| English | German | |
| gastr. iced {adj} [cake, bun] | 94 glasiert | |
| gastr. cheese {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cheese counter, cheese cake] | 28 Käse- [z. B. Käsetheke, Käsekuchen] | |
| [Saffron makes the cake yellow.] | Safran macht den Kuchen gel. | |
| gastr. iced {adj} [cake, bun] | mit einer Glasur überzogen | |
Verbs |
| to rise [sun, moon, etc.; dough, cake, etc.] | 1640 aufgehen [Sonne, Mond etc.; Teig, Kuchen etc.] | |
| gastr. to frost [Am.] [cake] | 37 glasieren | |
| gastr. to ice sth. [cake] | 13 etw.Akk. glasieren [Kuchen] | |
| gastr. to grease sth. [cake tin etc.] | 6 etw.Akk. buttern [z. B. Kuchenform] | |
Nouns |
| gastr. gingerbread [cake] | 390 Lebkuchen {m} | |
| wedge [of cake] | 342 Kuchenstück {n} | |
| gastr. cakes {pl} [pieces of cake] | 131 Gebäck {n} [Stücke Kuchen] | |
| wedge [of cake] | 127 Stück {n} [keilförmiges Stück, bes. Stück Kuchen] | |
| gastr. lebkuchen [gingerbread cake] | 71 Lebkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. [oblong cake with chocolate icing] | 60 Rehrücken {m} [fig.] [Kuchen] | |
| gastr. Linzertorte [nut and jam layer cake] | 59 Linzertorte {f} | |
| gastr. wedge [cake, gateau] | 38 Tortenstück {n} | |
| gastr. slice [cake] | 28 Stückchen {n} [Torte] | |
| gastr. sponge [Br.] [sponge cake] | 22 Biskuitkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. wedge [cake] | 17 Kuchenstück {n} [von rundem Kuchen] | |
| gastr. [chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries] | 12 Donauwelle {f} | |
| gastr. [small chocolate-covered cream cake] | 10 Mohrenkopf {m} [veraltet, heute diskriminierend] [Schokokuss] | |
| gastr. mooncake [also: moon cake] [a Chinese pastry] | 9 Mondkuchen {m} [ein chinesisches Gebäck] | |
| gastr. [chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries] | 8 Schneewittchenkuchen {m} [ostd.] | |
| [cake shop and café] | Conditorei {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901, noch in Geschäftsnamen] [Konditorei] | |
| gastr. [little flat cake, esp. gingerbread] | Zelte {m} [österr.: {f}] [südd.] | |
| gastr. [rectangular piece of cake] | Schnitte {f} [Torten-, Kuchenschnitte] | |
| gastr. [round yeast cake with currants] | Korinthenplatz {m} [regional] | |
| gastr. Gugelhupf [Bundt cake] | Bäbe {f} [südwestd.] [Napfkuchen, Gugelhupf] | |
| gastr. Gugelhupf [Bundt cake] | Bundkuchen {m} [Rheinland, Pfalz] [Napfkuchen, Gugelhupf] | |
| gastr. relig. harcake [Br. regional] [soul cake] | Allerseelenkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. puto [Filipino steamed rice cake] | Puto {m} [philippinischer Reismuffin] | |
2 Words: Others |
| well-made {adj} [film, plot, article, cake, etc.] | gelungen [Film, Plot, Artikel, Kuchen etc.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| gastr. to turn out sth. [e.g. cake, pudding] | etw.Akk. stürzen [z. B. Kuchen, Pudding] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. (petite) Madeleine [very small sponge cake] | Madeleine {n} {f} [franz. Feingebäck] | |
| gastr. baba pan [cake pan] | Baba-Form {f} [Kuchenform] | |
| orn. bird cake [also: fat cake] | Meisenkuchen {m} | |
| cake topper [e.g. on wedding cake] | Tortenaufsatz {m} [z. B. auf Hochzeitstorte] | |
| gastr. king cake [also: kings' cake] | Dreikönigskuchen {m} | |
| gastr. Linzer tart [nut and jam layer cake] | Linzer Torte {f} | |
| gastr. Linzer torte [nut and jam layer cake] | Linzer Torte {f} | |
| gastr. monkey bread [American breakfast pastry] [also: monkey puzzle bread, pinch-me cake] | [amerikanisches Frühstücksgebäck aus Hefeteig, Zucker, Zimt] | |
| gastr. pound cake [British style] [Madeira cake] | Rührkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. stotty cake [Br.] [dial.] [also: stottie cake / bread] | [dicker (gefüllter) Brotfladen] | |
| gastr. yule log [Christmas cake] | Bismarckeiche {f} [Bûche de Noël, Weihnachtsgebäck] | |
| gastr. yule log [Christmas cake] | Julscheit {m} [auch: {n}] [Weihnachtsgebäck] | |
| gastr. yule log [Christmas cake] | Weihnachtsbaumstamm {m} [Weihnachtsgebäck] | |
| gastr. yule log [Christmas cake] | Bûche de Noël {f} [selten {m}] [Weihnachtsgebäck] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. application of decoration [on a cake, etc.] | Auftragen {n} der Dekoration [auf eine Torte etc.] | |
| gastr. blob of cream [e.g. on a cake] | Sahnetuff {m} | |
| gastr. bûche de Noël [Christmas cake] | Bûche de Noël {m} [Weihnachtsdessert] | |
| gastr. bûche de Noël [traditional Christmas cake] | Weihnachtsscheit {m} [auch: {n}] [Weihnachtsgebäck] | |
| gastr. galette des rois [Am.] [regional] [kind of king cake] | [eine Art Dreikönigskuchen, die in Louisiana in der Faschingszeit gegessen wird] | |
| gastr. hundreds and thousands [cake decoration] | Zuckerperlchen {pl} | |
| gastr. twelfth night cake [Three Kings cake] | Dreikönigskuchen {m} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. black and white cookie [soft, sponge cake-like shortbread which is iced on one half with vanilla fondant, and on the other half by dark chocolate fondant] | Amerikaner {m} [Gebäck mit Zucker- und Schokoladenguss] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to make up for it on sth. [e.g. to make up for there not being any sausages left by having more cake] | sich an etw.Dat. schadlos halten [meist hum.] [sehr viel von etw. (als Ersatz) nehmen, kräftig zulangen] | |
| to spring back to the touch [e.g. sponge cake] | federn [z. B. Biskuitboden bei Drucktest] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| gastr. nut-cream cake / nut cream cake | Nuss-Sahne-Torte {f} | |
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