| English | German | |
| blithely {adv} [carry on] | 367 munter | |
| regally {adv} [say, carry oneself, walk, sit, etc.] | 21 hoheitsvoll | |
| sb. toted [esp. Am.] [coll.] [to carry] | 15 jd. trug | |
| conversational {adj} [able to carry on a conversation] | 8 konversationsfähig | |
Verbs |
| to perform sth. [carry out, accomplish] | 2037 etw. ausführen [verrichten] | |
| to perform sth. [carry out, e.g. experiments, operations, examinations, measurements] | 1816 etw. durchführen [ausführen, z. B. Experimente, Operationen, Untersuchungen, Messungen] | |
| to conduct sth. [carry out] | 1763 etw. ausführen [durchführen] | |
| to execute sth. [perform, carry out] [also comp.] | 1411 etw. ausführen [verrichten] [auch Informatik] | |
| to obtain sth. [carry off] | 532 etw. erbeuten | |
| to tote sth. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [to carry] | 470 etw.Akk. schleppen | |
| to perform sth. [do, carry out, execute] | 395 etw.Akk. verrichten | |
| to support sth. [carry the weight, also finance] | 380 etw. tragen [stützen, auch unterstützen, Kosten tragen] | |
| to bring sth. [carry] | 355 etw. tragen [an einen Ort] | |
| to catch sth. [carry off] | 338 etw.Akk. erbeuten | |
| to pack sth. [Am.] [carry] | 221 etw. tragen [bei sich tragen, Waffe etc.] | |
| to pack sth. [Am.] [coll.] [carry gun, lunch] | 148 etw.Akk. dabeihaben [Waffe, Mittagessen] | |
| to philander [to carry on flirtations] | 131 flirten [seitens eines Mannes] | |
| to sustain sth. [carry the weight] | 96 etw. tragen [stützen] | |
| to heft [carry] | 72 schleppen [ugs.] [schwer tragen] | |
| comm. fin. stocks to transact sth. [carry to completion] [sale of goods, shares etc.] | 47 etw.Akk. umsetzen [Waren, Aktien] | |
| to commise sb. [obs.] [commission sb. (to carry out a task)] | 33 jdn. anweisen [etw. auszuführen] | |
| to pull sth. [coll.] [carry sth. out, esp. sth. deceitful or illegal] | 23 etw. durchführen [bes. eine Straftat] | |
| to philander [to carry on flirtations] | 9 poussieren [ugs.] [veraltet] [seitens eines Mannes] | |
Nouns |
| sling [loop of strap, rope, or chain used to carry, raise, or lower] | 66 Riemen {m} [zum Ziehen, Schleppen, Hängen etc.] | |
| [back frame with shelf used to carry loads] | Reef {n} [fränk.] [Reff] [ein auf dem Rücken befestigtes Tragegestell] | |
| [back frame with shelf used to carry loads] | Reff {n} [Allgäu] [ein auf dem Rücken befestigtes Tragegestell] | |
| [obligation to carry an official document (identity card, driving license, work permit, etc.)] | Mitführpflicht {f} | |
| law [obligation to possess (but not to carry) a government-issued identity card] | Ausweispflicht {f} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to bring sb./sth. out [carry; away from observer] | jdn./etw. hinaustragen | |
| to bring sb./sth. out [carry; towards observer] | jdn./etw. heraustragen | |
| to bring sb./sth. out [carry] | jdn./etw. raustragen [ugs.] [hinaustragen / heraustragen] | |
| to carry (sth.) over [also: to carry over sth.] | (etw.Akk.) übertragen | |
| to carry sb./sth. away [carry off (on foot)] | jdn./etw. wegtragen | |
| to keep up [continue, carry on] | weitermachen | |
| to keep up [continue, carry on] | nicht aufhören mit | |
| to work on [carry on working] | weiterarbeiten [z. B. bis spät in die Nacht] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| aviat. TrVocab. carry-on [Am.] [carry-on baggage] | Handgepäck {n} | |
| aviat. carry-on [Am.] [piece of carry-on baggage] | Handgepäckstück {n} | |
| acc. fin. loss carryback [also: loss carry-back] | Verlustrücktrag {m} | |
| shopping trolley [Br.] [to carry shopping home] | Hackenporsche {m} [hum.] [Einkaufsroller] | |
3 Words: Others |
| comm. off-the-shelf {adj} [attr.] [cash-and-carry] [e.g. furniture] | zum Mitnehmen [nachgestellt] [z. B. Möbel; nicht: Pizza etc.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| comm. to carry (a product) [e.g.: We do not carry the item.] | im Programm haben [z. B.: Wir haben den Artikel nicht im Programm.] | |
| to have sth. with one [carry] | etw.Akk. bei sichDat. haben | |
| to walk away with sth. [carry off] | etw.Akk. davontragen | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| mus. F Gladly shall I bear the cross [also: I would gladly carry the Cross-beam / Cross] | Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen [J. S. Bach, BWV 56] | |
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