
Ferryman! [call across a river to a ferryman to bring one across](Fährmann) holüber!
to settle sth. [sort out, bring to a conclusion]
etw.Akk. erledigen [ausführen, zu Ende bringen]
mil. pol. to pacify sb./sth. [bring peace to sb./sth.]
jdn./etw. befrieden
to instigate sth. [bring about, initiate, e.g. legal proceedings]
etw. einleiten [in die Wege leiten, initiieren, z. B. ein Verfahren]
to produce sth. [call forth, bring on]
etw. hervorrufen
to fell sth. [bring down]
etw.Akk. fällen [umschlagen]
to foster sb. [bring up a child that is not one's own by birth]
jdn. aufziehen [ein Findelkind, ein Pflegekind]
to retrieve [to bring back out of a place]
to induce sth. [cause, bring about]
etw. bewirken
to accommodate sth. [bring into harmony]
etw. ausgleichen
to subdue sb./sth. [conquer, bring into subjection]
jdn./etw. niederschlagen [besiegen, unterwerfen]
to ensure sth. [bring about]
etw. bewirken
to return [bring back]
to perfect sth. [bring sth. to perfection]
etw.Akk. perfektionieren
to gather sth. [collect, bring together: facts etc.]
etw. zusammentragen [Fakten etc.]
to upgrade sth. [bring up-to-date]
etw.Akk. aktualisieren
to brew sth. [fig.] [contrive, bring about] [e.g. treason]
etw.Akk. schmieden [fig.] [z. B. Verrat]
to fetch sth. [to bring or get ]
etw. herbeischaffen [beschaffen]
to manifest sth. [realize, bring into being]
etw. verwirklichen
to dishonour sb./sth. [Br.] [bring shame or disgrace on sb./sth.]
jdn./etw. entehren [der Ehre berauben]
to return [bring back]
to damn sb./sth. [bring ruin on]
jdn./etw. ruinieren
to occasion sth. [formal] [cause, bring to pass]
etw.Akk. bewirken
spec. to negotiate (sth.) [bring about through discussion]
(etw.Akk.) negoziieren [veraltet] [verhandeln]
to negotiate sth. [bring about through discussion]
etw.Akk. ausjassen [schweiz.] [aushandeln]
to negotiate sth. [bring about through discussion]
etw.Akk. ausschnapsen [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.] [aushandeln]
to attune sth. [bring sth. into harmony, e.g. interests]etw. aufeinander abstimmen [z. B. Interessen]
Unverified to bottom sth. [bring to the bottom] [submarine]etw.Akk. auf Grund setzen [U-Boot]
to bring sth. [bring about, cause]etw.Akk. nach sich ziehen [herbeiführen, bewirken]
to carry sth. [bring in its wake]etw. mit sich bringen
relig. to church sb. [bring to church for ceremonies]jdn. zur Kirche geleiten [z. B. Mutter zur Segnung]
to crash [sb./sth. flying; fig.: to bring down rapidly]abstürzen lassen
gastr. to jelly [to bring to the consistency of jelly]gelieren lassen
to land sb. [to bring into a particular place, position, or condition]jdn. landen lassen [meist fig., z. B. im Gefängnis]
to mail sth. [bring to the post office]etw.Akk. zur Post bringen
to municipalise sth. [Br.] [bring sth. under the ownership (of the authorities) of a town]etw. in städtischen Besitz überführen
to municipalize sth. [bring sth. under the ownership (of the authorities) of a town]etw. in städtischen Besitz überführen
to negotiate (sth.) [bring about through discussion](über etw.Akk.) verhandeln
to negotiate (sth.) [bring about through discussion](um etw.Akk.) handeln [ugs.] [verhandeln]
to paralyse sth. [Br.] [bring sth. to a standstill]etw.Akk. zum Erliegen bringen
to parent [raise / bring up a child]ein Kind erziehen
to produce [bring results]zur Folge haben [erzielen]
to produce sth. [bring about]etw.Akk. zustande bringen
to produce sth. [bring about]etw.Akk. zu Stande bringen
to recall sth. [bring sth. back into one's mind, remember sth.]sichDat. etw.Akk. ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen [sich wieder an etw. erinnern]
naut. to snub sth. [bring a boat to an abrupt stop]etw.Akk. ruckartig zum Halten bringen [Boot oder Schiff]
to yield sth. [bring yields, revenue]Ertrag abwerfen
jobs [peasants who bring their produce to the market in tall backpack baskets]Refträger {pl} [veraltend] [regional] [Bäuerinnen/Bauern, die ihre Waren im Huckelkorb zum städtischen Markt bringen]
[period of leave to bring up a small child]Erziehungsurlaub {m}
2 Words: Others
to fruition [bring, come, etc.]zur Geltung [bringen, kommen, usw.]
2 Words: Verbs
to attune sth. (to sth.) [bring sth. into harmony (with sth.)]etw. abstimmen (auf etw.Akk.) [etw. in Einklang bringen (mit etwas)]
to bring off sth. [also: bring sth. off] [esp. Br.] [idiom]etw.Akk. zustande bringen
to bring off sth. [also: bring sth. off] [esp. Br.] [idiom]etw.Akk. zu Stande bringen
to carry out [bring about]bewerkstelligen
to carry sb./sth. out [bring out; away from observer]jdn./etw. hinaustragen
to carry sb./sth. out [bring out; towards observer]jdn./etw. heraustragen
to carry sb./sth. out [bring out]jdn./etw. raustragen [ugs.] [hinaustragen / heraustragen]
to carry sth. through [to bring sth. safely out of difficulties]etw.Akk. zu einem guten Ende führen / bringen
to draw up [bring / come to a halt]anhalten
to have children [bring into the world]sichDat. Kinder anschaffen [ugs.] [fig.]
to introduce sb. to sth. [bring a subject to the attention of sb. for the first time]jdn. an etw.Akk. heranführen [jdm. etw. näherbringen (und sein Interesse dafür wecken)]
to throw together [bring together]zusammenwürfeln [ugs.]
to work out sth. [bring about by work, effort, or action]etw.Akk. herausarbeiten
2 Words: Nouns
mail trayPostbehälter {m} [für Bring- und Abholservice]
3 Words: Verbs
to relate sb./sth. to / with sth. [bring into relation]jdn./etw. mit etw.Dat. in Zusammenhang bringen
4 Words: Others
Don't get me started. [Don't remind me] [coll.]Hör bloß damit auf. [Bring mich nicht dazu]
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to bring up the caboose [Am.] [fig.] [to bring up the rear]das Schlusslicht bilden
econ. fin. to have a big payback [bring a high return]sichAkk. reichlich rentieren [hohen Gewinn bringen]
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