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English-German translation for: [brown]
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Dictionary English German: [brown]

Translation 1 - 50 of 101  >>

English German
fallow {adj} [pale yellowish-brown; rare]
caramel {adj} [attr.] [light brown]
karamell [indekl.]
wheatish {adj} [wheat brown]
broon {adj} [Scot.] [brown]
[greenish brown] {adj}grünlichbraun [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [grünlich braun]
ferruginous {adj} [reddish brown, rust-coloured]rostfarben
gingerish {adj} [reddish brown]rötlich braun [z. B. Haarfarbe]
putty {adj} [greyish-yellow to greyish-brown or brownish-grey]graulich-gelb bis graulich-braun oder bräunlich-grau
gastr. to toast sth. [brown sth. by exposure to a grill, esp. bread]
etw.Akk. toasten [bes. Weißbrot in Scheiben rösten]
fish T
hist. pol. ["brown spots," i.e. hints of a Nazi past]braune Flecken {pl} [fig.]
gastr. [brown bread with ham and fried egg]Strammer Max {m}
brew [layer of brown gunk when the kräusen has fallen back completely]Schlaucherdecke {f}
bot. T
bricktop [coll.] [hum.] [reddish-brown hair]rotbraunes Haar {n} [rotbraune Haare]
bricktop {sg} [coll.] [hum.] [reddish-brown hair]rotbraune Haare {pl}
broon [Scot.] [brown]Braun {n}
fish T
bot. T
fish T
fish T
biochem. vesuvine [Bismarck brown]Vesuvin {n}
2 Words: Others
wood brown {adj} [also: wood-brown]holzbraun
2 Words: Nouns
chocolate pearl [brown cultured pearl]braune Zuchtperle {f}
constr. for. destruction rot [brown rot]Destruktionsfäule {f} [Braunfäule]
gastr. icing sugar [brown]Farinzucker {m}
FoodInd. gastr. wholegrain rice [brown rice]Vollkornreis {m} [auch: Vollkorn-Reis]
3 Words: Nouns
mining brown coal mining [also: brown-coal mining]Braunkohlebergbau {m}
mining brown coal mining [also: brown-coal mining]Braunkohlenbergbau {m}
educ. brown-bag session [Am.] [also: brownbag session, brown bag session]Brownbag-Sitzung {f}
brown-bag session [Am.] [coll.] [also: brownbag session, brown bag session]Brownbag-Seminar {n} <BBS>
gastr. demi-glace (sauce) [highly concentrated reduced brown sauce](Sauce) Demiglace {f} [eine der braunen Grundsaucen]
FoodInd. gastr. whole grain rice [brown rice]Vollkornreis {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
art Van-Dyck brown / vandyke brownVan-Dyck-Braun / Vandyckbraun {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
publ. F 187 Men to Avoid: A Survival Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman [Danielle Brown]187 Männer, um die Sie einen Bogen machen sollten: Ein Überlebens-Handbuch für die in Liebesdingen hoffnungslos ernüchterte Frau
film F A Free Soul [Clarence Brown]Der Mut zum Glück [Film von 1931]
film F A Woman of Affairs [Clarence Brown]Eine schamlose Frau
film F A Woman of Affairs [Clarence Brown]Herrin der Liebe
film lit. F Angels and Demons [novel: Dan Brown, film: Ron Howard]Illuminati
lit. F Another Dawn [Sandra Brown]Wie ein reißender Strom
lit. F Best Kept Secrets [Sandra Brown]Celinas Tochter
lit. F Breath of Scandal [Sandra Brown]Ein Hauch von Skandal
lit. F Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? [Bill Martin jr., Eric Carle]Brauner Bär, wen siehst denn Du?
film F Chained [Clarence Brown (1934 film)]In goldenen Ketten
lit. F Charade [Sandra Brown]Scharade
lit. F Chill Factor [Sandra Brown]Eisnacht
film F Come Live with Me [Clarence Brown]Komm, bleib bei mir
film F Conquest / Marie Walewska [Clarence Brown]Maria Walewska
lit. F Deception Point [Dan Brown]Meteor
lit. F Digital Fortress [Dan Brown]Diabolus
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