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English-German translation for: [built]
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Dictionary English German: [built]

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established {adj} {past-p} [built, constituted]
built {adj} [said of persons, e.g. sturdily built]
gebaut [von Personen gesagt, z. B. kräftig gebaut]
[sth. is so built that it obstructs the view of and/or access to sth.]etw. ist von etw.Dat. verbaut [Aussicht, Zugang]
archi. constr. brick {adj} [attr.] [brick-built]aus Ziegeln gemauert
archi. hist. mil. castle [built to besiege an enemy castle]
Trutzburg {f}
naut. canal [specially built for log driving]
Floßgraben {m}
hist. traffic autobahn [built during the Third Reich period]
Reichsautobahn {f} [1934 bis 1945]
[a type of sled built for transport on the mudflats]Schlickschlitten {m} [Wattschlitten]
[a type of sled built for transport on the mudflats]Wattschlitten {m}
hist. [built up area of a municipality]Etter {m} {n} [südd.] [bebauter Teil eines Gemeindegebiets]
[circular wall of sand built as a windbreak and to mark out a person's space on the beach]Strandburg {f}
archi. [newly built theatre or stage]Bühnenneubau {m}
weapons [NPA of the former GDR, man-portable soviet-built recoilless antitank rocket launcher]Panzerbüchse {f} <RPG>
archi. relig. [protestant church built according to the rules of the Patent of Tolerance of 1781 in Austria]Toleranzkirche {f}
ecol. [returning built-up land for environmental protection purposes]Rückzonung {f} [schweiz.]
[village built around a village green]Angerdorf {n}
hist. bretèche [brattice] [usually built over a gate in a medieval fortress]Pechnase {f} [kleiner nach unten offener Vorbau an einer mitteralterlichen Festung (Gusserker, Wehrerker)]
furn. TrVocab. kitchenette [a small built-in kitchen, e.g. in hotel rooms, small apartments]Pantryküche {f} [kleine Einbauküche, Kitchenette]
Ordensburg [fortress built by a crusading German military order]Ordensburg {f}
traffic skyway [highway segment that is built over another highway]Hochstraße {f}
2 Words: Others
comp. baked-in {adj} [coll.] [built-in code or functionality]integriert
constr. splendidly constructed {adj} {past-p} [built]hervorragend gebaut
2 Words: Verbs
to have sth. done [e.g. have a house built]etw. tun lassen [z. B. ein Haus bauen lassen]
2 Words: Nouns
archi. RealEst. (housing) terrace {sg} [Br.] [row of houses built in one block in a uniform style]Reihenhäuser {pl}
furn. fitment cupboard [built-in cupboard]Einbauschrank {m}
mining spoil dump [built by mining waste]Abraumberg {m}
hist. rail Tom Thumb [first American-built steam locomotive]Tom Thumb {f} [erste Dampflokomotive aus US-amerik. Produktion]
RealEst. tract house [Am.] [(rows of) identical houses built on a tract of land]Reihenhaus {n}
3 Words: Nouns
econ. ind. QM build to order <BTO>Auftragsfertigung {f} [auch: Build-to-Order, Built-to-Order]
econ. ind. QM build to stock <BTS> [build-ahead production approach]Lagerfertigung {f} [auch: Build-to-Stock, Built-to-Stock]
archi. hist. relig. Churches of Grace [built for Silesian Protestants]Gnadenkirchen {pl}
naut. clincher-built boat [rare] [clinker boat, clinker-built boat]Klinkerboot {n}
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