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English-German translation for: [carrying]
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Dictionary English German: [carrying]

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
electr. live {adj} [carrying electric current]
barehanded {adj} {adv} [carrying no weapons]waffenlos
electr. live {adj} [carrying electric current]Strom führend
sprayey {adj} [carrying or throwing spray]sprühend [Wellen etc.]
tray [for carrying food and drink]
Tablett {n}
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Geldbeutel {m}
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Portemonnaie {n}
purse [Br.] [for carrying money]
Geldbörse {f}
hist. litter [for carrying a person]
Sänfte {f}
tray [for carrying food and drink]
Servierbrett {n} [veraltend] [Tablett]
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Börse {f} [Geldbeutel]
mus. bandwagon [Am.] [wagon carrying the band in a parade]
Musikantenwagen {m}
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Geldtasche {f}
pannier [basket, esp. for carrying objects on the back, dosser]
Kiepe {f} [nordd.] [mitteld.] [Korb, bes. Rückentragkorb]
bag [for carrying money]
Geldbeutel {m}
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Geldbörsel {n} [österr.]
[Body charged with carrying out redevelopment, redevelopment agency.]Sanierungsträger {m}
comm. hist. [peddler carrying his merchandise on a huge backframe]Buckelkrämer {m}
aviat. [plane carrying sex tourists]Bumsbomber {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Linienmaschine mit Sextouristen]
aviat. [plane carrying sex tourists]Tripper-Klipper {m} [auch: Tripperklipper] [ugs.] [pej.] [Linienmaschine mit Sextouristen, bes. nach Thailand]
cloth. textil. awayu [q'ipirina, q'ipina] [Andean carrying cloth]Aguayo {n}
bag [for storing / carrying items]Büdel {m} [nordd.] [Beutel]
bandwagon [Am.] [wagon carrying the band in a parade]Wagen {m} der Musikkapelle
coolamon [Aus.] [carrying container made from tree bark]Coolamon {n}
dosser [basket for carrying objects on the back]Rückenkorb {m}
portage [carrying]Transport {m} über Land
chem. ind. Unverified train [system for carrying on a production process]Produktionsanlage {f} [z. B. Gasverflüssigung]
mil. webbing [coll.] [Personal Load Carrying Equipment <PLCE>]Koppeltragehilfe {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to struggle with sth. [carrying a heavy or bulky object]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. abschleppen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
back basket [for carrying sth. on one's back]Buckelkraxe {f} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [Rückentrage]
back basket [for carrying sth. on one's back]Rückentrage {f}
back basket [for carrying things on one's back]Rückentragkorb {m}
children's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Kindergeldbeutel {m}
empty purse [empty small bag for carrying money]leere Geldbörse {f}
fat purse [full small pouch for carrying money] [also fig.]dicker Geldbeutel {m}
heavy purse [small pouch for carrying money]schwere Geldbörse {f}
cloth. leather purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Lederbörse {f} [Ledergeldbeutel]
leather purse [small pouch for carrying money]Ledergeldbeutel {m}
slender purse [small pouch for carrying money] [also fig.]magere Geldbörse {f}
FireResc water tender [tanker for carrying water]Wassertender {m}
women's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Damengeldbeutel {m}
women's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Damen-Geldbörse {f}
women's purse [woman's small pouch for carrying money]Damengeldbörse {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to case the joint [sl.] [reconnoitre a place before carrying out a robbery]sichDat. den Laden mal ansehen [ugs.] [vor einem Einbruch oder Raubüberfall die Lage erkunden]
to have sth. on one [to be carrying sth., e.g. in a pocket]etw.Akk. mithaben [ugs.]
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